" name="description"/> four corners design: 07.2015


better late than never...

While looking for something in my office the other day...which I can't even remember what it was at this point...
I came across a folder of collage materials...

I will often collect materials for a piece and put them all together in a folder so that the ideas and theme stay intact...

I started this folder eight years ago...for the first time I was exhibiting at Fresh Paint Art Festival...I had cut out the letters from an old Crate & Barrel shopping bag...and the flowers were cut from a wallpaper sample book...there's also a magazine ad of a Holstein cow...I guess it was the black & white idea tying it all together...

I prepped a canvas today to finish up this collage...minus the cow...
you can see the completed piece at Fresh Paint, August 15-16 at the Everett Marina...I hope you'll stop by...


the slightest provocation

it doesn't take much...as I was rummaging through a stack of papers and ephemera looking for pieces to include in a giant collage I am working on, I spied it...an old library check-out card...

my mind started spinning...putting the card aside, I kept it out of the pile so I could return to it...

and spin the tale that spoke to me...

Having a few days off due to the holiday here in the US has given me hours of time in the workshop studio...which in the middle of winter is too cold to work in, but during the heat wave we are having, it is pure heaven...

Creating new pieces for my next summer show, Fresh Paint, at the Everett Marina, August 15 & 16...

And I must apologize for my tardiness in responding to comments...once again, there's a glitch with Blogger which is sending all my comments to some nether world that I don't have access to...I'm trying to tinker with it, but please bear with me...I do appreciate that you not only stop to read my blog, but that you take the time to comment...thank you!

worth a look...

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