Sayonara, Sucky Blog and 2009
I've been a little morose lately, and looking at the last bunch of posts, I think I know why. The Bears were pretty disappointing this year, but it was more than just football. Before I even get into other theories, I want to be clear that I am well aware that I'm talking about levels of comfort here; levels of relative wealth.
2009 brought us some firsts. Jennie quit her first nursing job and started a new one. We got an HD television, went on a cruise, and stayed in a cabin up north with my family for the first time since we've been married.
We stayed ahead of our bills for the first time in a few years, and we got new wood floors on the main floor of our house to boot.
At the same time, we had friends suffering from cancer, marital troubles, and deaths that were just heart-breaking. Jennie and I had some trials of our own, but we've always been a good team and we were able to get through them together.
2009 was a year where we had expected great things. With two incomes again, we wanted to do a lot more with the house, visit Jennie's brother, travel through Canada, and other stuff. We did do some traveling and we have gotten the floors nearly done, so there's that. It just hasn't felt like we were doing lots of fun stuff for some reason.
One issue is that my job went from being the dream job for me to being somewhat stressful. The ranks have been pared down, and while I feel lucky to have survived, the reality is that with less people, there's more work. Where I used to have time to read requirements and get up to speed on the next project, now I'm still working on one project when the next deadline approaches. I guess the honeymoon is over, as they say. Lucky to have a job, though, and lucky to work for a company I respect.
I'm not sure if other stuff is a result of or coincidental, but the bands have been kind of languishing (much of the blame is mine), and even though I finally built the dream computer and got the recording gear to work, I have almost nothing to show for it so far. (Not to mention two water incidents which seem to have spawned some mold.) That needs to change.
This year, I made an effort to get rid of my old "assoctw" moniker online. It's just a perception thing, I guess, but I'm not associate anything anymore. I'm also not a fledgling anymore, either, which brings me to the point of this post.
2010, a.k.a MMX, will be the first time in a while that I'll make some actual resolutions. One of them will be to shutter this blog. I have started a new one, and my next post will be there. I'll actively try to promote it, and also make it worth checking out on occasion.
MMX will also be another year where I'll work on being a better person. Thanks to Facebook, I'm back in touch with a number of old friends and neighbors. Thanks to my proclivity for bunkering, I haven't seen most of them in person. That'll have to change. We have cross-country skis, nice bikes, and a canoe. Most are dusty. That'll have to change. Aside from the renovations we already have planned, I really need to get brutal on the basement. Time to get to work.
2010 will be a year when I'll look at what's in front of me and figure out how to get started, not how to avoid the job. I'll need to get organized and stay motivated. It's not in my nature, but I'll be happier if I can stick with it and get some stuff done.
Anyhow, thanks for checking out this blog. If you are interested in checking out the new one, it'll be here:
Happy new year, and see you in action city!