I started out the year with a surprising optimism considering the horrible things I had just experienced the previous fall of ’05. I just came out of a bad relationship that was the result of a prior even MORE bad relationship. This one, however, the blame went all around so it wasn’t really anyone’s fault in particular, just bad timing and emotionally distressed people. I had finished a quarter in the theater program and I THOUGHT I had come to terms with how I felt about everything and everyone, but I was very wrong indeed. I started off the year at the New Years party at the Wheeler apartment that little did I know would become my future residence. It was fun, I was all dolled up and it was a good time. That would be the end of the good times for the winter, unfortunately. I lost all control of my life winter of ’06 and had what could only be called a nervous breakdown of epic proportion. What went wrong can only be documented in a bullet list for fear I lose my mind and skip something.
* My best friend was not only in a horrible depression himself, but was refusing to talk to me or have anything to do with me. The worst part was there was nothing I could do to help.
* Most of my good friends were also tied to him which left me incredibly alone most of that winter.
*I saw very little of my roommate which caused me to feel that I was living alone and at the ripe age of 19, I was not ready to deal with reality on that level.
* The CCM was turning my life into a nightmare. This is the quarter I realized that the major I chose was a lifestyle NOT a career and all other things must suffer at its hands.
* Because of the CCM, I was physically ill a majority of the quarter because I was getting no sleep, was physically over-worked and lived on a diet of vending machine materials.
* Because of CCM, I also had no time for band or the sorority causing me to have to be on the sub-band list for basketball, taking away hopes of a tourney trip, and forcing me to go into exile of opera-land for most of the quarter.
* My grades suffered and I got the first “C’s” of my college career
* I was in a financial slump and the bad grades made me worry that I would lose my scholarships.
* I was desperate enough to take a job as a janitor at the CCM. I think this is pretty self-explanatory.
* I gained weight. Not a whole lot, but enough to make me feel bad about myself.
* I engaged myself in some emotionally destructive behavior because someone convinced me that I was doing it for the right reasons. He was a liar.
* My computer completely died and no one seemed to be able to fix it.
* I was forced to resign my position in the band council.
* One of my good friends from high school lost her father.* There was something bad going on in EVERY. ASPECT. OF. LIFE. Social, Band, Sorority, Major, Work, Family; all that was left inside of me was a mere shadow of who I used to be. I felt numb.A very unfortunate series of events.
About a week after my nervous breakdown, I decided it was time to take control and started attending therapy. I was unaware it would take 7 months to go over everything I needed to go over, but it was a start. Enter spring quarter. This was where my life turned around. I turned 20 years old and left my angsty teen years behind. Kurt, Sarah, Crunch, and I threw Crunchstock Birthday Extravaganza to celebrate our four 20th birthdays in one week. Julie and Mary Beth came up to Fremont during Spring Break and we went to Cleveland for my Rockstar Birthday. We went to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, ate supper at the Hard Rock Cafe and ended the evening seeing my favorite band of all time at Gund Arena, Queen!! My best friend was my best friend again (yea!) and we apologized for everything that had happened. I quit the CCM and realized I wanted to teach English. I stopped destructive behaviors and spent time with myself. I lost 10 pounds with Amanda so I would look good at Formal and got into a habit of exercising 3 times a week. I got a job in the band office after I quit my janitorial job. I pulled my grades up. I actually got happy. One funny thing that I remember happening was when the washing machine broke in our apartment and in my carless desperation, I washed my clothes in the bathtub. Just as a side note. I was blessed by seeing my OTHER favorite band, Ben Folds Five in concert making for two amazing concerts in one season. I spent my first holiday away from home with my bestest girl Sarah's family and her boyfriend Dave. It was wonderful though I did feel a little odd not being with my family. Band wrapped up and I attended Band Formal with the ridiculous Mr. Kurt and had a good time despite the fact he tried to ruin every picture we were in. No hard feelings though.
On to Summer...I did a lot of NOTHING. I worked 40 hours a week in the band office, went home, layed around until bed time then did the same thing again. I read a LOT of books and watched a LOT of movies. I sort of fell off the work-out bandwagon (new years res of course). My Moozie and Mike did come down for an awesome weekend in July where we did every touristy thing Cincy had to offer and it was one of the top 10 best times I've ever had. We had SUCH a good time. I spent a lot of time with Nate which resulted in a tumultous week when we both got horribly sick. He got what we thought was food poisioning so to the hospital we went and after a few IV's he was sent home. Two days later...my head was bent over a trashcan on my living room couch and I was shooting red wine and chicken dumplings out my nose. It was a HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE. It was the sickest I had ever been since my appendix came out and I was laid up for two days. So I'm thinking we had the flu or SARS or something. It was a nice summer though because I made a lot of money and had very little stress. At the end of August, I moved into my new apartment with four of my good friends and band camp started yet again. This time, we had 5 rookies staying with us making 10 in our 2 bathroom apartment for a few days. Band Camp went the way it usually does. Hot, whiny, and chaotic. But survive we did and entered football season and school.
Fall, I OFFICIALLY changed to the college of education so I could begin my education classes. I went back to part-time at the band office with Tom and Kellie. I also enjoyed rediscovering how good I am at skipping classes. I kid you not, I went to 2 MATH CLASSES the ENTIRE QUARTER and got a B. That's how much I hated that class though, I couldn't go EVER. I went to Dinosaur class a little bit more but still not a lot and got my A. Fall had the usual shenanigans of football games, band parties, and lots of Halloween Costume Prep on my part. I outdid myself this year...I went as a cat from the musical Cats for the official band party and went as Rainbow Bright to the unofficial band party which happened to be thrown by my apartment! It was a hairy buff which we had a blast making and throwing and there were no tragedies other than what I came to terms with that evening. I finally disengaged myself from a part of my past I couldn't seem to get rid of. It was the last straw. Turns out my love is conditional after all. I am no longer one to be trifled with. I got to hang out with Jenny a bit this quarter which was fun since we hadn't spent a lot of time together in the past couple of years. She even drove my butt back to the 'Nati which I am eternally grateful for. Despite a few MINOR incidents this fall, it was for the first time in the entire existence of my college career, a drama-free quarter. I came to terms with my feelings about a lot of things and was finally confident enough after 7 months to stop therapy and make my way in the world taking my new-found skills with me. Things were GOOD. Things ARE good.
Once again, this year I was tried and tested and I think I came out alright in the end. It wasn't the best of years but not the worst either. 2006 was pretty ok in my book. I learned so much about human kind and myself. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am smart. I am able to stand up for myself. I am able to love myself and realize that I am a GREAT person. I am also smart enough to remove those things from my life which only hurt me. I deserve repect and love. I surived. So I end with two things. First, the usual New Years survey that everyone does every single new year. And, then a quote from one of my posts this year that seems to sum up things pretty well...
2005: the year that WAS
Best person you met- That would have to be Abby because not only did she help me with my final paper last spring but became a close friend in the months that followed. Best meal- Chipotle always because my addiction reached an all new high this past year.
Favorite song- "All I Need" -Mat KearneyFavorite movie- Probably a tie between "Talladega Nights" and "V for Vendetta"...both had their amazing qualities.Most memorable conversation- The one I had with Nate when we made up after 3 months of fighting
Least memorable conversation- if it's least memorable how am i supposed to remember it?!Best news- When I found out my parents were coming to visit for a long weekend.
Worst news - Even if you give your unconditional love to someone, they will not reciprocate. Closest escape- A minor escapade I had fall quarter with a friend...if I told you, I wouldn't get away with it. Biggest scam- Again...telling would reveal the scam and you would know!! But it did involve me being ridiculously crafty and good at being sneeeeaky. Favorite outfit and why- My fuzzy pj pants and a tee shirtFavourite lookswise- I still don't know what this means.Biggest crush- I heart Dale Earnhardt Jr.Most unexpected event- My interactions with my red-headed friend
Best purchase- knitting supplies to teach myself to knit.
Most humbling experience- CCM.Random act of kindness by you- This question is awkward.
Random act of kindness towards you- My ridiculously awesome Christmas present from Nate Biggest cringe moment- Oye. These answers are too awkard for me to type! I just like to keep some things to myself. Best compliment- a random guy at the club told me I had the most wonderful eyes...cheesed for a week.
Greatest gain- My hamster Rigby.
Greatest loss- my faith in humankind Your saviour- Sarah, Nate, and my momYour worst enemy- eh, the same old same old.Best day- the weekend in July with my parentsBest night- the party after the spring football game Greatest discovery- the strength I had in myself...who would have thought?Worst fight - Oh man. Lets just say that whatever fight was the absolute worst out of all the fights I got into this year, it always ALWAYS was with a stupid-ass boy.Most random experience - my life is a serious of awkard random moments.
Best hug- the hug of reconciliationBest kiss - Always that first, awkward one.
Best Hello- this is still as stupid as it was last year.Worst Goodbye - the one I had just a few months ago...that wasn't even really a goodbye. Which is why it is unresolved and hurtful.Favorite place - my apartmentBest all around moment - when I switched to College of Education
World event that most affected your life in 2006 - War in Iraq
Song that best describes 2006 - "Bittersweet Symphony"
"It's just odd how the people who cause us the most pain are the ones we love the most...maybe because instead of all the problems we had pushing us away from each other, pushed us closer together just because we experienced them all together. And how after coming to Cincy for all the wrong reasons ended up being the best decision of my entire life because I get to experience life with these amazingly complex individuals who have taught me so much in their own ways...and I realize that my experience with these people may be unique, but my experience in itself is not unique especially when I read my other friend's college experiences who essentially are saying the same thing yet it's with different people and with different lives and its just amazing to think that this sort of night happens for a ton of people and that their lives were touched by that night making things more meaningful. Not that motorboating and lighting people's butts on fire are by any means deep and philosophical acts that change the world but it's just the principle of it all."
2007, I welcome you with open arms. Be good to me, cruel mistress of time.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Christmas Break Recap
Christmas break in Fremont was quite nostalgic. I spent a lot of time with relatives, re-hashing stories of old, and drinking a hell of a lot of coffee at the local Denny's until the wee hours of the morning. 10 Days of Fremontness was not half-bad.
I was able to visit Fremont Ross to see a few favorite teachers and had my usual dinner date with Mr. Reed and visited Scotty's family. I spent most of my days visiting, and hanging out with friends and family. I spent a lot of time with my mom and was also productive in making a scarf for my sis and my mom.
The night before Christmas Eve, Erika, Cindy, Justin, Kenton, and I went Christmas Caroling! It was probably one of the more hilarious schemes we've ever concocted. It was a lot of awkward singing to a boombox of random Christmas music but I think everyone we sang for was amused and we even spent some time talking to the Burroughs.
Christmas Eve was awkward as always with my Dad's family because we only see each other once a year on this night. I enjoyed catching up with some of the cousins though and I got to watch the Bengals play in my Uncle's pimped out sports garage. Christmas day I spent with Mom's side, saw my step-family, grandparents, and Ashley's boyfriend came to spend the day. I received some very nice gifts, my Dad upgraded my computer to 1 G of ram instead of my old 512 and managed to fix all the problems with it. I received a Homedic massage chair, knitting supplies, a make-up mirror I've wanted for EVER, new make-up (I was geekin'), some books, some clothes, and ate my weight in horse-do-overs. Christmas night was spent at where else, but Denny's with Erika, Cindy, Drea, Jessica, and Jasmine drinking coffee and eating more unhealthy things I didn't need in my system.
The Annual After-Christmas party was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed The Group all being together again. We played a few games, ate MORE food and spent the rest of the evening being all nostalgic-like. What I absolutly love about The Group is that even though a majority of us don't even speak over the course of a year, whenever we see each other, it is like no time has passed. We are each able to lead our own lives with minimal contact, but still be very close friends. I hadn't seen Kenton since last Christmas and we had only talked on the phone a few times in the past year, but it was just like old times. Tyler, Cindy, Erika and I ended up spending the night at Justin's and even though I had to leave early in the morning, I loved all the time I spent with these kids over the past 10 days and when we all get together next Christmas, it will feel just the same.
Poor Nate was subjected to all that is the glory of F-town when he came yesterday morning to visit and take me back to the 'Nati. I showed him all the "hotspots" and we saw my family to say goodbye and even ate at Grate's because their wings? Amazing. We rolled in early last evening and I was surprised to find my Christmas present from him which was Guitar Hero I and II already in my room so we stayed up with the roomies late into the night rocking out. Good to be home.
Overall it was GOOD.
New Years post shortly to follow!!!
I was able to visit Fremont Ross to see a few favorite teachers and had my usual dinner date with Mr. Reed and visited Scotty's family. I spent most of my days visiting, and hanging out with friends and family. I spent a lot of time with my mom and was also productive in making a scarf for my sis and my mom.
The night before Christmas Eve, Erika, Cindy, Justin, Kenton, and I went Christmas Caroling! It was probably one of the more hilarious schemes we've ever concocted. It was a lot of awkward singing to a boombox of random Christmas music but I think everyone we sang for was amused and we even spent some time talking to the Burroughs.
Christmas Eve was awkward as always with my Dad's family because we only see each other once a year on this night. I enjoyed catching up with some of the cousins though and I got to watch the Bengals play in my Uncle's pimped out sports garage. Christmas day I spent with Mom's side, saw my step-family, grandparents, and Ashley's boyfriend came to spend the day. I received some very nice gifts, my Dad upgraded my computer to 1 G of ram instead of my old 512 and managed to fix all the problems with it. I received a Homedic massage chair, knitting supplies, a make-up mirror I've wanted for EVER, new make-up (I was geekin'), some books, some clothes, and ate my weight in horse-do-overs. Christmas night was spent at where else, but Denny's with Erika, Cindy, Drea, Jessica, and Jasmine drinking coffee and eating more unhealthy things I didn't need in my system.
The Annual After-Christmas party was a lot of fun, and I enjoyed The Group all being together again. We played a few games, ate MORE food and spent the rest of the evening being all nostalgic-like. What I absolutly love about The Group is that even though a majority of us don't even speak over the course of a year, whenever we see each other, it is like no time has passed. We are each able to lead our own lives with minimal contact, but still be very close friends. I hadn't seen Kenton since last Christmas and we had only talked on the phone a few times in the past year, but it was just like old times. Tyler, Cindy, Erika and I ended up spending the night at Justin's and even though I had to leave early in the morning, I loved all the time I spent with these kids over the past 10 days and when we all get together next Christmas, it will feel just the same.
Poor Nate was subjected to all that is the glory of F-town when he came yesterday morning to visit and take me back to the 'Nati. I showed him all the "hotspots" and we saw my family to say goodbye and even ate at Grate's because their wings? Amazing. We rolled in early last evening and I was surprised to find my Christmas present from him which was Guitar Hero I and II already in my room so we stayed up with the roomies late into the night rocking out. Good to be home.
Overall it was GOOD.
New Years post shortly to follow!!!
Friday, December 15, 2006
End of Semester
My End of Semester Post
Sooo. What did I learn this quarter...well. It was pretty chill actually.
I learned that some people never change.
But some will and unfortunatly for the worse.
I lost an old friend which hurt my heart a lot but I couldn't be friends with someone who spent the last three years making my life a living hell.
I learned that females are good at lying, back-stabbing, and being general bitches but its our nature so I actually hold almost no grudges against any of the going-ons of this quarter. But if this behavior is repeated over and over and over and over again, my patience runs thin.
I learned how to be chill!!! Yea for me!! Been working on this for a long time.
I had a few minor incidents that made for some interesting conversations, but nothing overly ridiculous.
There were actually no major crisis this quarter which is unusual for me. The drama cloud drifted away.
My first quarter in Education was perfect even though I had a hard time attending the classes I didn't like but I managed to get an A in one and a B in the other so go figure.
I love my new apartment and having a living situation where people are around.
This post is actually quite pathetic but would you believe me if I told you nothing remotely interesting happened this quarter and the few things that did (count on one hand) are not appropriate to share with the world? Well, believe it or not.
Trust me, the New Years Post will be WAAAY better and more informative than the sorry excuse above.
Moving on.
RENT is tomorrow. Need I say any more?I leave for 10 days on Sunday and will be back in the 'Nati on the 27th.Just doin what I be doin.
I'm out yo...
Of my mind!!
Sooo. What did I learn this quarter...well. It was pretty chill actually.
I learned that some people never change.
But some will and unfortunatly for the worse.
I lost an old friend which hurt my heart a lot but I couldn't be friends with someone who spent the last three years making my life a living hell.
I learned that females are good at lying, back-stabbing, and being general bitches but its our nature so I actually hold almost no grudges against any of the going-ons of this quarter. But if this behavior is repeated over and over and over and over again, my patience runs thin.
I learned how to be chill!!! Yea for me!! Been working on this for a long time.
I had a few minor incidents that made for some interesting conversations, but nothing overly ridiculous.
There were actually no major crisis this quarter which is unusual for me. The drama cloud drifted away.
My first quarter in Education was perfect even though I had a hard time attending the classes I didn't like but I managed to get an A in one and a B in the other so go figure.
I love my new apartment and having a living situation where people are around.
This post is actually quite pathetic but would you believe me if I told you nothing remotely interesting happened this quarter and the few things that did (count on one hand) are not appropriate to share with the world? Well, believe it or not.
Trust me, the New Years Post will be WAAAY better and more informative than the sorry excuse above.
Moving on.
RENT is tomorrow. Need I say any more?I leave for 10 days on Sunday and will be back in the 'Nati on the 27th.Just doin what I be doin.
I'm out yo...
Of my mind!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Update of Life
Dear God I am A POSTING SLACKER. My apologies. But, with the Christmas season upon us, things have been nothing short of a zoo around here. So before I get around to my end-of-the-quarter post, I'll get my crap together and update a bit on the going-ons so I don't feel so guilty for not pouring my heart out on this page every day like I used to.
This past weekend was a bit crazy...Friday night was the fraternity/sorority outing to see the lights at the zoo. Despite the frigid temp, it was actually quite fun and I enjoyed embarressing Sarah in front of the talking tiger. We also watched a zebra-like gazelle lick his pee off the floor and then proceed to whip himself in the face with his overly-large tongue. That was sort of gross...but interesting none the less.
Saturday I cleaned all day and dealt with the bathroom problem Mike and I have been encountering...our bathroom sink has been ridiculously clogged but at least would drain after awhile and after two bottles of Drain-O, I lost it. My family was coming in a few hours and the water WOULD NOT GO DOWN. So I attacked it Xenia-style with a plunger. Luckily, Mike came to rescue me from the insanity and plunged while I scooped stagnet water out of the sink into a bowl...we ended up taking the pipes apart under the sink and after an hour of this madness, finally buckled down and called the landlord. Sink update? Fixed. My dad, step-mom, and sister came down for my dad's 50th birthday and it was ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE. No problems...no whining, no complaining, no incidents. We went to the Hofbrauhaus to surprise my dad because of his love of German food and he LOVED it. You know the man is in good spirits when he shares his stine of beer with me. We had the polka band play happy birthday...then we came back to my CLEAN apartment and had a cake and presents waiting. It was just a fun time. They left Sunday morning after we had lunch at Panera.
Yesterday was my big Christmas shopping day with Shannon and Sarah...we power-shopped for three hours and let me tell you how hilarious it is to watch those two. I'm an ok shopper, but don't pride myself in any special shopping skills...those two however. Insane. We went to Macy's to find informal dresses and I swear they have radar. Two minutes later they hand me a dress and say "hereitistryitonitsyoursize". Looking at it, I would have SWORN it would have looked like complete poo on me. But, I buckled down and put it on for them...and it looked good? Wow. It DID look good. It was actually perfect. And marked down TWICE from it's original price making it 1/2 off. Then of course, we went to almost every store in the mall and it was like magic. We would walk into a store and they would immediately walk to the clearance rack reach their arms in and come out with about 5 shirts that I wouldn't have found on that damn rack if I had tried. It was truly an art form. I had been shopping with both of them before for one or two things, but never an all-out power shop. Needless to say, we had a blast and bought some pretty awesome stuff. They crack me up so much. And thanks to them, my informal dress is off the hook. I wish our lives weren't so busy that the three of us could hang out more often...when we're together, we're an unstoppable force. I love those ladies.
In addition to all those goings-ons...we decorated our apartment for Christmas. Anna's aunt gave us a tinsel-green Charlie Brown tree. We put that up with as much bling as we could fit, some lights around our entertainment center, and the stockings my mom made for us with all our names. We also hung a wreath in the window and door. It's quite cute.
We have been having an on-going battle with the neighbors upstairs. They have spent the last few months blasting their music at ridiculous hours of the day and night, one party they threw, someone threw a full beer can at Michael's head in the parking lot below, they were playing football in the house and started making our light in the living room blink uncontrollably. Just ridiculous shenanigans...we have spoken to them several times about it with promises of them keeping it down then doing the same thing the next day...we've banged on their door, they've banged on our floor. They had been fairly quiet through exams and most of the week before but two nights ago, it started up again...we were hanging a wreath on our front door and pounding a nail into it when they went CRAZY and started jumping around on their floor/our ceiling to get us to stop...so we stopped but were pretty pissed that they would get mad at US? So the next night, they were blaring the music again, so we went outside and rang their doorbell as much as possible...don't think they heard it. So we took the hammer and let loose on the door until they finally quit. But this morning? Blaring the music. At 9:30 in the morning on Christmas break. And if they're going to blast that music that loud? At least blast something that isn't Christina Aguliara? I don't even know how to spell her last name, that's how much I DON'T LIKE HER. Those guys could have such better music tastes. I probably wouldn't have such a beef if say, "Stairway to Heaven" was being blasted. That I could handle.
We added a new member to our house...my new hammie, Rigby. He's a Syrian Bear hamster and probably the most sweet-tempered hamster I have ever seen. He's a big fat black and white guy and he's such a sweet-heart. I pimped him out with fun toys and chewies and such. He loves to run in his ball and instead of freaking out at the change of habitat, he took to our apartment right away...hasn't bitten or pooped on anyone yet, so thats major points. He's the new love of my life and as my mom said, "I am so glad you have a friend - one that won't turn on you or give you grief." True dat.
This weekend is Rent at the Aronoff with Nate and then I head home Sunday for about 10 days. I hadn't planned on going home so long orginially, but with my grandfather really sick and the lack of seeing my old friends as often as I would like, I think this "vacation" is in order. It will probably consist of a lot of card games with the grandparents, Denny's trips every night, and trying not to be too allergic to the cat...so good times indeed.
Mostly been working and playing with my friends...we were going to go ice skating last night but it was too warm and rainy so we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner in celebration of Anna's birthday.
Working on my write-up for the quarter and the end of the year. Gotta work at the band office, and then Cross-town Shoot-out against Xavier then hanging out with Julie.
This past weekend was a bit crazy...Friday night was the fraternity/sorority outing to see the lights at the zoo. Despite the frigid temp, it was actually quite fun and I enjoyed embarressing Sarah in front of the talking tiger. We also watched a zebra-like gazelle lick his pee off the floor and then proceed to whip himself in the face with his overly-large tongue. That was sort of gross...but interesting none the less.
Saturday I cleaned all day and dealt with the bathroom problem Mike and I have been encountering...our bathroom sink has been ridiculously clogged but at least would drain after awhile and after two bottles of Drain-O, I lost it. My family was coming in a few hours and the water WOULD NOT GO DOWN. So I attacked it Xenia-style with a plunger. Luckily, Mike came to rescue me from the insanity and plunged while I scooped stagnet water out of the sink into a bowl...we ended up taking the pipes apart under the sink and after an hour of this madness, finally buckled down and called the landlord. Sink update? Fixed. My dad, step-mom, and sister came down for my dad's 50th birthday and it was ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE. No problems...no whining, no complaining, no incidents. We went to the Hofbrauhaus to surprise my dad because of his love of German food and he LOVED it. You know the man is in good spirits when he shares his stine of beer with me. We had the polka band play happy birthday...then we came back to my CLEAN apartment and had a cake and presents waiting. It was just a fun time. They left Sunday morning after we had lunch at Panera.
Yesterday was my big Christmas shopping day with Shannon and Sarah...we power-shopped for three hours and let me tell you how hilarious it is to watch those two. I'm an ok shopper, but don't pride myself in any special shopping skills...those two however. Insane. We went to Macy's to find informal dresses and I swear they have radar. Two minutes later they hand me a dress and say "hereitistryitonitsyoursize". Looking at it, I would have SWORN it would have looked like complete poo on me. But, I buckled down and put it on for them...and it looked good? Wow. It DID look good. It was actually perfect. And marked down TWICE from it's original price making it 1/2 off. Then of course, we went to almost every store in the mall and it was like magic. We would walk into a store and they would immediately walk to the clearance rack reach their arms in and come out with about 5 shirts that I wouldn't have found on that damn rack if I had tried. It was truly an art form. I had been shopping with both of them before for one or two things, but never an all-out power shop. Needless to say, we had a blast and bought some pretty awesome stuff. They crack me up so much. And thanks to them, my informal dress is off the hook. I wish our lives weren't so busy that the three of us could hang out more often...when we're together, we're an unstoppable force. I love those ladies.
In addition to all those goings-ons...we decorated our apartment for Christmas. Anna's aunt gave us a tinsel-green Charlie Brown tree. We put that up with as much bling as we could fit, some lights around our entertainment center, and the stockings my mom made for us with all our names. We also hung a wreath in the window and door. It's quite cute.
We have been having an on-going battle with the neighbors upstairs. They have spent the last few months blasting their music at ridiculous hours of the day and night, one party they threw, someone threw a full beer can at Michael's head in the parking lot below, they were playing football in the house and started making our light in the living room blink uncontrollably. Just ridiculous shenanigans...we have spoken to them several times about it with promises of them keeping it down then doing the same thing the next day...we've banged on their door, they've banged on our floor. They had been fairly quiet through exams and most of the week before but two nights ago, it started up again...we were hanging a wreath on our front door and pounding a nail into it when they went CRAZY and started jumping around on their floor/our ceiling to get us to stop...so we stopped but were pretty pissed that they would get mad at US? So the next night, they were blaring the music again, so we went outside and rang their doorbell as much as possible...don't think they heard it. So we took the hammer and let loose on the door until they finally quit. But this morning? Blaring the music. At 9:30 in the morning on Christmas break. And if they're going to blast that music that loud? At least blast something that isn't Christina Aguliara? I don't even know how to spell her last name, that's how much I DON'T LIKE HER. Those guys could have such better music tastes. I probably wouldn't have such a beef if say, "Stairway to Heaven" was being blasted. That I could handle.
We added a new member to our house...my new hammie, Rigby. He's a Syrian Bear hamster and probably the most sweet-tempered hamster I have ever seen. He's a big fat black and white guy and he's such a sweet-heart. I pimped him out with fun toys and chewies and such. He loves to run in his ball and instead of freaking out at the change of habitat, he took to our apartment right away...hasn't bitten or pooped on anyone yet, so thats major points. He's the new love of my life and as my mom said, "I am so glad you have a friend - one that won't turn on you or give you grief." True dat.
This weekend is Rent at the Aronoff with Nate and then I head home Sunday for about 10 days. I hadn't planned on going home so long orginially, but with my grandfather really sick and the lack of seeing my old friends as often as I would like, I think this "vacation" is in order. It will probably consist of a lot of card games with the grandparents, Denny's trips every night, and trying not to be too allergic to the cat...so good times indeed.
Mostly been working and playing with my friends...we were going to go ice skating last night but it was too warm and rainy so we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner in celebration of Anna's birthday.
Working on my write-up for the quarter and the end of the year. Gotta work at the band office, and then Cross-town Shoot-out against Xavier then hanging out with Julie.
Monday, December 04, 2006
It's now Monday morning and I'm still studying for my exams that I started studying for Saturday afternoon. It was a pretty decent weekend. Friday night was the KKPsi/TBS annual Christmas party which was a lot of fun. I was partying like a rockstar with Guitar Hero which could be a possible addiction. I enjoy jumping around Axl Rose-style. Saturday I slept in til 12:30 which I had not intended and the cat allergy from the night before got to me...I was not feeling well and started studying as soon as I got the chance...watched UCLA beat USC and WV beat Rutgers in triple over-time...SWEET games. BECAUSE:
OSU is playing Florida for the National Championship NOT MICHIGAN thank goodness.
Because of Rutger's loss? WE'RE GOING BOWLING IN CANADA BITCHES!!! We are going to the International Bowl in Toronto, Canada on Jan 6th and it looks like we're leaving a few days early which gives us a few free nights to run around Toronto. This was the bowl of my choice so I'm glad we're going where I hoped. That trip will be EPIC. Something to look forward to in January.
Jon came to stay with us which was fun and we went to the December Birthday Bash but we didn't stay long because we didn't go until midnight. Ended up at Steak n' Shake until 4 am. Today, I spent most of the time studying. Still going at it...I have back to back exams in my hardest classes tomorrow morning at 8 frickin AM. Did go see the Feast of Carols because my roommate Amanda and several friends sang in the choirs that performed. I am starting to get into the Christmas mood.
Tired...going to crash soon. Peace out.
Oh yeah. Did I mention we're going to Canada? I'm excited.
OSU is playing Florida for the National Championship NOT MICHIGAN thank goodness.
Because of Rutger's loss? WE'RE GOING BOWLING IN CANADA BITCHES!!! We are going to the International Bowl in Toronto, Canada on Jan 6th and it looks like we're leaving a few days early which gives us a few free nights to run around Toronto. This was the bowl of my choice so I'm glad we're going where I hoped. That trip will be EPIC. Something to look forward to in January.
Jon came to stay with us which was fun and we went to the December Birthday Bash but we didn't stay long because we didn't go until midnight. Ended up at Steak n' Shake until 4 am. Today, I spent most of the time studying. Still going at it...I have back to back exams in my hardest classes tomorrow morning at 8 frickin AM. Did go see the Feast of Carols because my roommate Amanda and several friends sang in the choirs that performed. I am starting to get into the Christmas mood.
Tired...going to crash soon. Peace out.
Oh yeah. Did I mention we're going to Canada? I'm excited.
7 AM
Went to sleep count 'em 3 hours ago...the drugs I took for my cold are still heavy and I had to PEEL myself from the bed...feel like I was hit by a very large truck-shaped object. My eyes are burning for some reason. It is this hour that I feel the deepest, darkest pit of hell as a college student...I have to complete two finals back to back on 3 hours of sleep...I am flat broke...my bedroom is 10 degrees colder than the rest of the apartment causing me to dress like an eskimo who lives near a Good Will...the apartment looks like a bomb exploded because a day of non-stop studying will dirty any kitchen/living room...I've eaten nothing but pure junk food for the past 24 hours and came to the horrifying realization with Michael last night around midnight that we needed to lose some poundage...I will soon be leaving for heavy-duty coffee at Starbucks with Anna as we traipse in 4 degree weather to our exams in the dark. THIS is the college life. And I think 3 hours of sleep is making me delusional. Peace my friends.
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