Showing posts with label My Jerb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Jerb. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gotta Do It.

I had a very long day and as you can see, not in bed by 11:00 as I had hoped. But, I'm taking a break from the madness because I HAVE to. I have to write even if no one reads, I have to create, even if no one cares, I have to do the things that make me happy, even for a brief minute in time because it will keep me as sane as I can be. This makes me happy, blogging makes me happy. Even if my audience is small. I do appreciate the few people who read this thing. I hope that as the years go on, I get better at this and continue to write for myself.

I went to my first Buffalo Wild Wings meeting today where we got our training schedule. I'll be bartender ready in a week apparently. Am looking forward to this because it is not BAND.

I stood on that field tonight and wondered how I was going to survive the rest of this. Because, its maddening. I'm getting too old for this, my wrist and thumb are in a frickin brace because of the sax and I'd rather read Beowulf than march.

Lil E and the Amp/Guard 88...pleased with the 88, my jury is still out on the cars BUT to see the picture of him being so for me! :-) Oh, and hi to RC...thanks for stopping by. I am a big fan of your site and just recently got up the nerve to post on it. I know a lot more than most people about NASCAR but still feel ridiculous when I throw in my two cents like I'm going to say something that makes all the other fans go, "Duuhhhh."