Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter Weekend

Was Muddy!!! The traditional Easter weekend camping trip out west was wetter than usual, but I think that everyone still had a great time. Corb and I took Tay and Jayce out on Friday night and they stayed with Grandma and Grandpa in the trailer. I wimped out--I don't sleep well in my own bed at the moment, let alone on an air mattress! So, we drove out on Saturday and Sunday and hung out with the family then came home each night. The girls had a blast and got extremely dirty!

Nakell and JayCee

After a shower in the rain, JayCee looked pretty good for a camper!

My muddy mess! I cannot tell you how much fun she had--or how much laundry I did after we got home!

Shelbey and Taylor didn't have to go far to get covered in mud!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Girls Night

The boys went on a Wendover run on Friday night, so the girls decided they needed a night out too. Nickie, Emily, Rita, Monique, Mindy and I went to dinner at Ruby River. Aside from the piece of bleeding cow that I was served it was a nice time! We missed our 7 pm movie and Rita, Mindy and Monique went home. They wanted to spend time with their husbands or some silly thing. :) Em, Nickie and I went and checked on Teresa, who had been puking all day. We grabbed Monique and headed to Roxberry for a smoothie (we knew that would cheer Teresa up). The silliness ensued!

Emily, Nickie, Monique and I raising the eyebrows of the Roxberry workers

Dancing at the Roxberry--the hottest club in town

Too bad everyone missed a great movie. Nickie and I went to New in Town and laughed our butts off. It was lovely to have a night away with just the girls. Thanks ladies!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quiet Weekend

After being sick for the past 2 weeks and being given a slough of drugs to get over it, we decided it would be best to have a quiet weekend at home. We were at home most of the weekend, but what is quiet? We watched a lot of TV, hung out on the couch and did a lot of nothing. I must admit, it was lovely--and I am feeling better now. Finally!

We did venture out a few times. Mostly to eat, because I wasn't going to cook--I was recovering! :) So, dinner with Mike and Jamie on Friday, dinner with Mark, Teresa, Creed and Em on Saturday. Oh, and breakfast at Kneader's on Monday. Did I mention, that I love long weekends? Another day to relax!

After dinner on Saturday, the girls decided it was a good opportunity to hold our monthly game night. The best part of it is that none of us have to venture further than a few houses to play.

Nickie and Eric brought Snorta--what a fun game! It definately tested our memory and ability to make animal noises.

We also played Em's game that she has been dying to play: Loaded Questions. Playing with Creed and Mark means that there is never a dull answer.

I love that our neighbors are our friends and our family too. Thanks for a fun time guys!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wii Madness

Taylor and JayCee got new Wii games for Christmas, including Guitar Hero World Tour and Dance Dance Revolution. So, there has been a sudden increase in the amount of time that everyone has been playing the Wii. Taylor and Corb have spent an abundant amount of time trying to earn new songs on GH. UGG! I am growing weary of a few of their songs, but I must say they are improving.

Christmas morning auditions

My dancer has discovered DDR!

The favorite house band

Aunt Shelley and Uncle Micah get in on the action

The Hansen Jam-- Mike, Tay, Carter, Brody and Koy

Mark and Teresa showing us how it is done

Friday, January 9, 2009


Tay had several sledding expeditions during the winter break. The first one was in the sand pit near our house. While having a great time with the Woolstenhulme kids, a neighbor pulled in front of them on his 4-wheeler (with sleds attached by ropes). So as the kids came down the hill, they ran into the rope. Lucky Tay was clotheslined and had a deep rope burn that lasted for two weeks (and is still red now). Needless to say, it scared me to death. Thank goodness, Nurse Nickie came to the rescue. She bandaged her up and told us to watch for swelling.

Although that should have scared us all enough to swear off sledding, Tay couldn't resist the ABUNDANT amount of white stuff that we received (close to 1 and 1/2 feet in 3 days). So it was sledding down our road with her cousins and friends.

Then, during our trip to Salmon Grandma showed Tay a great sledding hill. So Corb and Tay went and bought a sled and spent the afternoon together.

Another "Best Day Ever" for Tay, I think that her dad had fun too!

But, all that walking up the hill wore her out!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve

Thanks to Teresa, our resident party-planner we had the annual evening filled with fun, food and games. The best part is--she is only four houses away. And it is fun to be with our family and friends.

Corb and I could not curb our enthusiasm during the bean game!

Mike and his oh-so-honest wife (and our dear cousin) Jennie

Nickie was just as horrified as I that I bought a picture of Creed in his Halloween costume (without knowing of course, no one willingly wants that shot) :)

Our lovely hosts, Teresa and Mark
Amy and Ryan

Jennie and Eric playing Outdoor Adventure

The rockers of the night--Mark and Creed. What a show!

So many witnesses to the loving bond of Mark and Eric--

riding the rollercoaster on the Wii game

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas Morning

Christmas morning, one of my favorite times. Yes, I enjoy watching my girls get excited about their presents, yes I enjoy spending time with my family but most importantly I am glad that it is finally over. It means the end of stressful shopping, worrying about how much I have spent, who I have to buy for, and mostly spending a lot of time away from home. I need to somehow simplify the process. But, this Christmas morning reminded me of why I stress. The girls were so happy with their presents and I loved watching them. We had a really nice time together playing with their new things, watching them play and enjoying our family.

Taylor and JayCee
before the fun began

A BIG surprise for Jayce! She was thrilled to have her own vehicle again. Especially after she thought that her dad had given up on searching for one with her.

Taylor and the Swim Baby she had to have!

Wii accessories and many new games

Clothes for the senior, a new DS game for the 2nd grader