In some ways its hard for me to believe we've been in Texas for a month.
I've kept myself rather busy, so busy in fact, I can't remember what exactly it is we've accomplished in the last month.
Our new home is lovely, and I adore having a place of our own. I am loving every minute of being together again as a family.
I think that sums up what we've been doing.
Our neighborhood is quiet and everyone keeps to themselves. It couldn't be more opposite than what we are used to.
Our new ward is just about as quiet as our neighborhood. We have had a few "hello's" and a few welcoming smiles, but not much more. I'm hoping with time and patience we will grow to love our new ward and the families in it and that we'll feel like we belong to the best ward in the church again.
School's down here are very different, and so far they have presented the greatest adjustment and challenge. I'm hoping time and patience will help me to feel more positive about the school situation as well. For now it would probably suffice to say that I really dislike the way things are done down here.
I'm struggling with finding things to do with my kids. I miss my beloved routines of Utah life. There is no family to visit, no familiarity with where anything is, no idea of what Houston has to offer. We've strolled around our neighborhood lake, we've played at our neighborhood park and now I'm out of ideas.
I feel like a fish out of water whenever we are out in the general public. My first experience at the grocery store, was interesting to say the least. My checker informed me she had ADD and that she was a lesbian, that her and her girlfriend had a child and that she always hates it when people tell on her (to her boss) for announcing that she's a "Mormon" and that she can have as many girlfriends as she wants, because shes just "living her religion"...I could have argued with her about her ignorance, if she'd have ever stopped to take a breath, but part of me didn't think what I had to say would have mattered to her anyway. The second time I ventured out to get my van registered I had to go to the county courthouse. The parking lot was packed and when I went in there was a line wrapped up and down the long hallway that led to a door that read "bad checks, misdemeanor crimes, and forgery". I had to make my way down this crowded hall and all I could think was, am I going to get pick-pocketed? Once I made it to the right part of the building I stood in a long line to get our new plates and watched the local news report with horror. Houston's a big place and apparently they have no lack of criminals or murderers. Needless to say I felt a little unnerved about our new surroundings after that little trip.
The weather here is pleasant most of the time (so far). There have been some cold days and a lot of grey and rainy days, but I have been dealing with it much better than I did with snowy Utah winters.
On a more positive note.
My kids seem to be adjusting much better than I am. Dylan has made a couple of friends, his favorite friend just happens to live 2 houses down. He also loves his Sunday school teacher and Scout Master (who are one and the same).
Livie is content to play with her brothers, I don't believe there are any little girls her age in our neighborhood and the boys have been really good about letting her tag along, she seems happy about the way things are.
Isaac is tickled pink to have a place of his own to terrorize, he adores having his daddy around again. We had one good Sunday in Nursery and it's been downhill from there. I'm hoping in time he'll relax about it.
My kids still fight and argue but they really are each others best friends and it's been fun to watch them grow in love for each other.
We enjoyed our first Christmas here in Houston. And it was a GREAT Christmas!
I cooked like a mad woman, I have no idea how my mother did all the things she did, I find myself appreciating her talents and abilities more and more as I grow up and try to emulate her. I feel like I slaved over the stove and the sink for 48 hours straight, but we ate well and it kept me from feeling lonesome for family.
I have lived in our new home for a month and I still haven't used my dishwasher, old habits die hard I guess.
Mr. Giovannoni has spent the last two weeks vacationing at home with us. He's probably going insane but I love having him home! I love it! I'm so glad I have my own little family, they have helped me realize that even though every thing is new and different down here, I have them and that is all that matters!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Our Week in Review
- Earlier this week I put E. T. the movie on for my kids to watch, I was working on some indexing (genealogy) on our laptop and I wasn't paying much attention to the movie. After a while I could hear a lot of sniffling so I looked up to find Dylan crying his little heart out. Once the show was over I asked Dylan what he thought of it. He told me it was sad and that the lesson he learned from it was that you make friends and then you have to move and then he ran out of my bedroom crying. He's most certainly a miniature me when it comes to his emotions and his way of thinking. I hope that his sadness about moving will quickly fade and that he'll find great new friends .
- The kids had one last play date with their old friends from Midvale. They had a lot of fun. I had a great time as well visiting with my dear friend Stacie. I took this picture of Alivia and all her BFF's so she could always remember them.
- The kids and I joined Uncle Nyles, Aunt Kira, Javen, Grandpa Ward, Grandma Ward and Aunt Emily at Chuck-a-Rama for Thanksgiving dinner this year. That's the second year in a row and I certainly hope it was the last time for a long time. I miss home-cooked Thanksgivings that's for sure. Afterwards we were invited to my Uncle Dean's home. Most of my fondest memories of Thanksgiving happened at his house. It was so good to see most of my relatives one last time, they are so dear to me, I have a great extended family! They entertained us with music, singing and dancing. It was lovely and will most certainly be a tender memory for me.
- Apparently right before we left Grandma "Joe's" to head to Chuck-a-Rama, Isaac decided to add a few special ingredients to her grape juice which she had set out in a punch bowl to serve to her Thanksgiving guests. The first thing fished out was a pencil, then a golf ball and last but most certainly the most awful, was a bottle of finger nail polish! Poor Grandma worried all night long that her guests were poisoned. Thankfully everyone survived and no one got sick, so now I'll have a funny story to share every year about the Thanksgiving Isaac spiked the punch bowl.
- I took Alivia to see our dear friend and hairstylist Stacie. She gave Alivia an adorable hair cut, I'll post pictures of it later after we have surprised her daddy with it.
- On Friday night Grandpa and Grandma Ward, Uncle Mitch, Aunt Cozy, Braxton, Aunt Emily and the kids and I ventured up to Salt lake City to see the lights at Temple Square. It was bitter cold, but beautiful. I'm going to miss seeing Temple Square with it's Christmas lights. The kids enjoyed buying their own hot spiced cider too.
- Moving day arrived. Uncle Nyles and Aunt Kira (who is 9 months pregnant and ready to go anyday, bless her sweet heart) took my 2 oldest kids to have one last cousin sleep over and give me some free time to get things packed and organized. My Mom and Dad were also kind enough to take Isaac, so I was kid free for the day. I wish I could describe to you what it feels like to watch everything you own being packed into a semi truck. The joy and exhilaration of finally being able to move on. Then there was sorrow and sadness when I thought about everything we're leaving behind. Bitter-Sweet, Bitter-Sweet....
- We had our last Sunday family dinner in Utah. My mom went way out of her way and made a delicious dinner with all my favorite foods. My sister Cozy made and shared some delicious cake pops. Aunt Kira and Uncle Nyles brought stuff to make floats for dessert. It was awesome.
- Isaac has had a rash around his mouth for a while now, I'm 90 percent sure it's a food allergy, I have just had a hard time figuring out what food was triggering it. He smeared some of Grandma's deviled egg yokes on his face this evening and it flared up really bad, I think I've found the culprit. He has refused to eat eggs for as long as I can remember but lately I've been slipping them in things to give him some protein in his diet. I've googled egg allergies and the pictures of rashes look exactly the same (but who knows maybe all allergic reaction rashes look the same) I guess as soon as we get to Houston, I'll get him in to see the Dr. For now I'll play it safe and keep him away from eggs.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
2nd Annual Giovannoni Thanksgiving Thanks
Mr. Giovannoni
- A loving Heavenly Father, a Savior, the Gospel
- My husband and our three children, as well as the best extended family, In-laws and friends.
- Blessings...especially the blessings that come after a trial.
- Dad, Mom, Livie and Isaac
- Animals
- Mountains and Food
- Dad, Mom, Dylan and Isaac
- Dress-ups and Barbies
- Butterflies
- Daddy, Mommy, Dylan and Livie
- Food
- Car Rides
Sunday, November 20, 2011
After months of waiting and lots and lots of uncertainty and ups and downs
the Giovannoni's have found a home!
We should be closing next week.
The kids and I will get on a plane Tuesday the 29th of November 2011
and begin our new life in a new place.
I'm excited, I'm terrified, I'm so happy and yet I'm so sad.
Life is sort of funny in it's bitter sweet ways.
I'm so excited to be together again with my husband.
I'm so excited to decorate our new home. (Thank you Pinterest)
I'm so excited to build a garden.
I'm excited to have a fresh start.
I'm excited to take long walks and runs around the neighborhood lake.
I have just one week left with all the family and friends I'm about to leave. I wish I could stuff them all in my suitcase and bring them with me. I am going to miss everyone SO VERY MUCH.
Coming to an end of a part of your life is always painful, but it also means the beginning of a new chapter. I pray Heavenly Father will watch over and bless our little family as we move forward.
the Giovannoni's have found a home!
We should be closing next week.
The kids and I will get on a plane Tuesday the 29th of November 2011
and begin our new life in a new place.
I'm excited, I'm terrified, I'm so happy and yet I'm so sad.
Life is sort of funny in it's bitter sweet ways.
I'm so excited to be together again with my husband.
I'm so excited to decorate our new home. (Thank you Pinterest)
I'm so excited to build a garden.
I'm excited to have a fresh start.
I'm excited to take long walks and runs around the neighborhood lake.
I have just one week left with all the family and friends I'm about to leave. I wish I could stuff them all in my suitcase and bring them with me. I am going to miss everyone SO VERY MUCH.
Coming to an end of a part of your life is always painful, but it also means the beginning of a new chapter. I pray Heavenly Father will watch over and bless our little family as we move forward.
Sunday Snippets
Our Week in Review
- I broke my middle toe on my right foot. Then I decided to take my kids to the park and go for a run. My toe actually didn't hurt at all when I went for my run, but it sure has throbbed since.
- On Tuesday Miss Livie, Isaac and I got to hang out with my Sister-in-Law Kira. It was nice just to sit down and chat. The rest of Tuesday however was not so fun, I wouldn't have a problem if those memories were wiped forever!
- Wednesday night the kids and I went to my cousin Kristy's house. I just love her and her family so very much. Years ago I went to work for her dad and we spent a lot of time working together. I'm so glad we did because she is one of my favorite people ever! She made us a delicious roast dinner and even made dessert. It was a great evening out that's for sure. Thanks Kristy for having us and making such a delicious dinner and dessert.
- Saturday night my In-Laws were kind enough to babysit my kids so I could go to dinner with all my good friends from high school. I had so much FUN! Each one of my friends are dear to me and they each hold a special place in my heart. Thanks Ladies for being my friends and always knowing how to make me laugh.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Our Week in Review
- Dylan took my cell phone (with out my permission of course) to school with him. He picked a bad day to "sneak" it, since I received several very important phone calls on it that morning. My ringer is LOUD and obnoxious folks and he has no idea how to shut it off. After realizing he made a terrible, terrible mistake he then called my mother at her job in hysterics about his predicament. After the message was finally relayed to me, I ran to the school to retrieve my stolen phone. That child's lack of impulse control is going to be the death of me.
- Uncle Eric let the kids and I go with him to visit Great Grandma Benson. It was a lovely visit, I'm so sad I haven't done it more often. We also got to see Aunt Arda, Uncle Scott and a few of my cousins. My kids had a ball playing with all of my Aunt Arda's toys. The kids and I thoroughly enjoyed our evening out and we are so glad Uncle Eric invited us along.
- On Saturday Miss Alivia turned 5! We had such a busy crazy day, but I hope she loved every minute of it. Great Grandma "Joe" made Alivia pancakes for breakfast (they are her favorite). Afterwards Alivia and I went to "Aunt" Kira's baby shower. There was music playing in the background and Alivia got lost in her own little world and danced up a storm. She really loves to dance, I need to do something about it. After the shower was over Alivia requested that her Aunts and Uncles, and Grandpa and Grandma Ward all come to a pool party. It was really quite fun. We finished up her party at Chick-Fil-A, so everyone could grab a bite for dinner. After the party was over I took her home and she got to see her daddy (over the web cam) and open some more presents. She really got spoiled this year, I hope she thought it was the best birthday ever. She has certainly made the last 5 years a wonderful adventure, I love her saucy attitude (most of the time) and her willingness to work hard. She's a bossy, girly-girl and sometimes I swear she comes from another planet, but I know shes just what our little family needs.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Our Week in Review
- It has been a quiet week except for our Halloween adventures, but since I already blogged about that I won't repeat myself.
- I had high hopes of spending Thanksgiving in Houston with my kids and my husband, but I learned this week that it is not going to happen.
- The next couple of weeks look to be full of adventures and a lot of stress, so maybe I'll actually have something to write about next time. Until then we are looking forward to Sunday dinner with the family at Grandma's. The kids and I really love this new (but soon to be short lived) tradition.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Halloween 2011
I should have been Scrouge for Halloween. BAH-HUM-BUG!
Dylan left half (and the important half) of his costume at school. I didn't realize this until 10 minutes before we were supposed to leave to go trick-or-treating. So All the money I blew on his costume so he could have something to wear for one night sat locked away in a closet at school.
My mother used to always say "someday you'll get a kid just like you"....Well folks I got a kid just like me...If that kids head wasn't attached he'd forget that too!
Every year we have a tradition where dad and the kids in their costumes pose for a picture. This year I don't even have a picture to show. I guess I'm not that mad since Mr. Giovannoni is in Houston, Dylan was missing half his costume and Isaac didn't have one at all.
Miss Alivia had quite the swagger in her little Butterfly costume, she told her Aunt Cozy she walked like that because she was "Beautiful", heaven help me when she's a teen! She did look pretty cute though if you ask me.
Uncle Nyles, Aunt Kira, Aunt Cozy, Uncle Mitch and all our little ones went trick-or-treating to the neighborhood my siblings and I grew up in, and we all really enjoyed ourselves. It was fun to hang out with my brothers and sisters and my nephews, best part of Halloween for sure.
Dylan left half (and the important half) of his costume at school. I didn't realize this until 10 minutes before we were supposed to leave to go trick-or-treating. So All the money I blew on his costume so he could have something to wear for one night sat locked away in a closet at school.
My mother used to always say "someday you'll get a kid just like you"....Well folks I got a kid just like me...If that kids head wasn't attached he'd forget that too!
Every year we have a tradition where dad and the kids in their costumes pose for a picture. This year I don't even have a picture to show. I guess I'm not that mad since Mr. Giovannoni is in Houston, Dylan was missing half his costume and Isaac didn't have one at all.
Miss Alivia had quite the swagger in her little Butterfly costume, she told her Aunt Cozy she walked like that because she was "Beautiful", heaven help me when she's a teen! She did look pretty cute though if you ask me.
Uncle Nyles, Aunt Kira, Aunt Cozy, Uncle Mitch and all our little ones went trick-or-treating to the neighborhood my siblings and I grew up in, and we all really enjoyed ourselves. It was fun to hang out with my brothers and sisters and my nephews, best part of Halloween for sure.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Our Week In Review
- Not much to report this week. Isaac and myself flew out to Houston Wednesday to see the Mr. The weather was perfect in Houston, warm sunshine, slightly chilly breeze. I think I'm going to like Houston Winters.
- My wonderful in-laws and my sweet sister Cozy watched Alivia and Dylan while I was in Houston. I'm really grateful for their help and service. It won't be too long from now that our family will be a thousand miles away from everyone we love. I'm going to miss the love and support and help everyone gives to our family.
- I really struggled to want to do anything for Halloween this year, so I found myself at the Halloween store late Tuesday night paying WAY to much for last minute Halloween costumes for my kids, because I couldn't stand the look of disappointment in their eyes.
- Mr. Giovannoni celebrated his 32nd birthday, although there really wasn't much celebrating. I really have dropped the ball with everything in life right now. I just hope the Mister knows how much I love him and that someday I'll give him a great birthday, with gifts and everything...SOMEDAY!
- Isaac was absolutely terrible on our flight home from Houston. We were blessed to sit by so many nice people who were kind and understanding, when they could have been rude and outwardly frustrated! Longest three hours of my life (and everyone elses for that matter), that's for certain. Despite his atrocious behavior and my splitting headache from being head butted we made it back to Utah safe and sound.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Our Week in Review
- Uncle Eric, Aunt Cozy, Braxton and the kids and I all drove up to Sundance to take some pictures. I love the mountains. I am going to miss them dearly. The crisp air and the beautiful fall colors, were enchanting. I tried capturing a picture of the beautiful colors of the leaves on the mountain up ahead of us with my phone, but the kids were screaming and fighting, I was hanging out our van window and the sun was blaring head on, none of which makes for a good picture.
- Where did my baby boy go? He's only a year and a half, but when I look at these pictures I see just how much he has grown and changed.
- Then I saw this picture and I was like who's child is that?
Isaac isn't the only one growing up. I can't believe my little girl is turning 5 next month. All of the sudden her underwear is to little, her face shape is changing and her capri's are actually capri's rather than pants on her. I can't help but wonder if someone's sneaking growth hormones to my kids :)
- Dylan was to busy running around like a wild child to have his picture taken, and while his looks and appearance aren't changing much now, I see a lot of growth and change in who he is on the inside.
- I braved taking all three kids by myself to the Lehi Legacy swimming pool. It turned out to be a pretty fun adventure. Isaac cuddled up to me the entire time and Livie and Dylan had a lot of fun going down slides and playing with the water spouts.
- We tried doing a picnic at the Discovery Park one evening as well, but it got cold and dark right after we got there, so that didn't turn out nearly as fun as I hoped.
- My make it Monday craft didn't work out so well either. It looked very easy and simple and I imagined it being a really fun project for the kids and I. Not so. Maybe I'm craft impaired....We'll just have to see if I can come up with something better for tomorrow.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Our Week in Review
More appropriately titled the last few weeks in review
- The home in Cypress which we loved and hoped and waited for twice, finally SOLD to someone other than us.
- Alivia and I have had a rough week. That girl is insanely stubborn and can throw the mother of all psychotic fits. After a particular situation in which I reacted horribly to her tantrum, I just fell apart. Later that evening Alivia looked at me and said, "Mom you are doing a great job with your kids"! I was horrified and touched all at the same time. I do not know what motivated her to say that, but it certainly made me think twice.
- The children are driving everyone crazy. Living in someones elses home if beyond hard, for every one involved. I'm living in total dread of fall break this next week.
- Alivia has learned to spell and write her first name, she has so much fun writing it and is so proud of herself. I totally burst her bubble the other day though when I tried to teach her her last name....My poor children! Can you imagine having to learn and spell GIOVANNONI.
- Isaac has begun his morph from calm, gentile, sweet innocent baby into a saucy energetic, pushing, hitting, throwing, destroying angel! I love him more than words, I really do, but oh my he can really make a mess and he throws tantrums that almost beat out Alivia's. He screams like he's at deaths door if I walk out of his line of vision. He gets into a smack down fight when ever I put him with other toddlers, it makes nursery time one anxiety filled event (for the both of us).
- Dylan is still doing fantastic in school. He is currently keeping himself busy by "writing" books and spouting facts and teasing his great grandmother.
- We have surpassed the 4 month mark since Mr. Giovannoni left us for Houston. Life really is what happens when you're busy making plans. Because none of this was in my plans!
- I've been absolutely horrible about keeping current on this blog, mostly it's because I'm suffering from bi-polar emotions and I've been afraid that I'd jinx myself or say something absolutely horrendous, so I've just kept quiet.
- Dylan and I went to our first live general conference session thanks to my parents who invited us along and my sister who gave us tickets so we could go. Dylan slept through the entire thing, but I enjoyed every second of the peace and quiet and the messages. I got to sit with my mother, my father and one of my brothers as well as my two little sisters. It was awesome to have so many of my family there together.
- I like to escape to the park with my kids, it gives everyone a nice break. Isaac always goes and finds a puddle to sit in, silly kid. I'm going to miss our park excursions, once the cold settles in and winter begins, I might officially go insane this winter....Let's all cross our fingers and say a little prayed that we (and by that I mean the kids and I) can be in Houston before that happens.
- I've been teaching my sister in-law to crochet. I'm not a very good teacher, but I think she is doing a very good job.
- I've decided to do a little project called Make it Monday with my kids. Hopefully I can make a go of it and start making some good/happy memories, while we're at Grandma's.
- I got to help Ernie and Diane and Grandma "Joe" harvest their potato crop. I was in seventh heaven, I really do love gardening. It's the first time in months I momentarily forgot my problems.
- Halloween is almost here and I have no desire to make or buy my children costumes this year, can we just cancel the whole darn thing?
- The fall leaves on the mountain are just stunning right now. I'm hoping their brilliant colors will stick around for another week or so, so I can take the kids on a long drive through the canyons, so we can be surrounded by beauty.
- Alivia and Dylan did so good with their parts in the primary program today. It was nice to have an uneventful primary program for once.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Now I'm grumpy!
I spent two hours last night typing up the last two weeks of Sunday Snippets. I even saved the post a few times along the way and when I went to post it today it posted the title, but there was no text. Everything I typed inside was gone, so here's attempt number two.
August 14-20
I spent two hours last night typing up the last two weeks of Sunday Snippets. I even saved the post a few times along the way and when I went to post it today it posted the title, but there was no text. Everything I typed inside was gone, so here's attempt number two.
August 14-20
- I hauled three children, four pieces of carry-on luggage and two car seats through the airport by myself, so that we could go on a family vacation to Houston before Dylan started school. We were an hour early and our flight was an hour and a half delayed so we had lots of free time to sit in the terminal. But once it was time to board the plane my luggage decided to spontaneously explode. The zipper broke and all the contents fell out. A very kind women stopped and held Isaac for me so I could stuff my belongings back in and try to get the zipper to stay shut. She even helped me load my kids up in the plane, she was an angel! Thankfully the kids slept most of the flight.
- After the whole flight ordeal was over and on the car ride to Mr. Giovannoni's apartment the kids were being super silly and Isaac was laughing his little head off. There's something about babies laughing that brings me such joy. It felt so good to be together as a family!
- Alivia's first statement when we got out of the car (in Texas) was "What is that smell"? We laughed and laughed and told her it was just Texas. Dylan followed up by asking, "Why is it still hot and the sun is NOT up"?
- Before we entered Mr. Giovannoni's apartment, we instructed our children to walk softly on the floor and to not scream or fight so that we wouldn't disturb anyone. We hadn't been there for even a half hour before there was a knock on the door. Apparently his (childless) downstairs neighbor had turned us into management for being to noisy! I knew we were in for it after that because my kids weren't even acting up. The next day this "neighbor" knocked on our door and told me he was a reasonable person, and we were being so disruptive, so if we could please keep it quiet. I tried to explain to him that I had three children one of which was a toddler and that I was doing my best to keep them quiet. I explained we were just here for a few days and then we would be gone. I told him during the day I was car-less, but I'd do my best to keep them quiet while we were at home. Despite my best efforts Mr. Giovannoni's neighbor continued to knock and complain and pretend he was a reasonable person! He really was a trip ruin-er for sure! I spent every second we were at the apartment, threatening, scolding and putting my kids in time out for moving or breathing. It was AWFUL.
- When we weren't living in fear of making noise and bothering the neighbor, we spent our time playing in the pool at Mr. Giovannoni's apartment complex, it really was fun.
- Isaac slipped/tripped and fell on the corner of his daddies glass coffee table and split his eye brawl open. We had our first experience with our new health insurance and an Urgent Care Facility down there. Two stitches later Isaac was up and running and looking for a new way to hurt himself.
- On Friday night we took the kids to a fun restaurant/petting zoo. Only in Texas! My kids thought it was a riot to eat a mouthful of food and run off and chase the peacocks and look at the one eyed horse. I would have never ever went there if someone had told me about it, but I'm glad we went it was a unique dining experience!
- Mr. Giovannoni took Dylan to a special Star Wars exhibit at the Houston Children's Health Museum. He really enjoyed it, but I think the kids favorite part of our trip to the museum was the 4-D movie we went to see called planet you.
- We went to a place called Pappadeux's for dinner and tried some fried alligator.
- Sunday was a bitter sweet day for me. Bitter, because I hated going home, not knowing when we would be together again. Bitter because we were no closer to finding a home then before we came. Bitter because I don't want to be a single mother anymore and I don't like being alone. Bitter because I had to haul all my kids and belongings back through the airport by myself so we could go home. Sweet because I was tired of being a grump to my kids. Sweet, because I didn't have to deal with Mr. "Reasonable" any more!
- We stopped by the Houston temple and let the kids look around before we headed off to the airport. Dylan had hoped and hoped he'd see a lizard while he was in Texas. Unfortunately all he found was a dead shriveled up one by the pool. Just before we left the temple, Alivia spotted a green lizard on one of the temple trees and showed it to Dylan. He was ecstatic! He tells everyone he had a miracle happen at the Houston temple, because he saw a lizard there. I can't help but love that kid, it makes me smile and laugh every time I hear him tell everyone of his Houston temple miracle.
- Dylan told me repeatedly that he was super glad to be going home to Utah because he really loves cold nights, not hot nights like Texas'.
- Thank you Aunt Jennell for driving us to the airport. And thank you Grandma Ward for picking us up at 11:00 at night.
- Our trip to Texas was truly an adventure. I can't wait to finally get settled there!
- Dylan got to meet his new school teacher. She seemed really nice.
- Dylan got to ride a bus to school for the very first time, and he loves it!
- For the first time in what seems like forever, there is peace and quiet in Grandma's home. Alivia has no one to tease and fight with while Dylan's at school, and I'm enjoying every second of it.
- Aunt Cozy, Uncle Eric and the kids and I went to the pool for one last dip. Dylan ran over and got in line to jump of the high dive, I was so certain he was going to get up there and chicken out, but boy was I wrong, he dived right off. He spent almost the entire time we were there jumping off the high dive. He did an excellent job of swimming too, for only having one set of lessons last year. I think he is an excellent swimmer. He even got his mother and Aunt Cozy to jump off the high dive too. He asked me how I liked it afterwards and I told him I was old because it just hurt me everywhere. He then told me maybe if I didn't have so much extra "skin", it wouldn't hurt so bad. Oh the honesty of a child.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Back to School
Third Grade
Dylan is super excited to start a new school year. I'm even more so. It's been a long summer of changes and it will be nice to have something constant and structured in our lives.
Dylan was also way excited, because for the time being, he gets to ride a bus to school!
I feel so bad for him having to face so much change and uncertainty right now, but if anyone can face it with a positive attitude and a friendly heart it would most certainly be Dylan.
I Love you Dylan, I hope you have a great time and learn lots of things while we are here.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Sunday Snippets
Our Week in Review.
- So far we've survived 8 weeks of being separated from Mr. Giovannoni. He's been here in Utah for a few days here and there and I visited him once in Houston, but life feels lonely and hard without him here.
- Mr. Giovannoni's family has been so kind to let us live with them. I'm glad my kids have had the opportunity to spend time with their Grandma and Great Grandma.
- Alivia request that her Great Grandmother Giovannoni make her pancakes every morning. I'm always appalled and I spend a lot of time trying to convince Alivia that cereal is better and to not bother her grandmother, but Grandma "Joe" is always tickled that she asks, so she happily obliges.
- Isaac slipped in the tub and split his upper right eyelid open. Thankfully it wasn't deep and didn't need any stitches, but now he has a black eye.
- I attempted to take all three of my children to a baptism without any help. Five minutes into it I realized I would have been better off getting wild monkeys to hold still and be quiet then getting my kids to behave themselves. I was so embarrassed.
- While at this baptism Alivia decided to sit on my cousins lap and proceeded to fart most loudly and then laugh ever so loudly at her manner-less behavior. I could have died from embarrassment!
- A second home option has hit the market. Both homes have the same basic floor plan, that I just adore.
Option number One
Located in Cypress this one is my favorite of the two. I like that it is newer, the painting and floors are all to my liking. It puts us smack dab between Mr. Giovannoni's work facilities (which are about 20 miles apart) so it would be a nice option for Mr. Giovannoni's commute. It has a smaller yard and some ridiculous HOA fees tied to it and the current owners are asking more than it's worth.
Option number Two.
This home is located in Richmond. We don't know much about this area. It is quite close to one work facility, but very far from the other. It is 4 years older than the other home, and the view from the backyard is the tollway (freeway). The inside is neat but I would definitely do some updating of the paint and flooring.
The yard is huge and the price is exactly where we want it to be.
All that is left now is to figure out what is the better option for us.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
One Month
I'm haunted and plagued by the little line under my blog list that keeps reminding me this family blog has sat untouched for over a month now. I remember when I first started to blog and read blogs, I found it incredulous that people left their blogs untouched for months at a time, I wondered to myself why people even bothered in the first place. But lately, more often than not, my very blogs suffer from the above mentioned condition. So here are my excuses as to why I've fallen into such a slump, in no particular order.
I have two blogs...well actually I have four blog, but two of them I actually try to keep updated for journaling (I think I just made that word up) purposes. I thought it was such a brilliant idea to separate my life happenings and thoughts from our family's life and happening. But now I have serious anxiety about what posts belong where and then I stress out about trying to keep them both interesting and separate with out repeating myself on one or the other. So most of my ramblings get put on my personal blog, and our poor family blog remains untouched.
Our lives aren't really that exciting and I seriously struggle with finding things and events that I want to remember or have recorded.
I have it stuck in my head that our family blog posts (or any blog post for that matter) need to be exciting, or at least shocking and like I mentioned before our lives aren't exciting or shocking.
My older sister does a post every Friday about the weeks events with her family and I love it! It makes me feel close to them, when they are far away. Some day she's going to look back and treasure the things she has written and I want the same thing! I've been desperately trying to come up with something similar to do with our family blog with out taking away the unique and specialness of her Forget Me Not Friday posts.
Until then forgive me for the very long pauses.
I have two blogs...well actually I have four blog, but two of them I actually try to keep updated for journaling (I think I just made that word up) purposes. I thought it was such a brilliant idea to separate my life happenings and thoughts from our family's life and happening. But now I have serious anxiety about what posts belong where and then I stress out about trying to keep them both interesting and separate with out repeating myself on one or the other. So most of my ramblings get put on my personal blog, and our poor family blog remains untouched.
Our lives aren't really that exciting and I seriously struggle with finding things and events that I want to remember or have recorded.
I have it stuck in my head that our family blog posts (or any blog post for that matter) need to be exciting, or at least shocking and like I mentioned before our lives aren't exciting or shocking.
My older sister does a post every Friday about the weeks events with her family and I love it! It makes me feel close to them, when they are far away. Some day she's going to look back and treasure the things she has written and I want the same thing! I've been desperately trying to come up with something similar to do with our family blog with out taking away the unique and specialness of her Forget Me Not Friday posts.
Until then forgive me for the very long pauses.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Dylan's Baptism
On Saturday June 4th 2011,
Dylan David Giovannoni chose to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I hope he will always cherish and remember the special gift he was given, and that he will live worthy to always have the Holy Ghost as his guide and companion.
Thank you to all our friends and family who have loved and supported Dylan as well as our family.
It is my hope and my dream that Dylan will grow up to be an amazing man who loves God and who betters this world.
Dylan you have a good heart and a caring spirit. You are thoughtful. You are smart. You are kind. You are eager. You are sensitive. You are loved.
Thank you for being you and making my world a better place.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Family and Friends...
A New Chapter.
In case you haven't heard, the Giovannoni's are headed off to a new adventure in...
In case you haven't heard, the Giovannoni's are headed off to a new adventure in...
Mr. Giovannoni accepted a new and (we hope) awesome job!
We are excited and terrified!
Dylan is sad to leave his friends and very anxious about moving by "Tornado Alley", (which we are not, but for some reason Texas and tornado's are burned into his brain as going together) but is very excited to have new bugs to catch, and new places to see.
Alivia is super excited to move and asked if we could leave tomorrow! I don't think she's going to be nearly as thrilled when she finally realizes we are going far far away from everyone and everything we know.
Mr. Giovannoni is sad to leave. He loves his Church calling and our ward, he likes his current job, he loves the Salt Lake County library system, he loves his marathons out here and the fact that they are held on Saturdays instead of Sunday. He is giving up a lot of comforts and things he loves, to expand our family's horizons.
I have felt that we would end up in Houston for a while now. There was a whispering in my heart that said I would go there and that I/we would be happy.
There are many many unknowns! And I'm certain that making things work out is going to be tough and is going to be a trial in my life, but I believe and trust in the prompting I had. I believe I will find a different sort of happiness out there.
I look forward to not having Utah winters, although I've heard summers in Houston are miserable because of the heat and humidity. I may soon change my mind and wonder why I hated winter so bad. I look forward to having my own fenced in yard and to building the garden of my dreams. I look forward to meeting new people and having my life enriched by them. I look forward to planting TROPICAL flowers!
I know I will miss the mountains, miss them dearly, but maybe the open country, the busy city, the ocean, or the wooded lots surrounding Houston will catch my fancy.
I'll miss all my old friends and my family and my husbands family. I'll most likely never get to be at birthday parties, family events, and Holiday gatherings. My kids won't be able to hop in the car and go see their Grandpas, Grandmas, Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins, whenever they want to. I imagine I'll feel very lonely and removed at times, but it's my hope that I will be able to build my own family traditions and that my kids will find Grandma's and Grandpa's Fill-ins, in our new ward (church) family. It's my hope that when we do get to see our loved ones we will cherish the time we've we been blessed to have with them and make the most of it.
I look forward to hearing me kids say "ya'll".
I've heard that everything in Texas is bigger, and from what I've seen and read I believe it. I'm not looking forward to the giant bugs, the horrendous traffic, or the astronomical AC bill, but all good things in life come with a price tag right?
It's my hope that everyone will start saving their pennies in a jar under the bed so they can come out and visit us once we are settled.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The Lost Pig
On Monday for Family Home Evening, the kids and I read the parable in which Jesus teaches about a shepard who left his 99 sheep to look for the one that was lost. It was a simple and short lesson. We read it right out of the kids version of the New Testament. Both kids were quiet and seemed to be paying attention.
After I had finished reading, I asked Alivia if she would quickly tell me about what she learned from the story.
Her reply, "Jesus lost his pig."
Me: "PIG"?
Alivia: "Um no Mom I mean...What's that animal again? Oh yeah a sheep".
After I had finished reading, I asked Alivia if she would quickly tell me about what she learned from the story.
Her reply, "Jesus lost his pig."
Me: "PIG"?
Alivia: "Um no Mom I mean...What's that animal again? Oh yeah a sheep".
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Spring Break
The though of stewing around my house with nothing to do for Spring Break with all my kids home and Derik at work was more than I could bare, so I decided that I would drive down to Albuquerque, New Mexico to visit my sister and her family. I'm so grateful that Jon and Heidi were kind enough to let us come hang out at their place for a week.
Isaac had a boogery cold the week before we left but seemed to be on the mend, so I figured we were in the clear as far as sharing germs were concerned. We hit the road early Saturday morning and drove 11 plus hours to the beautiful sunshiny city of Albuquerque. My kids were excellent travelers and the we arrived perfectly safe and sound Saturday evening just in time to catch the last few minutes of my sisters church party.
On Sunday, Uncle Jon treated us to his delicious waffle breakfast and then we went to church together. The kids got to go to Sunday School with their cousins and I think they really enjoyed that. Aunt Heidi made Dylan some ribs for dinner and he loved them!
Heidi and I took the kids flower shopping. I think I might have been the only one who found any satisfaction and joy in our little flower shopping trip. I could spend days browsing green houses and nurseries and never tire of it. After we got home we made dinner and planted flowers. Thanks Heidi for letting me help you pick flowers and plant them. I loved getting my hands dirty.
Heidi, the kids and myself, hit the fabric store and bought enough fabric to sew Dylan a pillowcase, and Livie and myself a three tiered skirt. Lets just say that sewing isn't something I've started off being talented at. So Heidi ended up sewing everything. It did however spark an interest in me. I'm determined to pull out my new sewing machine this week and get to practicing! This is the skirt Heidi made for Alivia it turned out so cute. Even better is the fact that my Heidi captured these gorgeous photos. My sister Heidi is so talented at everything she does.
I'll post a picture of my skirt as soon as I find the nerve to take a picture of myself....
Heidi's girls get out of school early (on Wednesdays) so we headed over to a park to play while Morgan went to Piano Lessons. After wards we went to the Aquarium in Albuquerque. I really enjoyed my time there. Theri exhibits are really cool. I loved the Jelly fish.
And this giant exhibit of sharks and sea turtles was awesome!
After we finished with the aquarium, we walked over to the botanical gardens. My kids loved being able to explore and run around. They had a huge miniature train set and Dylan chased after the trains until they put them away.
Heidi sewed skirts and this pillowcase dress, while I watched. I think it turned out really cute.
Our sewing fun came to an abrupt stop when poor Braden hit his head on the table and split open his forehead, I felt so bad for him.While we waited for Braden to come home from the insta-care, the kids all colored Easter eggs. Aunt Heidi is the Best!
Heidi pulled her girls from school so they could come hang out with us at the zoo. I loved the Albuquerque Zoo too, it was awesome. I loved the Flamingo's (even though they stink) their coloring is my favorite, which I learned comes from the Crustaceans they eat!
Dylan thought he had died and gone to heaven when he finally got to see the Komodo Dragons.
We watched the seals eat their breakfast, they even applied sunscreen to one of them (what the ?). We watched one monkey eat his feces and the other throw up his lunch and then eat it again. The kids were so disgusted and fascinated! The polar bears were awesome too, they were doing a little dance that was mesmerizing to watch. It was a fun experience!
After we got home from the zoo Aunt Heidi had another Easter craft for the kids to do. They got to make these adorable bunnies.
You cooked , cleaned, refereed, entertained, listened, photographed, and gave us one fabulous vacation. Even though Alivia and Braden fought like cats and dogs, and the other kids had their moments, I think all they will really remember is the time spent together and the fun things they got to do!
Isaac has a terrible habit of swiping other kids sippie cups and poor J's was no exception, unfortunately he shared his boogery germs with her and got her sick, I feel so terrible for getting such a great weekend and giving such an awful thank you present! Here's hoping she get better really really quick!
My kids were fabulous on the drive home on Saturday. I listened to a church book on CD for a better portion of the time. It was really a great 11 hour ride.
Dylan told me something super funny in the car on the way home and I told myself to remember exactly what he said so I could write it down and just like that it left my head. So here's what I think I remember, although it's not going to be as funny because it was the way he said it that made it so comical!
"Mom I think it's funny how boy peacocks have beautiful tails that they flash to the girl birds and impress them so they can mate." "My teacher told me another word for mating is breeding." I want to breed endangered animals, so they don't disappear, like the frogs we saw at the zoo."
That sort of left me speechless!
On a closing note, Heidi captured these photo's of my kids for me.
I LOVE them! (Both the Pictures and my Kids!)
Just a week shy of his 8th birthday.
4 years old
1 Year Old
Monday, March 21, 2011
Isaac Turns One
Just one year ago I was sitting in a hospital room looking into the eyes of my brand new baby boy.
Isaac's birth was a relatively quiet one (except for the scream I let escape my lips when I had to push all nine pounds of him out). I don't know if it was the quiet calm of the hospital on a Sunday, or the many events that took place before his birth (that led me to really think about the sacredness of his life and who he was/is/and can become, as well as my job as his parent) or the hemorrhaging I experienced after he was born, but Isaac's birth brought with it a time to reevaluate myself and my priorities. In a sense I feel like I was reborn that day too.
Now a year later, you still have a way of making me reevaluate my life on a daily basis.
Isaac I love you from your big giant baby head to your long monkey toes!
Now a year later, you still have a way of making me reevaluate my life on a daily basis.
Isaac I love you from your big giant baby head to your long monkey toes!
11 Month Highlights
You finally decided to walk on your own. I love watching you take each step, with your funny zombie like way of lurching around the room.
You are happy, 90 percent of the time! I really believe you are sunshine for my soul.
You are very opinionated when we experience the other 10 percent of your personality.
If you don't like what I'm serving you to eat you have no qualms about dramatically throwing it across the kitchen.
Food is most certainly your passion, life is good as long as you have food in your mouth.
You decided that everything should have one universal "sign", so whenever you ask for something you just wave your arms around in little circles, sometimes it means drink, sometimes it means food, sometimes your just waving, and sometimes it means bath.
You like to take the path of least resistance, I think you inherited that quality from me.
You love eating dirt and being outside, I think you inherited that from me too (the being outside part).
At one years old you have remarkable changed my life, your dads life and the lives of your brother and sister.
I love seeing the bond you and your daddy have.
I love seeing your brother and sister love you with everything they have.
I love that you give me the opportunity to learn and grow and that you are so patient and loving with me.
Thanks again to everyone for the gifts and birthday wishes! Isaac has the best Grandma's & Grandpa's & Aunts and Uncle's Ever!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Because I Never Want to Forget the Sound...
Last night after I sent Alivia and Dylan to bed I sat down to relax a little. After a few minutes of quiet I began to hear this hysterical giggling coming from the hallway, so I took our camera and decided to investigate. Here is what I found.
Video Disclaimer:
I took this at night so it's dark and grainy.
Alivia is doing a whole lot of yelling, but if you listen close you can hear the best sound in existence!
Pure, Sweet, Uninhibited Joy!
PS I think it's so cute that through out their play, Isaac keeps signing more, he was having a ball!
PS I think it's so cute that through out their play, Isaac keeps signing more, he was having a ball!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
11 Months Old
Isaac's FIRST Birthday is just a hop, skip and a jump away!
It's hard for me to wrap my mind around the fact that in less than three weeks I will have a ONE YEAR OLD.
Time is flying!
Here are a few of Isaac's 10 month highlights.
You disowned your Binky. I tried and tried to make you take it back, but you won't have anything to do with it. You like screaming it out better. In the end I guess I'm glad because I don't have to break you of it later.
You love to walk all along the walls and furniture, but you refuse to take a step on your own, if you are not gripping onto something.
You think you need to eat 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
You like to feed yourself!
You started cutting a bottom molar on your right side.
You sign "more", "bath", and you attempt to sign "drink" by slapping the side of your head.
You love to get into things, more than ever! You go from one cupboard to another emptying their contents and just when I muster the energy to clean them up, you go right back to emptying them out again.
You sleep through the night, most nights!
I took the picture above so I could always remember those chubby baby hands and the way you so sweetly slumber. Because I know that soon you will be this independent, feisty, button pushing, toddler, and I'm really going to miss you being my snugly little baby!
I love you Isaac!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
A Hodge-Podge Post
I'm a little behind in my family blogging thanks to some computer issues.
Isaac's 10 month birthday came and went.
Here are a few of his 9 month highlights.
You love to walk along the walls and furniture.
Tooth number 7 emerged.
You started using some sign language by signing "more".
You started to be better at sleeping for long periods during the night.
You eat what ever we have for dinner, I no longer make you special food, unless of course our dinner happens to be something really spicy. You aren't really hip on spicy food.
You finally graduated Physical Therapy!
And last but certainly not least, I gave Isaac his first haircut. It was growing really long in patches, so I buzzed it all to one length
And while we are on the subject of haircuts....
Miss Alivia's hair style went from this..
to this.
All thanks to a pair of kids scissors and a distracted mother who was doing dishes.
9 inches of length, almost all of her curls and a huge chunk out of the center of her bangs, as well as her golden hair color are all gone now.
The other day Alivia innocently asked if Jesus lived in the sky.
I answered her question by saying, "well sort of....I told her He was where ever we needed him to be".
She then replied, "When do we get to go on a plane, so we can be in the sky and ask Jesus when we are going to move".
For family home evening on Valentines Day we made Love Floats.
Monday, January 24, 2011
When I Grow Up
Dylan has decided to do many things with his life. I love hearing his latest career choices. I support him in his aspirations, because as long as he's contributing to society and doing something he loves, I'm okay with that.
At one time he wanted to race cars for a living.
Then there was the time he wanted to be a police officer.
He's always wanted to be a dad.
And just last week he came home with a paper that stated that he wanted to grow up and become a paleontologist.
But after a Saturday at work with his Dad. Dylan has decided that Working at Sysco is the best job ever. He matter-of-factly told me when he grows up that's where he's going to work. When I asked him why? This was his reply, "Mom they have Mango drinks in the break room"!
At one time he wanted to race cars for a living.
Then there was the time he wanted to be a police officer.
He's always wanted to be a dad.
And just last week he came home with a paper that stated that he wanted to grow up and become a paleontologist.
But after a Saturday at work with his Dad. Dylan has decided that Working at Sysco is the best job ever. He matter-of-factly told me when he grows up that's where he's going to work. When I asked him why? This was his reply, "Mom they have Mango drinks in the break room"!
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