Monday, August 16, 2010

North Carolina Trip - Summer 2010

As we have the past couple summers, we stayed with my parents for 5 weeks this past summer. It was an absolutely blast, super relaxing, fun, lots of time with family and friends. Here are a few (or more) pictures from our time there:

Kids on Shelia Garner's dock...

Boogie-Boarding with Vicks - one of our most favorite pasttimes.

Abby loves, loves, loves the water!!!

Playing in the pool with the Vicks. They came down and stayed a week with us.

Abby is a fish. She carried this float the whole way from the house to the pool - then wouldn't let anyone else get in it!

We took the ferry out to Cape Lookout. It was a fantastic day - boat ride, then the truck ride out to the tip of the island. Just paradise.

Boys frolicking in the pools created by the low-tide.

The mountain of shells that we dug up ourselves on the island.

Benjamin and my Dad made a target for the bows & arrows.

Abby fishing off Reginald's dock.

Kids fishing. We caught a ton of fish this day.

One fish we caught.

Crazy boys getting ready for fireworks on the 4th. We are in Swansboro on the water. The city does a great 4th, closes the streets, hires a band (Carter was mad we didn't have more time to dance), kids LOVED the fireworks!!

Family Reunion on the 4th in Cape Carteret!

Spencer and Chrissy were arrived and stayed with us for 2 weeks. The kids were super in love with Baby Rhys.

Boys taking a bath in my parents jacuzzi tub.... It's more fun to play in than to clean up, trust me.
Crazy underwear boys.

Matthew LOVED baby Rhys.

We enjoyed another Family Night at the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium. Matthew is touching a python here!

I was super excited that Spencer and Chrissy wanted to do the Historic Beaufort Road Race. Spencer did the 10k, Chrissy and I did the 5k and Bill, Carter & Matthew did the 1 mile race! They were awesome! (Matthew wanted his number pinned to his back.) I finished 2 minutes slower than my goal - I think it was my bib number - 666 - that did me in!

The boys coming in for their finish!

One night each year my parents watch the grandkids so us kids can go out to dinner. The boys were sleeping on the floor and Abby was supposed to be in a bed. When we came home, this is what we found. The next morning, we learned Carter had taken care of Abby as she had repeated gotten out of bed after they had been tucked in. He got her settled between then. So tender...

One last pic of dear Baby Rhys! He is one perfect dude!

Family Beach Pictures - 2010

Thanks to Corinne, we have our annual beach family pictures! One might show up in a christmas card this year!

Had to include this one - a little bear and his hero...

Lazarus sure did rise again!

Yesterday's church lesson was about Jesus' miracles and, specifically, when He brought Lazarus back to life. Below is Carter's coloring and drawing of the event. Note that Lazarus rose with a sword in his hand, with blood dripping off of it! Bill couldn't stop laughing when he saw this - I had to scan it and show everyone (well all 3 of you that read my blog!).

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Glenn & Kathy's Wedding - April 2010

Well it is quite possible I'll be able to keep up with my blog. I'm making it a new school-year resolution! (Don't hold your breath tho....)
One of the biggest events of the past months was Glenn and Kathy's wedding in April. Glenn is Bill's older brother. The boys were both ring bearers and Bill was a co-best man. The wedding was absolutely fabulous. We had such a blast.... Just a few highlights below.

Matthew LOVED his new found drink - a shirley temple! He ordered a ton from the bar!

My three during a photo-shoot break.

Isn't this a gorgeous wedding party? I loved these pictures. The boys are just chillin'!

Mr. & Mrs. Benjaminsen - entering the reception!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hands or Feet?

Here is Carter trying to practice the piano. Abby thinks she needs to help him.... using her feet?! I had to snap the picture before I ushered her away!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Philadelphia for Carter's Birthday

This years seems to have been a year of learning a lot about the Revolutionary War and American History. We have watched all the Liberty Kids videos (over and over going down to NC last summer), visited Concord multiple times, hiked Bunker Hill with Xavey and several other historical markers. So when Carter started asking to visit the Liberty Bell, it made sense. We decided we'd take a couple days to go to Philadelphia and be there on the day he turns 7!

Here the boys are in front of a reconstructed Valley Forge cabin. There were a couple thousand of these during that winter. The British burned everything when they made it this far....

Running in front of General Washington's headquarters (reconstructed... dang British and their burning....)

Here the troops are in front of General Washington's reconstructed Valley Forget headquarters. The rangers here were so knowledgable. (Please notice Carter is wearing a Patriots jersey here - he, he, he)

I planned a surprise for Carter. He absolutely loves his cousins, especially Xavey who is just 5 weeks younger than him. Corinne and I conspired to surprise the kids and spend one night at the same hotel and visit sites together. We didn't even tell them the surprise and let them just walk into each other in a parking lot! They had big smiles on their faces... We went to dinner together (yes, table for 10 - thank you Chili's for putting us in a back corner - and for allowing lots of other louder families to be around us!!!)

We visited Indepence Hall and the Liberty Bell twice. The second morning it was raining a bit, but we learned more that we had missed the first day. It was so neat to see the Bell and the crack. We visited Benjamin Franklin Square and learned more about him (he was seriously so amazing....).
It was a great weekend, topped off by a family dinner on Sunday (the day after his birthday). Where has the time gone? He's baptized next year! Yikes!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Over a year ago, Bill told me that he had a work conference in Hawaii and we should see if we could go together. My mom agreed to come up and watch the kids, which was the only way I would leave them. During the very cold days of last winter and long weekends when Bill was away, I would think of this trip and do some research of Hawaii just to keep my spirits up. After weeks and weeks of preparing for the trip (writing an extensive "Grandmom's Survival Guide" book) we were on our way the morning of Sept 29th. The trip did involve two 6-hour flights, but frankly, this was a vacation for me as well. Reading and watching movings UNINTERRUPTED, not cutting food for anyone - yes, traveling was a break.

Because Marriott hotels somehow think Bill is a rockstar (several stories behind that), we were upgraded to a beautiful room with a gorgeous view of Waikiki beach (above) as well as a view of Diamond Head (below).

I had no idea - Hawaii is almost always 88 degrees with wonderful trade winds that are sooo relaxing. Their winter is 75 degrees and they rarely hit 90 degrees - HEAVEN! (We were surprised by the amount of crime and homeless there, but I guess it is a metropolitan city - and if I was homeless, I'd want to be on Waikiki Beach.)

We were on Waikiki Beach, part of Honolulu on the Island of Oahu. (We had a crash course on Pacific geography...) I found the island to be just beautiful - just as nice as any postcard you would see. Above is one of my favorite beaches in Kailua, a short drive from Honolulu.

Bill had to go to the ADA conference for the first several days. I was left to spend copious amounts of time at the hotel pool, hotel spa, relaxing on our balcony, running along the shore (everyone runs there...), exploring a few towns, eating anything with macadamia nuts in it or just reading and reading. My primary goal was to relax and not do things I typically do at home. I skipped a couple sight-seeing spots since I find myself busy and racing all over at home. One morning I hiked Diamond Head, a 155,000 year old volcanic crater on the corner of the island. It was a quick 5-minute drive to the start of the hike from our hotel. Above is a picture of the mountainous interior of the island.

Here I am at the top overlooking Honolulu. I got one of the 200 Japanese tourists that I hiked up with to take the picture. (Seriously - the island has just as many Anglo tourists as Japanese tourists - I was surprised by this, but shouldn't have been had I know how close Japan was to Hawaii.)

Picture of Diamond Head Lighthouse taken from my decent down the volcano. (I told the boys I was hiking the volcano to see if I could bring them here one day to hike it also!)

One day I drove over to Kailua, a cute town on the eastern shore. I found the beach absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. After seeing the beach, I got my bathing suit, towel and books from the car and sat myself here for an hour or so to enjoy paradise.

Bill was done with his Straumann obligations by Saturday afternoon. We woke up early on Sunday morning to get to Pearl Harbor when it opened. We were one of the first tour groups to go over to the Memorial. I have to say, I probably wouldn't have done this had I not been with Bill. But I was soooo glad that I did it. We watched a short film with actually footage of the invasion (this is always quite helpful for someone like me to gets different wars mixed up and doesn't really keep historical facts straight in my mind) then took a ferry ride to the memorial.

Here is Bill on the actual memorial. It is build over the sunken USS Arizona which is still in the water. Approximately 1,200 soldiers are still entombed in the battleship. They said there were 23 sets of brothers and 2 sets of father/sons on the ship below. So sad....

Above is a picture of the oil that is STILL seeping out of the ship. You can see the oil on the surface of the water (if you look closely). The guide said there still are 500,000 gallons of fuel in the ship. There was a strong fuel smell in the Memorial.

This is a picture from the memorial of the USS Missouri (the ship in the water) as well as the white markers that show the location of the ships that were attacked on Dec. 7th. In the distance, you can see a small white ball (middle, left). This white ball marks the end of the Arizona (which we were standing over). This was one of the highlights of the trip.

On Monday took the hour drive up the eastern coast to BYU Hawaii and the Polynesian Cultural Center. I was very happy to be able to see one of my young women (Monica Gardner) from Marlborough Ward who is attending BYU-Hawaii. She is doing great - graduating in December!

This is a picture of the GORGEOUS LDS Temple in Laie. It is closed for 18 months for renovations so we didn't go inside. It was built in 1919. It is just so beautiful.

We then went to the Polynesian Cultural Center for an afternoon tour, Luau and show. This center is run by our church and is the #1 tourist attraction on the island. It was FABULOUS. We had an outstanding tour guide, Cousin Pablo, who made sure we had front seats at all of the shows. Above is a picture of someone demonstrating how to climb coconut trees! All of the shows were so well done, so funny, a wonderful education about these many, many islands.

Our group was chosen to lead the ceremony for Aotearea (New Zealand) and Bill was chosen as the tribe chief who participated in the ceremony of meeting a new chief. Here he is onstage.
Well guess what - this is where the battery on my camera gave out. I took LOTS of video for the kids of the island dances and just couldn't believe I used all the battery and couldn't document the entire ceremony that Bill was the center of! He had to bonk noses with the other chief!
We absolutely loved the PCC and can't wait to take the kids there (in 10+ years or so). Everything was done so well and so entertaining. We enjoyed a luau with authentic luau food and then the new Ha: Breath of Life night show. (I was falling asleep, remember it was 9pm there, so 3am our time, so we didn't stay for the whole show, despite our AWESOME seats - second row, middle!!!)
Well the camera had died by now so we don't have a picture of me and Bill together there! It was a wonderful trip and worth all the travel. We were both VERY excited to see the kids again. Grandmom was not tied up when we returned. She did a fantastic job of keeping them on schedule, towing the line and even mentioned something about a 'next time'. (I think the pain is like childbirth - you forget about it so you do it again!) I'm not sure I can be gone that long from the kids again, but maybe there will be a 'next time' since Bill seems to attend lots of conferences in beautiful/warm locations!