We are expecting a new baby due September 2!!
Here is a sideways ultrasound picture from two weeks ago (at 12 1/2 weeks gestation):
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thursday, September 30, 2010
I think it would be prudent . . .
To put that in my nose!!
So, shopping at WalMart yesterday. We got vitamins, food, diapers, TP, etc. In other words, we went all over the store (including right by the pharmacy). As Kal watches me load the bags into the car, I notice his nose starts to bleed. But, as I look closer, it is orange. He noticed, put his finger in his nose (as is required of children) as I ask him what happened. He replied, " (mumble) in my nose." WHAT??? What is in his nose? I finally got him to tell me. A vitamin. (ok, so he would probably call any pill a vitamin). He decides to close his eyes really tight and be silent because that probably means I can't see him and he is therefore no longer in trouble and what he did will just be forgotten. WRONG!!! I was freaking out!! What kind of pill did he shove up his nose? I looked and saw something up in the bridge of his nose (way past the nostril) oozing orange. Bubbles are coming through, so I know air is passing through his nostril. I couldn't get a hold of Brandon to find out what pills are orange and small enough to fit up Kal's tiny nostrils. In a panic, praying for help, it occurs to me it might be candy. So I did what only a mom would be able to do: I tasted it. Yep. I tasted the orange goop oozing from his nose. (bodily secretions are the reason I did not become a nurse, by the way). It was actually quite yummy. At this point I was able to calm down, realizing that something that tasted like that was probably meant to dissolve quickly and most likely not a dangerous pill. If it was, in fact, medicine, it was intended for children and one dose wouldn't kill him. Later, he told me he picked it up on the floor as we were walking out to the car. The last part that worried me, only a little, was he fell asleep within about 10 minutes of the incident. He must have been really tired. He is just fine today. He said his nose hurt for the rest of the day yesterday. I hope it hurt enough to deter him from EVER sticking anything up his nose again!! (including fingers, but that's definitely wishful thinking . . . )
So, shopping at WalMart yesterday. We got vitamins, food, diapers, TP, etc. In other words, we went all over the store (including right by the pharmacy). As Kal watches me load the bags into the car, I notice his nose starts to bleed. But, as I look closer, it is orange. He noticed, put his finger in his nose (as is required of children) as I ask him what happened. He replied, " (mumble) in my nose." WHAT??? What is in his nose? I finally got him to tell me. A vitamin. (ok, so he would probably call any pill a vitamin). He decides to close his eyes really tight and be silent because that probably means I can't see him and he is therefore no longer in trouble and what he did will just be forgotten. WRONG!!! I was freaking out!! What kind of pill did he shove up his nose? I looked and saw something up in the bridge of his nose (way past the nostril) oozing orange. Bubbles are coming through, so I know air is passing through his nostril. I couldn't get a hold of Brandon to find out what pills are orange and small enough to fit up Kal's tiny nostrils. In a panic, praying for help, it occurs to me it might be candy. So I did what only a mom would be able to do: I tasted it. Yep. I tasted the orange goop oozing from his nose. (bodily secretions are the reason I did not become a nurse, by the way). It was actually quite yummy. At this point I was able to calm down, realizing that something that tasted like that was probably meant to dissolve quickly and most likely not a dangerous pill. If it was, in fact, medicine, it was intended for children and one dose wouldn't kill him. Later, he told me he picked it up on the floor as we were walking out to the car. The last part that worried me, only a little, was he fell asleep within about 10 minutes of the incident. He must have been really tired. He is just fine today. He said his nose hurt for the rest of the day yesterday. I hope it hurt enough to deter him from EVER sticking anything up his nose again!! (including fingers, but that's definitely wishful thinking . . . )
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A couple cute videos
I am a SUPER SLACKER on this blog!! I may not catch everything up on the blog, but I will try to keep it up better now . . .
Here is an adorable video of Jocelyn in a bounce house:
Here is one of River playing with a balloon:
Here is an adorable video of Jocelyn in a bounce house:
Here is one of River playing with a balloon:
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Oh Jocelyn, Jocelyn, Jocelyn
Jocelyn just keeps us on our toes! Sunday was quite a day. In the morning I spilled a few cheerios while pouring a bowl of cereal for Kal. To which Jocelyn stated, "Mom, sometimes your not an artist of doing that."
On the way home from church, she was telling us what she learned in Primary. Then she said, "Carter asked a question and it goofed me up, so I'm not going to talk any more." And then proceeded to talk the rest of the way home. Where does she hear these phrases? Silly Goose.
Later, she tried to curl her hair with a comb and it got stuck. After doing our best to get it out, we got the scissors. I thought it wouldn't be so bad, the comb was stuck at shoulder length. Brandon loves Jocelyn's long hair, so he took a closer look. He said it was a clove hitch knot and got the comb out in 30 seconds. You never know where those Eagle scout skills will come in handy!
This story cracks me up. Jocelyn sat up on the stand during sharing time. When asked to return to her seat, she cried. The Primary president took her in the hall to find out what the problem was. She replied that she had prepared a talk and needed to give it. She had a crumpled paper in her hand where she had written it. The Primary president asked if she could do it without any help (of course she can--it's Jocelyn we're talking about!!). So, the kind hearted president announced at the end that they would be having a talk by Jocelyn Flammer. Jos got up there with her paper and gave her one sentence talk and sat down. (She said, "Heavenly Father and Jesus are nice. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.") I am thankful for an understanding Primary president and for a little girl who always keeps us laughing!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
That's disgusting!
That's what my sweet Mr. Kal tells me every time I change a messy diaper. Well, don't read the following while eating:
During Sacrament meeting last week, we sat in the overflow. Kal was super grumpy and when spinning in circles made him happy, we decided it was less disruptive than grumping at us. Well, he got dizzy and fell over, so I pulled him up on my lap. He puked. All over me, IN the diaper bag, and all over the floor. Luckily, we were by a garbage can and the door, so I pick it up and held it under him as I took him out to the bathroom. Unfortunately, it happened as the closing speaker was finishing and I was supposed to say the benediction. So, I stripped Kal, put his jacket on him and gave him to Brandon and ran back to the bathroom to wipe myself off and made it back just in time to say the prayer.
This morning:
Jos was up in the night with a tummy ache. I gave her tums and put her back to bed. She got up with a tummy ache. I got her breakfast, but she didn't eat it. She just drank water. I felt so sad for her, so I pulled her onto my lap while I ate. Two bites in, she puked. Right into my bowl. I ran her to the bathroom, leaving a trail of vomit behind. Poor girl. As I was holding her hair back for her, I saw River rolling towards the mess. Luckily, Jos finished in time for me to grab Riv before she entered the puke zone.
A shower later, I found River pooped up her tummy and down both legs. Awesome. I pulled a "Grandma Flammer" and had to wash her off under the faucet (at least it was the bathtub and not the kitchen!!).
At least everything was cleaned up by 9 am. We are having a jammy day today (at least Jos and Kal). Though I feel sad for Jos and her fever, I am really enjoying the snuggles. I was holding Riv at one point and Jos needed to snuggle, so I put Rivi in her exersaucer. She was happy until she saw me snuggle Jos. Jocelyn just laughed and said, in a baby talk voice, "Oh, Little River. She's my mommy, too!" Then Jos chuckled and River calmed down. It was a cute moment. River just adores Jocelyn.
Jocelyn is tough about being sick. She will be back to normal by tomorrow, so I am enjoying my snuggles today. I love my kids!
During Sacrament meeting last week, we sat in the overflow. Kal was super grumpy and when spinning in circles made him happy, we decided it was less disruptive than grumping at us. Well, he got dizzy and fell over, so I pulled him up on my lap. He puked. All over me, IN the diaper bag, and all over the floor. Luckily, we were by a garbage can and the door, so I pick it up and held it under him as I took him out to the bathroom. Unfortunately, it happened as the closing speaker was finishing and I was supposed to say the benediction. So, I stripped Kal, put his jacket on him and gave him to Brandon and ran back to the bathroom to wipe myself off and made it back just in time to say the prayer.
This morning:
Jos was up in the night with a tummy ache. I gave her tums and put her back to bed. She got up with a tummy ache. I got her breakfast, but she didn't eat it. She just drank water. I felt so sad for her, so I pulled her onto my lap while I ate. Two bites in, she puked. Right into my bowl. I ran her to the bathroom, leaving a trail of vomit behind. Poor girl. As I was holding her hair back for her, I saw River rolling towards the mess. Luckily, Jos finished in time for me to grab Riv before she entered the puke zone.
A shower later, I found River pooped up her tummy and down both legs. Awesome. I pulled a "Grandma Flammer" and had to wash her off under the faucet (at least it was the bathtub and not the kitchen!!).
At least everything was cleaned up by 9 am. We are having a jammy day today (at least Jos and Kal). Though I feel sad for Jos and her fever, I am really enjoying the snuggles. I was holding Riv at one point and Jos needed to snuggle, so I put Rivi in her exersaucer. She was happy until she saw me snuggle Jos. Jocelyn just laughed and said, in a baby talk voice, "Oh, Little River. She's my mommy, too!" Then Jos chuckled and River calmed down. It was a cute moment. River just adores Jocelyn.
Jocelyn is tough about being sick. She will be back to normal by tomorrow, so I am enjoying my snuggles today. I love my kids!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Trying to upload our family photos from a recent photo shoot . . . it may take a while. I am running in to problems uploading photos to blogger. Check back in a day or two and see our fun photos!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
6 Years ago today . . .

We were sealed in the Bountiful Utah Temple for time and all eternity.
Since Brandon is back in Ohio, I celebrated with our little sweeties.
We went to the Bountiful Temple.
It was fun to talk to them about the temple on the drive over.
Here are some photos:
We went to the Bountiful Temple.
It was fun to talk to them about the temple on the drive over.
Here are some photos:

She thought sitting in the high chair was the coolest thing ever.
River just wants to be where the big kids are and she loves it when she can do anything they are doing!

In talking about her pancake (above), Jocelyn said, "My pancake's eye is kind of lazy."

After kiddos went to bed, my parents toasted to us with sparkling grape juice.
I love being married to my best friend. I cannot believe it has already been 6 years and that we have experienced so much in this short time. We have added 3 kids to our family, graduated from BYU, lived in 6 places in 3 states, made several wonderful friends, had at least 10 jobs between us, almost finished med school (Brandon graduates in May!!), started massage therapy school (I graduate in August), flown over 15,000 miles each in trips to Utah and Texas, driven 6,600 miles in trips from Utah to Missouri/Ohio, have seen several Church history sites in Missouri, Nauvoo/Carthage, and Kirtland, and have had many ups and a few downs. We are really enjoying our life together. Marrying Brandon is the best decision I have ever made. I am filled with joy every time I experience the consequences of that decision--the best of those are Jocelyn, Kal, and River and being with my best friend forever.
I love you, Brandon! Happy Anniversary!
Friday, October 23, 2009
More Utah Fun!
We celebrated some birthdays while we were in Utah!
Grandma, Lindsay (sorry--I didn't get a photo of you!), Brandon, Jocelyn, Ian, and Kal!
Happy Birthday Grandma!
(Beautiful and delicious cake made by Britany)
(Mae is there to make the photo more aesthetically pleasing)
Kal loved his cars, trucks, books, dinosaurs and treats!
Jocelyn and Kari putting candles on the cake

Brandon was very pleased with Kal's sticker jewelery (thank you, Grannie Tannie). Hey, he likes to do whatever Jos does!

(shhh! Don't let his dad know!)
I think Buck spent a lot of time enjoying all the children.
Here he is with Jaden and Kari

Helping Dad blow out the candles!
Some other moments . . .

After I took this photo, he looked at it on the camera and realized there was a triangle on his forehead and immediately took it off. I think he looks more like a bouncer than a girlie-boy!
We went up to the condo by Pineview.
River was very excited and let us know it!
Trevor took his first trip down "The Falls"
(aka an hour long walk/swim down the stream and small to medium waterfalls in glacier water wearing crazy clothes)
We don't know how he married into the family without doing this first! We must really love him!
Brick, Brandon, Cass, Nancy, Tannie, Mark, Burgundy, Trevor
Jocelyn's birthday and River's blessing will have their own post.
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