It's design mashup day here at The New Victorian Ruralist.
I've collected a few stray photographs that have caught
my eye for one reason or another in the past, but just
couldn't seem to make their way into a cohesive posting.
Some of the sources are unknown, some are leftovers
from past postings, and some just involve one small element
that intrigued me. For instance, I like how the fixtures
in this photograph add dimension to the Henry Lepind
painting that dates back to 1883.

I thought the mummified chairs
were interesting. Of course, that floor pulled me
in as well. Source unknown.

Loved the color and finish on the armoire.
Source unknown.

A leftover from my
Miles Redd posting.

A nice image from Marie Claire Maison...

and another Marie Claire Maison image I just couldn't
work into a suitable posting.

This image, and the two that follow, are
from Italian Marie Claire. There are so many
great textures in these photographs.

food, and lifestyle photographer.

Cool wallpaper clock (yes, it is a functioning clock).
Currently available at Finderskeepers, if
you are interested.

Children's rooms rarely excite me, but this space is
certainly an exception.
Source Unknown.

These images were so small, but I loved what looks
to be Mongolian lamb resting on the seats of