Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Fisher Fam Update

Sorry for my lack of blogging. Man life has been crazy since we moved back to good ol' P-town. Here's what we've been up to lately. Conan- this man has been a true blessing. He's the best husband a girl could ask for and I know my mom's prayers were answered from the time I was little in asking for a Godly man for her baby girl. He's such a good Christian example and loves the Lord with all his heart. He adores his girls and is such a good daddy. He takes the best care of all three of us and works super hard. His practice is growing well and he loves his job. I love how excited the girls get when he comes home and I find myself fighting for his attention as well. Poor guy. I'm sure he wouldn't have it any other way though. Adrie- what would life be like without this girl? She has grown into such an awesome little lady. She's 4 going on 14 and is so fun to watch grow. She is in her first year of preschool and is reading and loving it. Her teacher Mrs. Kelsey says she's the little mommy in class and helps keep the kids in order. Surprise surprise. She absolutely adores her baby sister and is a huge help to me. Her imagination has grown leaps and bounds lately and I find myself lost in the little worlds she creates. She's started back up in gymnastics and is proving to be a lot less shy. Thank you preschool! She swims like a fish and is mostly self taught. She jumps in from the side and swims to the stairs. I love that she loves the water and will be starting her in swim lessons/team this summer. She amazes me daily. Shay- a true blessing is this little one. She has been such an awesome addition to this family. She is a curious learner and loves her big sister. She's been a mommy's girl from the start though she adores her daddy as well. She is as sweet as can be but don't let that fool ya she has a mean temper and she's not afraid to use it! She dislikes being spoon fed and can down and entire piece of pizza. She only has two bottom teeth, but I'm certain she could successfully gum a piece of meat if she had the chance. She says a few words including mama, dada, hi and uh-oh. Her hair is long enough for piggys and she patiently brushes her teeth as I do her hair in the morning. She sucks her first finger on her right hand and loves her "hanky-blanky". She is cruising the furniture and will walk while holding someones fingers, but doesn't show a whole lot of interest on taking off on her own just yet. JaY- I've kept myself plenty busy between work, raising these girls, watching daycare kids and keeping house. I work part-time at the hospital still two 12 hour shifts per week and sometimes extra. Monday thru Wenesday I watch the girls and two extra kiddos my niece Megan Jo who is 4 and a 6 month old little guy named Parker. We attend church weekly on Sundays and try to hit up church events as well. Conan and I have been able to squeeze in a couple of trips to tri-cities without kids lately and it is a much deserved and appreciated break. I am loving life and am continually blessed. I will have a body scan this summer to be sure I am still cancer free. Fingers crossed! Sorry again for being a slacker in blogging. Sometimes it's all I can do to get on the computer for two seconds to check my email and facebook. Hope all are well!

Monday, January 10, 2011

7 Month Chair Pics

All is well here Shay as you can see is now 7 months and too cute. She's trying really hard to start crawling an has a mighty temper. She has two bottom teeth and is working on more judging by the amount of slobber that girl has. She's a true joy and keeps on our toes. Will try to get more updates up soon. Adrie is enjoying preschool and is so super smart. She's obsessed with Barbie and is the best big sister ever. Conan and I are still working hard and raising these beauties. Hope all is well with everyone. God bless.

Monday, August 23, 2010

3 Month Chair PIcs

Such a big girl. I can't believe she is already 3 months. She's getting so big and is such a joy to have around. She loves to smile and gab, she only wakes up once at night and she is starting to hold toys and bring them up to her mouth. Love her so much!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ski Run

TJ took us out on his boat for the first ski run I had been on for like 8 or 10 years. It was a blast. Lots of laughs and good times. Thanks again Teeter!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fisher Girls + Anderson Boys= Future Trouble

The other day we ventured over to Arlee's for an afternoon of fun. It was great to get the kids together. Adrie and Bragen always play so great together and Arlee and I were able to catch up while cozying our little ones. We heart the Anderson's.

These Boys

Well boys are definitely a different breed...but I love these ones. Tugg is always going 1 million miles per hour in every direction. Kolt is a snugly lover boy but is also very daring and has no fear. Love them both to pieces.

2 Month Chair Pic

At 2 Shay rolls over, reaches for her toys, smiles and coos. She loves being outside and sleeping on her tummy or on her daddy's chest and adores her big sissy. She is such a joy to have around and we feel very blessed to have her as our daughter.

And the Little One Said....Roll Over

Shaylor loves to be on her tummy but not this time. Luckily I got her rolling over on video. Nearly missed it though. Such a big girl.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dress Up Fun

These girls are best buds for sure....most days. Adrie changed her name to Calise (where she got that name who knows)while she was wearing this dress up outfit. When I addressed her as Adrie she replied, "You mean Calise"? What a crack up!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pic Comparison #1


Well I think you can tell they are sisters. I'll try to find more similar face pics to compare the girls looks. They are about as opposite as they come. Adrie was and is very fair with blonde hair and was born bald. Shay has a head full of dark hair and has a more olive tone. It will be interesting to see how different/similar they become and they grow. Love these girls!