Greetings furiends, I come to you this evening from the comfort of my patio chair. While Mum sips her cappuccino and nibbles on some chocolate I get.... Well.... I get to share the blanket.

I went on a field trip today to the bank. I was well received by all the patrons, except one. He scowled at Mum.... So she took extra long at the machine.
Car trips really tire me out, so I had a well deserved nap when we got back. I was already tired from last nights disruption, for some reason Mum felt compelled to get out of bed and make pancakes at 4 am. I didn't even get a taste.
My birthday is coming In a few days, today I saw Mum hide a bag in the closet where my paws don't reach. I bet it's prezzies!

Well if you will excuse me, I have some snuggling to do, and some frogs to listen to. They really are wonderful singers.
Nighty night.