Saturday, May 17, 2008

Kal Update

Friday, May 2, 2008

Jocelyn Update

Ahh, beautiful little Jocelyn. Where do I begin? She is growing up so fast. I hold her before she goes to bed and she asks me to tell her "stories about the Lamanites" (ie scripture stories) or stories about people she knows. I love telling her stories, but I love the snuggles afterward even more. She is petite and affectionate and I love the way she smells. My little Angel Princess loves to stroke cheeks and hair and is so gentle and tender when she does. I love to kiss her soft, little face. She warms my heart with her tenderness. I can't help but love my little Goose.

Don't get me wrong, she is a toddler and shows every sign of it. We have some of "those" days, but all in all, she is wonderful. That is how potty training is going as well. Good days and "those" days. I have uploaded some pictures of Jocelyn so you can see how she is growing and what a character she is. We sure love her! Enjoy!!

When she had pneumonia she was sooooo tired all the time. We just couldn't wake her up sometimes! She looked so cute, I yelled to Brandon to come look and she didn't move an inch. She was out!

He she is at the doctor's office, showing us she is "much better." Thank you for your prayers! The doctor was shocked at how quickly she healed.

She just wanted to eat breakfast in the kitchen one morning (instead of eating at the table)
Adalin loves to dress Jocelyn. Every time we go to her house, Jocelyn tries on at least one of her outfits. They are such fun friends!
Inspired by the Fosters, we thought we would share. Jocelyn and Ian seem to be in the same stage! (see the video below--we were leaving the Franson's house and she didn't want to get dressed after we gave Adalin's clothes back to her)

She loves to jump up and land on her knees because it gets Kal laughing. Yes, that's a bandaid on her toe. She stubbed it!

The dogs are very nice, okay? They just bite people when they put fingers in their mouths. (she says, pointing her double jointed finger)
(as I was taking pictures of ants) Did they smile for you, Mommy?
I need to real the light is off. (after telling her just to pretend)
Boys and "Grills"
I (fill in the blank with anything under the sun) and I just cried.
That doesn't how it goes. (in response to any silly lyric changes in songs)
I am so big. I am a princess girl.
Yah. Sure.
Remember we was here? (any time we go some place we have been before--even if it was only once a few months earlier. Quite a memory!)
We made it!! (any time we reach our destination--as if it was a long journey every time)
Anybody doesn't . . . (she says anybody and anywhere instead of nobody and nowhere)
I just have to do it.
I NEED it. Okay?
What's your name? (a thousand times to anyone--even if she knows them)
Mary, mary, mary, mary. Life is but a tree. (Merrily, merrily, . . . .)

If you can think of any funny things Jocelyn has said to you, please click on "comments" below and let us know! We love to hear the funny things she says. Kids can teach you a lot!