Berks 40k

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weekend gaming

well this weekend i got two games in for the first time in months....
i used both of my armies
game 1
*Drop Poding wolves
*vs Black Legion
** Was a victory due to a tabling which was a result of making the roads blocked with pods (city fight game)

Game 2
*Foot Guard
*vs Space Wolves
** this game was a long drawn out game... I had Chenkov and 40 conscripts along with 70+ other guardsmen... he had a total of 10 thunderwolves
**Hightlight of this game... a 40 man guardsmen squad surviving 4 turns of close combat from thunderwolves, grey hunters and wolf scouts

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tale of gamers

750 Points
Thane (Morgrim Strongarm) 72
Rune of Stone, Shield

25 Dwarf Warriors 250
Shields, Full command

10 thunderers 175
Full command, shields

Dwarf Cannon 90
Dwarf Cannon 90

Dwarf Bolt Thrower 70
Rune of reloading, Engineer

for next month i am adding 25 dwarf warriors with sheilds and a full command...

so far college is going great... less time for warhammer and 40k but hey its college....

I also started bfg hopefully pics soon

Monday, August 15, 2011

'Ard Boyz

well i took second with my sw at 'ard boyz

first went to csm which i did not play against and 3rd went to da which i had a minor loss to

well i m off to college in 3 days and i m not sure how much more blogging i will be doing

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tale of 6 Gamers

My thunderers

The Thane


The Full Army Shot(In Black is the next month)

(Rune of Stone, Shield)

25 Dwarf Warriors:250
(Shields, Full command)

10 Thunderers:175
(Shields, Full command)

Dwarf Cannon:90

Dwarf Cannon:90

Bolt Thrower:70
(Engineer, Rune of reloading)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Round 4 of Berks Spring Assault 2

(no pics camera died)

Mission 4: Wind of Chaos
*Objectives: roll D6 at the end of turn 5 to find out the mission
*1-3 Annihilation (same as 2nd game) 4-6 Table Quarters
*Pitched Battle Deployment

My List
*Rune Priest- Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf, Chooser of the Slain
*Lone Wolf- Power fist, Storm sheild
*3 Wolf Guard- 2 Power fists, 2 Combi Meltas, Power weapon
*2 Packs of 8 Grey Hunters- Mark of the Wulfen, wolf standard, melta gun
*9 Blood Claws- Power weapon, melta gun
*6 Long Fangs- 5 Missile Launchers
*3 Rhinos

My Opponents list: (Halfing Guard rebellion) 1st Colonial Expedition
*Command Squad-Missile Launcher, power weapon, Master of Ordance, Vox Caster Sniper rifle
*3 Ratlings
*5 Storm Troopers
*Veteran Squad- Gunnery Sgt Harker, Demolitions, 3 grenade launchers voxcaster
*Veteran Squad- Missile Launcher, sentries, 2 Sniper rifles, voxcaster
*Veteran Squad- Missile Launcher, sentries, 2 Sniper rifles, voxcaster
*Ordnance Battery- 2 Griffons
*Ordnance Battery- Medusa

Turn 1
I get first turn and move my rhinos forward. My lone wolf moves towards his storm troopers and griffons. My long fangs shoot up the griffons destroying one and immobilized the other.... He opens fire and immobilize my on rhino (blood claw one) and shakes the other one...
Turn 2
my shaken rhino moves forward to see if it can draw fire away from the rest of my forces. My lone wolf moves closer to the storm troopers... he opens fire and destroys the farthest rhino and its squad...
Turn 3
My lone wolf charges the storm troopers and kills them all with out taking a wound. my long fangs shoot frag missiles into the buildings to try to kill vets.... the storm troopers die and he shoots up my long fangs causing them to take a wound...
Turn 4 (last turn)
My Lone wolf destroys the other griffon... and my long fangs lose 2 others from shooting Down to 2 men...

we rolled for table quarters
Game was a dead tie....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Round 3 of Berks Spring Assault 2

(turn 4 according to my vegas die)
Mission 3: Capture the Flag
*Objective that can be moved by any model with a WS
*Annihilation (victory points based)
*Spearhead Deployment
*units carrying the flag are stubborn

My List
*Rune Priest- Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf, Chooser of the Slain
*Lone Wolf- Power fist, Storm sheild
*3 Wolf Guard- 2 Power fists, 2 Combi Meltas, Power weapon
*2 Packs of 8 Grey Hunters- Mark of the Wulfen, wolf standard, melta gun
*9 Blood Claws- Power weapon, melta gun
*6 Long Fangs- 5 Missile Launchers
*3 Rhinos

My Opponent's list (Tucker's Khorne Themed list)
*Fabius Bile
*9 Chaos Space Marines- Icon of Khorne, Mark of Khorne, power weapon, Rhino
*10 Chaos Space Marines- Melta Gun, lascannon
*10 Chaos Space Marines- Melta Gun, lascannon
*1 Obliterator
*1 Obliterator
*Summoned Lesser Deamons

The game started out with me gaining first turn but he steals the intiative and goes first moving his models forward to get closer to the flags... My turn started with me opening fire on both his rhino and his one csm squad... i killepd 3 csm and immbolised the rhino my lone wolf grabed the objective and ran back towards my deployment area... my blood claws drove their rhino forward and jumped on to another objective by running...
He moved his squad out of the imbolized rhino and assault with Fabius and 9 csm... my blood claws held the charge and dropped the flag to fight... that fight keeps going till turn 4... four rounds of combat which is then joined by some deamons to help fabius out... my turn starts with my grey hunter pack moving up and grabbing the flag dropped by the blood claws and running back towards the table edge to keep it under my control... my long fangs shoot at the already damaged csm squad and drop it down to 2 men who pass their leadership again...

the game continues for a bit going back and forth untill all that is left is his 2 oblits and a lone csm from the squad i was shooting at the entire game...

Victory Points
Me: 1760
Him: 225