the stillness, the moonlight and while it is my night to water I pray for rain tomorrow, for more than sprinkles, for safe steady rain.
I pray that God will have mercy on this land that largely ignores Him as its peoples race after fame, fortune, family and total failure to look up to their creator.
God almighty, have mercy, forgive their ignorance and sin in not acknowledging You, in not coming to You in worship and supplication. To seek mercy and grace, that which they do not deserve, but so greatly need.
I stand with the people of this land.........for I too am a sinner, who follows, but not as closely as I would long to, who loves but not as dearly, who serves, but not with the humility of the Master.
Have mercy on us and grant us rain. Fill our catchments, dams and waterways and bless this land as only You and You alone are able to do. You who control the clouds, and the elements, intervene for us in mercy and grace.