Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dylan's Baptism

On Saturday June 4th 2011,
Dylan David Giovannoni chose to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  
I hope he will always cherish and remember the special gift he was given, and that he will live worthy to always have the Holy Ghost as his guide and companion.  
Thank you to all our friends and family who have loved and supported Dylan as well as our family.  
It is my hope and my dream that Dylan will grow up to be an amazing man who loves God and who betters this world.  
Dylan you have a good heart and a caring spirit.  You are thoughtful.  You are smart.  You are kind.  You are eager.   You are sensitive.  You are loved.  
Thank you for being you and making my world a better place. 

Monday, June 6, 2011

Family and Friends...

A New Chapter.
In case you haven't heard, the Giovannoni's are headed off to a new adventure in...

Mr. Giovannoni accepted a new and (we hope) awesome job!  
We are excited and terrified!
Dylan is sad to leave his friends and very anxious about moving by "Tornado Alley", (which we are not, but for some reason Texas and tornado's are burned into his brain as going together) but is very excited to have new bugs to catch, and new places to see.
Alivia is super excited to move and asked if we could leave tomorrow!  I don't think she's going to be nearly as thrilled when she finally realizes we are going far far away from everyone and everything we know. 
Mr. Giovannoni is sad to leave.  He loves his Church calling and our ward, he likes his current job, he loves the Salt Lake County library system, he loves his marathons out here and the fact that they are held on Saturdays instead of Sunday.  He is giving up a lot of comforts and things he loves, to expand our family's horizons.
I have felt that we would end up in Houston for a while now.  There was a whispering in my heart that said I would go there and that I/we would be happy.  
There are many many unknowns!  And I'm certain that making things work out is going to be tough and is going to be a trial in my life, but I believe and trust in the prompting I had.  I believe I will find a different sort of happiness out there.   
I look forward to not having Utah winters, although I've heard summers in Houston are miserable because of the heat and humidity.  I may soon change my mind and wonder why I hated winter so bad.  I look forward to having my own fenced in yard and to building the garden of my dreams.  I look forward to meeting new people and having my life enriched by them. I look forward to planting TROPICAL flowers!
I know I will miss the mountains, miss them dearly, but maybe the open country, the busy city, the ocean, or the wooded lots surrounding Houston will catch my fancy. 
I'll miss all my old friends and my family and my husbands family.  I'll most likely never get to be at birthday parties, family events, and Holiday gatherings.  My kids won't be able to hop in the car and go see their Grandpas, Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins, whenever they want to.   I imagine I'll feel very lonely and removed at times, but it's my hope that I will be able to build my own family traditions and that my kids will find Grandma's and Grandpa's Fill-ins, in our new ward (church) family.  It's my hope that when we do get to see our loved ones we will cherish the time we've we been blessed to have with them and make the most of it.  
I look forward to hearing me kids say "ya'll".
I've heard that everything in Texas is bigger, and from what I've seen and read I believe it.  I'm not looking forward to the giant bugs, the horrendous traffic, or the astronomical AC bill, but all good things in life come with a price tag right?

It's my hope that everyone will start saving their pennies in a jar under the bed so they can come out and visit us once we are settled.