Our Week in Review
- Dylan's been working on similes at school. He was given a fill in the blank question to fill out, this is what he came up with. The Kamodo Dragon is lazy just like my mom. When I got upset with him about it, he said, "What? My teacher thought it was really funny!" That's my boy! Always keeping me humble.
- The kids and I met up with an old friend from Utah who lives down here in Houston now. It was good to see some one familiar. I'm looking forward to doing it again.
- We had the missionaries over for supper on Saturday night. They did a really cute object lesson that the kids loved. I think we'll make it a monthly tradition.
- I thought our sprinkler system was broke and I was slightly panicked over not being able to get them running. Thanks to google and hours of reading sprinkler system forums, I discovered someone had shut off our water at the backflow valve. Once I turned the water back on everything worked just fine.
- Mr. Giovannoni and I both received callings this week. I was called to be the CTR 5 Sunday school teacher. Mr. Giovannoni received 2 callings, the first was to be nursery leader and the second was to be a cub scout den leader for the 9 year olds. May the spirit be with us...Especially Mr. Giovannoni!