Saturday, September 09, 2006

story sketch

story sketch, originally uploaded by eastaltus.

This is an early sketch for my short that has been consuming my brain for a bit. When the short is done I hope that these sketches will move to new brains for tasting, mine hurts.

Monday, September 04, 2006


These are the signs, originally uploaded by eastaltus.

after working hard producing strong linear narrative, it's nice to unwind with some random-iosity. Ness.

watr thot

watr thot, originally uploaded by eastaltus.

Flipping through sketchbooks I realize there are a lot of backs-of-heads people.
This is a drawing of what these large headed people sulking away are thinking of. Oh and the crazy-eyed puppets that watch them.
Towers and buildings in water. A minotaur's ghost in the clouds above watching over.
Just so you know.

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