Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Bill was traveling this past week so the night of my birthday I decided the kids and I would go to Outback for dinner - mainly because it's a present if I don't have to make or clean up from a meal - and I love their cheesefries. The kids were great - I'm mainly posting about it because Abby was just so cute playing peek-a-boo!

I had to get some pictures of her doing it - she was laughing soooooooo hard.
Here is the cake that Bill made me today, ALL by himself. (The frosting on the 3 is my fault...)
The boys still do not pronounce the 'th' sound completely - it can sound like an 'f' - so when they say my age, if sounds like "forty-seven". I've been making them practice the 'th' quite a bit - it's hard enough to be this close to 40 (it's quite tragic that I still feel 25 - or is that good?).

Hampton Beach

I know we are well past beach days, but I had to post these darling pictures from our trip to Hampton Beach, NH at the end of August. We went with our dear friends, the Vicks. We went on a Friday and the only reason we did it along with a million other people was that Christine's parents went with us and helped with the kids. They watched the toddlers while the Moms watched the boys in the water (and Christine rode the waves with them!!)

These are future Baywatch Boys! Christine and I DID NOT plan to buy them the same suits and we DID NOT plan for them to wear them on this day, but we were sooo glad when we saw they were in the same suit. It really makes it so much easier to spot everyone in your group if they are dressed the same. We'd count how many red suits made it out of the water after a wave.
The boys were super daring and loved the boogie boards. Abby and Sammy dug in the sand for hours on end. They were SUPER troopers with little to no naps and being in the sun all day. We left about 8:30pm - it was one of the top 10 days of the summer.
And with the weather topping out at 60 degrees tomorrow, I sure am missing these summer days!
(Left to Right: B Vick, Matthew, Carter, T Vick)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Soccer Starts!

Today was the boys' first soccer practice and game! They are on the "tangerine" team (shirt colors are your team demarcation) and our friend Dave Vick is a coach. The boys have been sooooo excited for soccer this year. They are on the field for an hour - the first half hour is a practice where they learn the basics of soccer and the second half hour is a game against another team (3x3). The fields are very small, no refs and no one keeps scores (except the kids in their head and they WILL tell you how many goals they scored). I think the kids are going to have a blast this year! And I love being on the side cheering them all on!
Carter scoring a goal during practice. He was quite the goal-scorer during the game. He learned to be aggressive and stay with the ball. We are teaching Matthew about this...

Carter and Matthew dribbling during practice.

Sophie, Matthew, Carter and Thomas after the game. Thomas was giving lots of moral support.

Matthew scores a goal! He was a little hesitate and we had to keep reminding him to chase after the ball. He would kick it then run to the side to slap me 5!

Matthew and Sophie dribbling during practice.

Abby really wanted to get in on the action! She kept chasing the balls and we had to continually grab her off the field. She'll be a superstar in her own time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pudding Cookies

Here is a fantastic recipe for cookies that have pudding in the mix. You can use any kind of pudding to alter the taste. Our favorite is to use chocolate instant pudding then mix in peanut butter chips - they are to die for! I'm posting the recipe so I don't have to call Julie, AGAIN, for this recipe.

Pudding Cookies
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup butter
1 package instant pudding
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups of chocolate chips or 1 package of peanut butter chips

Mix the sugars and butter until creamy. Add the pudding, eggs and vanilla and cream again. Add the flour and baking soda until combined. Add the chips. Spoon onto parchment paper lined cookie sheet.

Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Matthew's First Day of School

Our little Matthew Bear started preschool today! This is his second year at Southborough Village Preschool and he goes every M/W/F mornings. He was soooo excited to start school and even more excited that a boy from his class last year is in his class this year! He couldn't wait to play on the playground also!

Here he is walking in. He has stopped saying "I am going to Kindergarten tomorrow" but he did insist I bring him a lunch in a lunchbox when I picked him up. He told me that they had to sit boy-girl-boy-girl so he HAD to sit by a girl!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Like Mother, Like Daughter

We found some darling sunglasses that were given to me at an "Accountrement" baby shower before Abby was born! These sunglasses have rhinestones on the sides! Abby loves them and puts them on her eyes. Today I came to the car and found she had perched them on her head - just like my glasses seem to be most of the day!! It is sometimes quite daunting to know our children are watching EVERYTHING we do!

This reminds me of a quote I just heard: Don't be as concerned that your children don't do what you say but more concerned they see everything you do. Food for thought....