We've had sum very impressive entries for the toehawk contest, so much so that I've taken my entry out of the running cos my toehawkz looked weedy compared to you lot.
Although we wuz able to narrow it down to the top 10, it was too hard for us to choose the most impressive toehawk, so we're letting you guys vote on the winner. The poll is at the bottom of this post.
THE FINALISTS (click on any of the pics to biggify)
If you iz a floofy kitteh, then has I got a challenge for you! Everybody knows that floofy kittehs are special - people iz always wanting to stroke us, snorgle us and bury their faces in our soft furs. But there's something us that makes us floofies special. Can you guess what it is? Here's a hint...
Yes, toehawkz! It's summer here, so my toehawkz aren't at their full magnifisense, but I thought it waz time we celebrated this special floofy feature.
Is you floofy? Is your paws so floofy you can go skidding across da floor? Do slinkies joke that you must be bonkers cos your paws have so much floof growing out of dem?
We is looking for the most spectacular toehawk.
Here's my entry...
If you think your paws has what it takes here's what you has to do to enter...
Do a post on your bloggie (or on Floof and Fur if you iz a member) with a picture of your toehawks and let me know about it in the comments here, OR
Leave a link for a picture of your toehawk in the comments below.
Entries will close in a week or so, and then we'll hold a poll where the peoples can make their choice. The winner will get a snazzy badge to display on their bloggie to skite about their floofiness.