Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday Snippets

 Our Week in Review
  • Alivia is not one to entertain herself so I was quite surprised to find her mixing water and dish soap with my kitchen whisk in a pie tin.  I asked her what she was doing and she said she was making bubbles and using our cookie cutters as giant wands.
  • The Mr. took Friday off from work.  He cleaned the house, wrestled with Isaac and then he took Alivia upstairs and started working with her on her letters and an hour later she was reading!  I kid you not that man taught her to read in an hour.  And then while I was grocery shopping that same child took a nap (which she never does).  That man should be the stay at home parent, he works miracles!  
  • A very thoughtful and sweet friend from my ward brought me a birthday bouquet of flowers and a balloon.  It was the sweetest gesture EVER, it made my whole day.  Heavenly Father puts the greatest people in my life. 
  • I turned 32 this Friday.  I know I've said this for the past few birthdays, but I just don't know how it's possible to be the same age I remember my parents as.  That I am my parents, living through most of the same challenges and difficulties that they faced.  I am them... and that's just mind blowing for me!  I caught myself telling people that my birthday was just another day of cooking and cleaning and all the things that a mother and wife does, when I had a sweet moment of realization, that I am in fact living my dream.  All I ever wanted in life was to be loved and to have a family of my own, to be healthy and to have a home.  This 32nd birthday I had everything I had ever hoped for and I realized it was in fact the best birthday ever.    I got to see friends, go grocery shopping kid free, we went out to dinner (which meant I didn't have to cook or do dishes).  And then I received a beautiful picture drawn for me by Miss Alivia.  She and the Mr. also bought me cake and ice cream and the family gave me a new camera.
  • We put the new camera to good use Saturday.  Some friends from the ward invited us to go to Galveston and play at the beach with them.  I was probably more excited then any one to go.  I've been aching to find something down here that is fun to do, that we can make a tradition with our family.  Since I haven't spent a lot of time at beaches I went in very open minded about what a day at the beach might be like.  As long as I was getting out of the house and the kids were being entertained I didn't much care about anything else.  The beaches down here in the Houston area are not pretty beaches.  The water is a muddy brown and seaweed litters the beaches.  BUT the water is warm and the sun shines ever so bright and I loved every second of being there.  My kids loved it too.  Thankfully our friends had lots of extra water toys, so we got to do all sorts of things!  Almost from the minute we got there we were making a checklist of things we'll need for our next trip out there. 
  • We almost had the perfect experience at the beach, if it weren't for Alivia's run in with a jelly fish, I'd have called this family outing one of the best we've ever had.   They fly colored flags at the beach to warn people of water conditions and dangers, since we were new to this I didn't know what the flags actually meant.  A blue flag means venomous animals or sharks have been reported.  And the blue flag was flying.  Dylan had screamed earlier that he had seen a jelly fish, but I thought he was making it up.  It wasn't until Alivia started screaming that her arm was stinging that I realized Dylan wasn't telling stories.  I hadn't prepared at all for something like that so I was clueless on how to help her.  We walked her to the "ranger station" and they had us dowse her arm in vinegar and then we made a paste with meat tenderizer to put on it.  She said that made her arm feel better.  She really was brave about the whole thing.  And next time we go we'll definitely be a little better prepared.  We'll plan on jelly fish stings, since they are everywhere in the warm waters of Galveston, and we'll use a whole lot more sunscreen, because the Texas sun is merciless. 
    Alivia's Jelly Fish Welts

    Even though I was slightly traumatized by her run in with the Jelly Fish, Alivia mostly brushed it off (after it stopped stinging of course) and went on having fun in the water.  I'm glad it didn't scare her so bad, and that she was still willing to go back in the ocean and play.   
    Interesting side note:  It takes at least 60 jelly fish stings a day before they will fly the blue flag...That's a whole lot of people getting stung every day...Ouch!

    Sunday, May 13, 2012


    It's hard for me to believe I have a 9 year old.  Next year he will be joining the double digits gang.  I'm going to blink my eyes and there will be zits, hormones, a mustache, arm pit hair, B.O. and a teenager standing in front of me.   How did this happen?  Please excuse me while I go hyperventilate.
    My first born son who came all wrinkly and beautiful, with your long, long, fingers and your sweet happy disposition, little did I know what adventures you'd bring to this family! 
    You're a great big brother.
    You love everyone you meet.
    You are phenomenal at memorizing interesting facts.
    You can talk a hind leg off a mule.
    You spend enormous amounts of energy arguing things instead of just doing them.
    You think doing things right the first time is for sissies.  Doing things twice is much better...
    You are so intelligent and quick to learn whenever it involves creatures and critters.
    Bless your heart you just want to be a GOOD kid, but sometimes your energy and your free spirited nature take over with disastrous results, but your heart is made of gold and good intentions and we love you for that!
    You always share and think of your brother and sister.  Never has there been a time you haven't saved half your treat for somebody else.

    For Dylan's ninth birthday I decided to ask him 9 question, here they are...

    Who is your best friend?  David
    What embarrasses you the most.  Getting teased.
    What is your favorite school subject and least favorite.  Science.  Math.
    What makes you angry?  When people don't give me what I want.
    What do you want to be when you grow up?  Palaeontologist, Arachnologist, Pilot.
    What is your biggest disappointment this year?  Not enough time to play the Wii.
    What is your favorite thing?  Pokemon Cards.
    What is your favorite food?  Pizza
    What is your most cherished memory?  My 9th Birthday.