Friday, September 24, 2010


I'm not on the either of you side. One will always blame me for everything, and one did nothing to back me up. 

The first one,
I don't know what's wrong with you, and I don't know what made you feel/think that I don't love you. That I listen to other people more than I listen to you. If it's true that I don't listen to you, then I don't listen to other people. It seems like you don't know me at all. To let you know, I never listen to other people. I don't believe them, including you. I know what's good and bad for me. I trust my own guts. I'm always out to see the world, I've seen so much. I never forget all of your wise words, nor the words which feels like a knife. I don't forget. You know what, you have to believe in yourself, go out more. Treat yourself, make yourself happy. If you think you taught me well, why worry.

And the other one,
You may feel like I'm selfish, I am indeed. All of these years, I let you do things your way. Sadly, you forgot me here. And yes, you made me hate so many things now, which kinda hurt the both of us. I constantly make mistakes, that's what you see. I don't have any regrets, but sometimes it feels good to leave the unnecessary things. The storm has ended, but there's many things to be fixed. Tragically, it took away my feelings. Just like you said, I'm heartless. You're right for the first time. As much as I said that hurt you, believe me, it hurts me too.

I live my life for the two of you, but I guess either of us is too blind too see..

Friday, September 17, 2010

eh suka hati lah

There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
It's all about you
You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time to criticize me
It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right


Yesterday was my youngest sister's birthday, En.Syafiq bought her a male guinea pig, one month old. Fluffy and cute~

I'm waiting for confirmation, which one will be with me on my beautiful journey?

And I let Abah choose this time~ 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


this is not the best raya,
i didn't get to buka puasa with the company though i really wanted to.
everything was so kelam kabut. still trying to adapt the new things around.

it was just OK.


Friday, September 3, 2010


Dah beli sepasang kurung semalam. Ok lah tu kan?
Masih menunggu duit dari company lama, siot je ko peram cheque aku kan?
Gaji kat tempat baru dah habis, sebab setengah bulan je..harhar~
Saya dah belikan barang-barang buat biskut untuk Umi saya,
saya dah buat sejenis, cornflakes madu sebab itu sangat senang dan cepat untuk dibuat.
Saya mungkin akan memandu pulang ke kampung, menggunakan duit sendiri -_-"
Bosannya dah kerja, ibu bapa tidak menanggung saya lagi~
Kena keluarkan duit raya untuk sepupu sepapat, semampu mana je lah yer~
Saya hanya mahu beraya dengan gembira tahun ini, yeh!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

We'll see~

Dah boleh start beli barang-barang, die cakap.
Tapi aku macam mana? Raya lagi ni~
Wah, sedih sungguh.
Sesiapa ada kerja part time?? :p

Ok bye, nak pergi Lembaga Hasil dan Finas sat.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The pain is slowly easing

A dedication :)

My dear,
It's fair to say that the past few months have been somber and gloomy for me. It has been like living in the dark, as though a big black evil cloud has engulfed me. I have also felt like there has been a piece missing from my heart, and although I wasn't sure what that piece was, I now realize it was the part I gave to you.

Now, slowly, it's as though that piece is being fumbled back into place and I'm starting to see a glimmer of light, just as though someone, somewhere has turned on a light and it's starting to flicker alive.

It's hard for me to explain what the feeling is, all I can say is that when I've been with you lately, the movie I'm watching seems better, the music I'm listening to sounds more alive, even things like doing the dishes is more fun when you're in the room. Everything I've ever done in my life has been better, brighter and more exciting when I've been able to share it with you.

There's no price you can put on love. And I know you just can't make love come back to the way it was: I know it'll come back, if, and when it's ready. But I just want you to know that for every ounce of love you give to me, I will give it back to you a thousand times more.

Let's rewrite our story~

At 2 years and 4 months, i guess.. :p


Thursday, August 26, 2010

I got the list ! even more excited now..hehe
tapi tak tau macam mana nak jalankan, makin lama makin banyak :p
bahagia hati ni sekarang, sekurang-kurangnya sekarang
my life is wonderful as always~

all i hear is bla..bla..bla..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


somewhat, i'm kinda excited !
yes, en.Syafiq..come along with me.
catch me if i ever fall, i'll do the same too.
don't let them touch us. don't won't get us

they're just flies.