Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts

Friday, 22 May 2009

orange ripples

orange ripples1a
Originally uploaded by Marian Florcita

This year has been declared by the UN as the year of Natural Fibres. There is a whole lot going on in this respect. I think that the main objective of this is to recover the lost respect for this magnificent produce of nature.
Natural fibres are ussually a byproduct of keeping animals, they are biodegradable, very versatile in their use, easy to obtein and also clean in the sense that the producer/animal, doesn't have to die in the process.
In the last few decades with the development of synthetic fibres, natural fibres were left a bit to the side. However, as silly as it might sound, all those synthetic fibres always had natural fibres as their "role model" : the fact that they are maleable, fire and water resistant, anti bacterial, biodegradable, temperature regulators, dust repelent...and much more.
So, all in all a pretty good material.
October 3rd is the International Day of Felt. A group of artist got together and set up a group, Felt United, to organize an international event that day. All those who want to participate only have to take felt out of their houses and aterliers to the street... show your art to the world... take a pic and send it to the group. A multimedia gallery will be set up for the ocassion... and artists from around the world will be able to come "virtually" together honouring this ancient art form.

Do please check out the website. It has been translated to different languages (I did my bit with the spanish translation, although I must admit that being a spanish speaker who rarely speaks spanish anymore, the whole task became a tad difficult!) so scroll down and read it in your own language if you wish.

I hope you participate.