Thursday, December 24, 2015
The past 4 years have been really hard...the holidays are the hardest...
I have no desire to celebrate Christmas. To some of you, you may find this hard to believe. I used to be in a festive mood starting in November! I loved putting up Christmas decorations, bringing some cheer into the holidays! I loved baking treats and then taking them to all of our friends! Showing my kids the true meaning of Christmas, by serving other! Some that did not have what we had...some that may have had some sadness in their lives. Even though I did this through out the year it seemed to be magical during the Christmas season!
But then it seemed that I was being given my own test and set of trials. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and a few short months later passed away, just days before Thanksgiving. She was my cohort in Christmas shopping and baking...even though we were separated by miles we were on the phone multiple times a day with each other. She would tell me what she was getting everyone. She would tell me how all the grandchildren were doing. She would be inspired by my sewing and then start sewing for everyone there in Kansas! Loosing here some how turned my feelings of Christmas that year numb. I did not want to do Christmas but went through the motions of it anyways. I realized that but could not seem to pull myself out of this state.
The other part to my Christmas blues was my marriage had failed...I seperated from my husband and remained separated from 2012 until this October when our divorce was finalized. I have lived with my Uncle Mike for these years. And truth be told living with the Grinch of Christmas makes me not even want to talk about Christmas. I feel as though I have to hide my feelings, because anytime I bring up Christmas or any of the Holidays it seems to be critiqued by him or criticized. Things like cant you serve all year round why do you have to just do nice things at Christmas time. Of course even if I said something like I want to serve or I do all year round it does not matter. My heart is yearning to feel that magic Christmas spirit again but I just can't with Mr. Grinch... I go out shopping for my kids and feel like I cant get them anything but when Mr. Grinch goes out to get things for his kids and grandkids I'm suppose to be support it and be happy for him.
To me Christmas is not about the presents or the material things in this life. Christmas is about Christ! Christmas is about reflections of Christs life and how he served and taught and ministered to all people on this earth! Christmas is about family and being together forever with the ones you love! If there are people out there HATE the holidays then they need to look within their own hearts and pray for a mighty change of heart! Christmas time can be stressful to some but if we keep in our hearts why it is celebrated then we become closer to Christ and our love for others swells and grows deeper just as Christ loves us! As we reflect on this Christmas season let us remember that Christ is our Savior, he who is mighty to save, he who is the author of happiness, let us look to him as we celebrate! Let us be like the Wise Men this year and give presents unto the Savior instead of receiving then!
Friday, January 23, 2015
A great teaching moment!
And then there was the one that did not want to take hold of that mercy and thought that only justice should be carried out. And so that one finished with the assigned 100 lines without a cheerful attitude. With out a repentent heart...even when offered mercy. That road is filled with resentment and anger and many other things that drive the spirit away. And what do we do for those we continue to pray for them and show love to them even if we know they will turn it away. Relying wholly on the merits of our Savior trusting that he will make them whole....We always love and never judge!
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Taking a try at transposing music!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Parenting can be rough but it is so worth it in every way possible!
My oldest daughter has had many insecurities about who she is and has always sought for the approval of others to find her happiness. As a result she has had a hard time finding and making new friends. This is hard for her because she seeks the approval of those friends. To make things harder when she was in her 5th grade year we both talked it over and prayed about it and decided to take her out of school the middle of her 5th grade year. She has done well with being at home and learning but I know she has missed the interaction of her peers. She is blessed to have a few good friends at church. This year she started a scholar class at a leadership academy. She has done well with this and I have seen great growth and strength come from what she has accomplished in this class. But I see her struggle still in finding out who she is. I fear she compares herself with others and relies on others and things to make her happy. She has had an attitude at home lately and with that a bit of disrespect for me and her brothers and sisters and the family rules. I felt impressed to take away all that she has and all her privileges. (This was so far the hardest thing I have had to do as a parent). She was pretty defiant and did not care that all she had was gone. Her attitude was that of "I don't care" It was really hard for me to stay calm. I just kept praying and remembering that she was and is a daughter of God and asked myself what would Heavenly Father do if he were here?
On one particular night last week I again caught her stealing a big no no in our family. She had lost everything and so I had to be creative in what I came up with to do take from her. She loves her shorts and wears them year round.... and so I did....take away her shorts. She was furious at me. She came unglued and became verbally aggressive. Then she became physically agressive. And then she tried to cut herself. It was pretty bad. In the end I had to call the police, and she did cut herself. I was terriffied for her and what she must be feeling like inside and I felt so helpless I had no idea how to help her. I prayed that she would feel some peace, some relief, some type of love. When the officer came to our door it happened to be the dad of one of her friends in our ward. I knew that he was sent her from God. God answers our prayers in ways we never expect and in ways that we sometimes don't understand. As the night ended she was happy again. I know that this life was not meant to be a care free easy life, but rather a life of trials mixed with happiness! A life of constant learning and growing! It is up to us how we live and how we react to each trial that is given us!
My oldest Daughter has been doing much better this week she has been happy, cheerful, obedient, and honest! Like I said in a previous post, our children do come with instructions but it is we as parents that must seek out those instructions from who they come from, Heavenly Father! He is real and he does talk to us but we must seek him out.
We must ponder out what to do in our minds, study, and then take our questions to the Lord, he knows his children and wants us all to return to live with him! I know that as we take our problems to Him he listens and then answers us. It is us that must have faith and trust that he will not leave us alone! My oldest is on a point system for earning her things back and I feel blessed that she has been willing to do this. She earned 33 out of 35 points last week, I would say that is pretty darn near perfect! She really is a strong young woman with some pretty hard trials not all of her choosing. Being a child with parents going through a divorce is probably the hardest thing a child will ever go through. I hate that all of my kids are going through this I see the pain it has caused them and I wish I could take that pain away from them. But I know that they will in the end be healed by the atonement. It just breaks my heart to see them suffer like this.
Anyways hard times makes us stronger in the end.
Lots of love,
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Staying firm does reap rewards
Kids go through hard things which test your limits as parents. After a very difficult evening with my oldest daughter, She showed great character, by taking responsibility for her actions. ...even though it was hard for her to do! She was courageous and made a difficult decision like an adult would do. I have to say it was a proud mommy moment. Had I lost my cool with her or let her see my frustration the outcome could have been oh so different. Having children of my own and seeing their struggles only helps me to understand the atonement better and the relationship that I have with my Father in Heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ. What pain they must feel for each of us, but what patience they must exercise... (they could just come down at anytime and relieve us of our pains, but in their wisdom they don't because they see what each trial will do to make us stronger.) God is in the very fibers of our lives, he loves us each very intimately! He wants us to learn and grow, that is why we are here! It is a roller coaster ride with ups and downs....but also there are times we just coast....let us find joy in each stage. ...for in each stage we will learn lessons and those lessons though hard at times bring joy if we look for it!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Sharing time was amazing!
Who would have thought that being in primary would be such a spiritual high?! I love love each of these little children, and I have a deep sense of responsibility for each of them!