Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Back off Summer!!


It is finally here. 

Okay, technically it isn't here until a few more weeks. Technically. 

But no-one told Hobby Lobby. 

No-one told the candy aisles at the stores. 

And who lives their lives based on technicalities anyway?

Well, apparently the weather. 

Here we are in September and we are having record breaking highs this week. 

100 degrees. On multiple, back-to-back days.

Yeah, I know you people in Phoenix, Las Vegas, the Sahara Desert, Mars are rolling your eyes thinking "100 degrees IS Fall weather."

Well, I don't live there.  

I live in the northern mountains of Utah. You know, where it snows. And people ski. And we GET annual Falls. They make the months of snow, gray skies and just plain miserable weather worth it. Yep, that is where I live. 

So what is up, Mother Nature??!!

It is time for caramel apples and sweatshirts. Beautiful changing leaves and cooler nights. Candy corn and pumpkin....everything. 

NOT sunscreen and scorching seatbelts. Sunglasses and dehydration. Dying flowers and peeling skin. 

We are done with that!

I think I just might rebel. I refuse to give in to the Summer flashbacks. I will not be moved. 

If you see someone walking down the street in a sweaty sweater, honk and wave. 

That would be me.

Monday, July 10, 2017


really should
start my Christmas
 shopping now.I always want to
 be done by October. It makes more sense
than to put it off until Dec 23rd. Amazon is having
their Black Friday in July sale now. Hobby Lobby already has
their Christmas stuff out. I really should get on it.  I am going to do it this year.
I am.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

It's our motto!

Let's celebrate July 4th with the un-sung last last verse of the "Star Spangled Banner."

Have a great one!!

"Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"

Monday, July 3, 2017

Mistborn Series

Okay, I know I keep saying this....
...especially this year
 because I have read a lot of good books.
But this series....
You know it is a good series
when each book gets better.
And this series did just that.
Better with each book.

The good news with this series is that
there are three more books.
And I have heard it said that the last three books are
than the first three.
How is that even possible??
If you like fantasy and adventure,
you are going to love these.
You are going to
this series.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The silent killer

Just so everyone is clear where I stand. Just so I can say, anyone who reads this blog....Hi, Susan... knows what I believe. I want to be obvious in my position.
Pornography is a killer.

A silent enemy... that has penetrated our society and is tarnishing everything it touches.

It slaughters the human spirit.

It destroys healthy relationships.

It crushes marriage.

It annihilates families.

It impairs agency.

It distorts a healthy view of women.

It  poisons our youth.

It negatively impacts the media.

It corrupts our society.

There is nothing good that comes from pornography.


Fight it!!!

Fortify your homes, family and marriages against it.

It IS a big deal.

It IS a problem.

It IS demoralizing.

We must fight it. We must fortify against it. We must not stand idly by as it infests our homes, neighborhoods, and relationships and people we love.

One person can make a difference and is worth every effort made to eliminate it.


Friday, June 30, 2017


Maybe I've put this out there before but if I did it was years ago and it is worth bringing up again.

I hate going to the dentist.

No, I really hate it.

In fact, if given the choice between a dentist and a gynecologist, I would choose the gyno any day!!

No, really. I would.

And do you want to know what makes it worse?

If you know someone from the dentist office, outside the dentist office.

Like that person goes to  church with you.

And lives a few houses down.

And plays in your Bunco group.

I hate it.

My rational mind tells me, "'s no big deal." ...and "she doesn't even care." and "You are just being paranoid."

But my irrational self, aka my normal self. says, "She's staring at my teeth." and "My mouth grosses her out." and "No...really...she is staring at my teeth."

It is weir that my dentist worker is staring at my teeth, but really, I am the only one that notices THAT.

But if she was my gynecologist and she was looking at my..... other area, then whoa! Stop that now you weirdo!


Gyno over dentist any day!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Random thoughts from my commute

I see dead people.
Just kidding. I don't. 
I prefer it that way.
Dead people are cold.
And lifeless.
And rather quiet.
I know some living people
like that so...
 I guess I do see dead people.
How do they do it?
They don't just have to see dead people.
They have to handle them.
And drain them.
And make them look like an alive person.
**Side note:
Do you think it is harder to make a dead person look alive
or make an alive person look dead?? **
In my mind,
morticians are literally the only people who can say
 "I get paid to see dead people."
If you think about it,
 any of us can see dead people.
I think it would be more of a shocker to say...
"I see people who are dead and buried walking around.
And guess what. They talk to me."
That would be cool.  
But only if they weren't the rotting type.
Like if they looked like they did when they were alive
and not mid-decomposition.
 And if I could talk to someone who was dead but looked alive
...and didn't smell, because I can only imagine...
I wouldn't wish it was someone famous.
Not me.
If I had my choice, I would want to talk to
Frieda Zuther.
She is my husband's great-grandmother who immigrated from Germany.
I know she had a three sisters and a two brothers.
I know she lived on a farm, 20 miles from town.
I know all her neighbors were family.
I really want to know this woman.
 If I saw dead people
....with the above stipulations...
she would be the one.