Our Week in Review
- When I asked Isaac to go grab a shirt and some shorts, so we could get him dressed, he looked at me and said "HOT". I've let him run around in just his diaper the last little while, so apparently wearing clothes makes him hot.
- I broke down and bought the kids a plastic pool to hold us over until our neighborhood pool opens next month. They have had a riot in it, best 17 dollars I've spent in a long time.
- A friend from the ward invited us to join them at Zoobilee this week. We were all so excited to be able to go to the zoo down here for the first time. I was warned about Houston traffic and that I should leave as early as possible, but despite my best efforts we left our house very late, almost an hour later than I had planned. At first the traffic was light on the freeway and I had myself convinced we had some how got lucky and that we wouldn't be as late getting to the zoo as I thought. And that my dear friends is when I hit the 610 freeway traffic. Despite being like 8 miles from the zoo it took us almost 45 minutes to make it through 610 and downtown traffic. (I'd like to take a moment and congratulate myself for driving by myself to downtown Houston in 5-O-Clock traffic no-less and not completely melting down.) Trying to find a parking spot became our next great challenge. As soon as you would see someone backing up there would be three cars lined up behind it to take the spot. After driving around watching spot after spot being lined up for I decided to take a slightly less time consuming approach. I found an old couple walking through the parking lot, asked them if they were leaving and followed them to their car and finally got a parking place. We entered the zoo an hour late, which left us short on time, but we managed to take a very quick tour of our local zoo. The weather was perfect, we were with good company and it turned out to be the perfect little outing.
Starting next week the zoo is doing Dinosaurs at the Houston Zoo, we got to see it free (and a few days early) as part of the zoobilee admission. Alivia was really concerned and uneasy when we first went through since the dinosaurs move and make noise, but I think her and Dylan really enjoyed this special feature. Since we arrived late and the zoo closes fairly early we only had a small amount of time to cover most of the zoo animals. Isaac roared with the lions, and enjoyed most of the zoo. The older two were generally more excited to see squirrels and wild rabbits that roam the zoo grounds freely, then they were to see exotic animals from far away lands. From the minute we walked into the zoo, Dylan hounded me about finding the Komodo Dragon. We waited until the very end of the tour to find him, but you would have thought Christmas had come early for Dylan, he was so excited to see "Smog" that he was jumping and screaming like a winner on the price is right!
- We like to have the missionaries over for dinner once a month. We have new elders and they really made my kids laugh. My kids look forward to having the missionaries over and as a mother who some day hopes to have missionaries of her own, I can't help but hope someday my sons (and maybe a daughter) will have members who will invite them over for a good home cooked meal and some words of praise and encouragement.
- Miss Alivia had a terrible accident/ learning experience this week. One of her favorite lunches is a cup a noodles. She's been trying out her hand at adding the water and cooking them in the microwave by herself (with my permission). Each time they are done cooking I insist that she not touch it and that I will get it out of the microwave for her, this week she decided to get them out by herself while I was busy finishing up something else. While I admire her drive to do things by herself my heart nearly stopped when I heard a giant thud and splash in the kitchen followed by hysterical screaming. Thankfully she got out of it with only a minor burn on her upper arm. She told me later that evening she would never get things out of the microwave by herself again.
- We truly are watched over in this home, and while we always seem to hit every bump and dip along the way, things never turn out as bad as they should or could have, and for that I am truly grateful!