I want to be one of those people.
So here are the things in my life that I am so grateful for, in no particular order.
- The Great Plan of Happiness
- This experience called life.
- Good health, which I must admit, I don't often think about, until something stops working like it should.
- Freedom, in all its capacities
- Parents who taught me well
- People who are smarter than me, as well as people who some how manage to make me look smart.
- A husband who works really hard and is passionate about everything he does.
- Fertility and Birth Control
- Healthy children
- Grandparents who teach life's lessons well
- The desire to work hard
- The diversity and beauty of our amazing world
- A creator who gave me all the the things listed above, to love and cherish.
- Family Traditions, although I cannot come up with any at the moment.
- Camp-outs
- Roaring hot baths
- Disposable diapers
- Puppies, babies, and all other things that are innocent and pure
- Good friends
- Good neighbors
- Seinfeld, cause it always makes me laugh
- Renting....Because it allows us to live within our means
- All the good intentioned people that lecture us about throwing our money away....See reason number 22
- Sunday naps
- Quiet places
- Cool water on a hot day
- Sunshine on my skin
- The ability I have to be at home with my kids, even if most days I tend to think that is more of a curse than a blessing.
- My garden swing, which sits in the shade of a big tree
- Growing a garden of my own
- Flowers in all their glorious colors, shapes and scents
- A wild and sometimes overly active imagination
- A dad who can fix anything, even if grumbles the whole time.
- A mom who has stood by me
- Wonderful In-laws that give to us, even when they probably needed it more.
- The three P's, Popcorn, Potato's and Pasta
- Garden fresh salsa
- Microwaves
- Hair Dye
- Having my beautician also be one of my best friends
- Japanese cars, because they just keep going and going and going
- The internet
- Cousin sleepovers
- Roller coasters
- Home cooked meals, especially when I don't have to do the cooking
- Night Games, flashlight tag, backyard sleepovers
- Changing seasons, because each season has a way of making me want the other.
- A home which offers protection from the elements
- My husbands freakishly sharp and curled toenails, because they make me appreciate the fact that mine aren't that way
- Two little children that some how make the most asinine things funny
"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."~ Melody Beattie ~