Rhonda and Mary started egging me toward making a little dress for Nieve. The idea of making something A) that's 3D and B) that has to actually fit someone totally freaks me out. FREAKS ME OUT. Rhonda assured me I could conquer the pillowcase dress. Using this tutorial suggested by Mary I finally gave it a go.
I choose Boho fabric that didn't have a directional print. The greens/blues are great as my brother doesn't want poor Nieve to be wearing pink all the time. The non-directional print was fab as I just couldn't mentally figure out how things came together with this pattern so I needed to make life as easy as possible. Couldn't have the front right way up and the back upside down, could I?
Anyway, after only a little unpicking (only when I thought I knew how to do something better than how it was described in the tute!) I ended up with this little dress:
I think it's a bit too big for her at only 5 months, but it may be perfect for her next summer. In the end, though, at least I kind of know what I am doing and I wouldn't shy away from trying another tute. I hope Nieve (and Nieve's Mom and Dad) like it lots!