Showing posts with label Healthy and Fitness Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy and Fitness Tips. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Methods to cook low fats and or fat- free

Wine or fruit juice

When you cook like grill, bake, microwave or steam foods use wine or fruit juice to replace oil.

Buy quality cookware

There is available quality cookware in department stores, the price is expensive but it uses will last long if you take good care of it.

When making sauces

If you use ground meat, dry the meat to golden brown, drain off all the excess fats, before adding the other ingredients. If it needs to add oil for cooking, choose which is high in unsaturates such as corn, sun flower, olive or rapeseed oil. Use little if possible.

When baking low fat cakes

Use good quality bake ware, which doesn’t need to add oil before use or use non-stick baking paper and only lightly grease before lining.

When baking foods

Such as chicken or fish, try to bake the food in a loosely sealed parcel of foil or greaseproof paper. Before sealing the food, add wine or fruits juice, herbs and spices.

When grilling foods

Fat is often unnecessary. If the food shows sign of drying, brush with a small amount of unsaturated oil such as corn oil and sun flower.

Microwave foods

Fat is rarely needed. Just add herbs and spices for extra flavour and colour.

Steaming or boiling foods

It is easy fat- free cooking method especially foods like vegetables, fish and chicken.

Poaching foods

Cook the food such as chicken, fish and fruit in stock or syrup. It is another easy fat-free cooking method.

Braising vegetables in the oven

Add low fat or fat-free stock, wine or water and add herbs.

To Sauté Vegetables

Add fat-free stock, wine or fruit juice.

To Cook vegetables in a covered saucepan

Add little water over a low heat; vegetables can cook its own juice.

Marinate foods

Such as meat or poultry, mix it with an alcohol, herbs or spices and vinegar or fruit juice. This will tenderize the meat and add flavour and colour. The marinade can be used to moisten during cooking.

Serving vegetables 

Such as boiled potatoes, carrots or peas, add or sprinkle with chopped fresh herbs or ground spices. Avoid adding butter or margarine.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To eat high fats food is easy than to do daily exercise is difficult: Don’t be a loser fight to burn your fats!

There in fats food are delicious to eat.
Food is everywhere because we eat everyday and the demands are too many. Before you eat, ask yourself if it is a healthy food and decide not to eat if it is give risk to your health.

There are a big percentage of fat people than those with normal weight because once fats food is not being use it will store in the belly. Don’t dare to let the fats stores in your belly, it destroys your beauty. You will always be beautiful if you are fit.Why is fat important because it is the source of energy.

The disadvantage when you’re fat is your day is not productive. Fat people want to sleep and rest because of the fats in your belly or in any parts that store of the body. After you eat your meal you feel sleepy and instead you have lots of work to do, your eyes will close and you’ll sleep.

When you wake up, you feel hungry again because the food that you eat was digested; you eat again until all the fats stores all over your body. Is it really what you want to live unhealthy? Or you stand up and burn your fats.

Try to observe real rich people like entrepreneurs they are fit, and they are not fat because they are busy of their business. And if I were you, if you have problem with controlling your eating habits try to divert your mind into other things that makes you enjoy.

Like for instance, playing with kids and or pets, gardening, playing your favorite sports, reading books, playing instruments and the most important make a habit that will burn your fats.

Accept your weakness that you can’t escape to eat fats food like butter, margarine, hard fats found in beef and pork. Pies, whole milk, cream, hard cheese, lard, salad dressings, fried food, fried chips, French fries, crisps, tortilla chips, fried snacks, chocolate cakes, muffins, doughnuts, sweet pastries, biscuits with chocolate flavored.
These foods are so yummy!
Wait! You can eat all these but challenge yourself to burn the fats! If not you are as big as a Bear!

The reason why people don’t miss to eat meal, to stay alive! To live in this world is a challenge to survive not to eat to become fats. To eat in a healthy way is to live longer. Fat or obsess people die early at their 40’s-50’s years of age because of heart attack.

Do you want this happen to you?

You make money to buy food for you and your family, just to make sure that you buy and eat healthy food or else your money is going to buy medicine.

Medicine is expensive than the food you eat and to think it is a waste of money. Your hard work is not effective because the minerals you mine are not intended for a better purpose.

Instead of having a great plan with your family to go for a vacation; it is being postponed due to health condition.

It is not easy to maintain healthy food to eat due to have a busy work. As long as the stomach must fill in food it is fine. Like for instance, a sales clerk in a bakery they don’t usually cook food at home, because anytime they can eat bread. As a result of eating bread always the belly stores lots of fats.

This woman is my big sister, she is currently working as sales clerk in Julie’s bakes shop and now it has new name Mang Tinapay.

I am concern of her health because she had two little children and she told me that she had arthritis and her one hand can not feel. I weighed her she is 79-80 kilos and her height is only 5’0 so, she is over weight.

One time I challenged her to go exercise and once her weight decreases I gave her money as a reward, I did that for her strong motivation that time she was excited but she did not made it because after her work she lied down and sleep.

Fortunately, she is healthy now because my mother is always cooking vegetables soup and she is eating well. I do hope that someday she will realize how important to take good care of health.

Guys if you want change make it now or else you will regret for the rest of your life. Being fat is not bad but obesity is a sin because God made you to be a healthy person not a sick one.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Why Is Fat Important in a Diet to benefit for health

 I read information from the book of Low fat low cholesterol and it was clear in my mind how important to know the fats in my diet.

Fats is useful in our body, there is no need to take out all fats contains, because fat is a valuable source of energy that gives a person a strength to do his every day works. Fats also help to make the food more delicious to eat.

On the other side, it is not good to eat more fatty food because it develops diseases such as heart disease, cancer and obesity. To maintain low fats especially saturated fats it has good benefits to your health and it helps to lose your weight.

An average intake of 2000 calories daily it must limit only 30% of energy, and only 600 calories from the average daily calories. Each gram of fats provides 9 calories; your total daily intake should not excess 66.6g fat. Your total intake of saturated fats should not excess 10% of the total calories.

How Saturated fats works and benefits in our body?

Saturated fats- are fats which it should be reduce; it develops the level of cholesterol in the blood.

All fats in foods are made of building blocks of fatty acids and glycerol.
There are two kinds of fats; saturated and unsaturated.
The unsaturated group is divided into two types; polyunsaturated monounsaturated fats.

Fatty Acids are made up of chains of carbon atoms. Each atom has one or more free bonds to link with the other atoms, so the fatty acids transport nutrients to cell throughout the body. This bond is useful and important because the atoms can form any links and helps to process the fatty acids into energy, not store as fat into the body.

Main Sources of Saturated fats

1. Animal products- such as meat, fats from butter and lard that is solid at room temperature.
2. Vegetables products origin- coconut and palm oils and some margarine and oils, which are processed by changing some of the unsaturated fatty acids to saturated ones it is labeled “hydrogenated vegetables oil” and should be avoided.

Polyunsaturated fats- those of vegetables or plant origin (omega 6) such as sun flower oil, soft margarine and seeds (omega 3). Small quantities of these fats are good for health and help reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Monounsaturated fats- have beneficial effect of reducing the blood cholesterol level. This fat are found in food such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, nut such as almonds and hazel nuts, oil fish and avocado pears.

Most processed food products contained hydrogenated vegetables oil. Limit to buy processed goods because it is dangerous to your health if too much eating this food. 

Cook with natural ingredients to keep you healthy. Although, it is not really bad to eat and buy processed food but try to limit it. Balance your diet as always.

This book have lots delicious recipes to learn, from the title itself, ingredients are healthy.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

How often a beginner should do a running exercise per week?

Often times, you find yourself overweight and then you start to feel so conscious about it. You then buy a pair of running shoes and start running. Traditional wisdom teaches you that the faster and longer you run, you burn the most calories. More calories – more weight loss. So you run more than an hour a day only to find out you become injured, weak and sick at the end of the month without significant amount of weight loss. You then conclude that running exercise is not for you and finally quit running after the first month. I have seen this with a lot of weight conscious people too many times. They love to run but running does not love them. Is this really true?

According to my intuition, 99% of the beginning runners (those without a trainer or coach) do not train correctly. As a result, they become dissatisfied with the results because often times they become sick. At worse, they even gain weight during their training! The secret lies in the number of hours you should train each week and the level of effort you exert.

Full time/professional runners or elite athletes train more than 5 hours a week; mere mortals train less than or equal to 5 hours week because they still need to do other things. Assuming you are a mere mortal, you should aim to run at most 5 hours week. But specifically how much at beginning, 5 hours right away? 4 hours? 3 hours? The answer is to gradually increase your workout load.

running athlete

Running introduces some unpleasant stress to your body and if you directly aiming for a high number of hours of workout per week, you will end up burnout, fatigued and not happy with your training. It is highly advisable to check with a doctor to get proper permission to start any running workout if you have some doubts regarding your health. The correct approach is to “gradually increase” the number of hours of training per month. This will let the body to slowly adapt the routine and minimize stress. This is my recommendation based on my real experience:

First month: one hour total workout per week
Second month: two hours total workout per week
Third month: three hours total workout per week
Fourth month: four hours total workout per week
Fifth month: five hours total workout per week (maximum)

So in the first month, try to run a total of 60 minutes for each week. On the next month, run a total of 120 minutes for each week then rest. Make sure you do not exceed 45 minutes in any workout or no less than 30 minutes in any workout! So if you are aiming to run 3 times a week and your target running minutes per week is 120, it will be or 120/3 = 40 minutes per workout which is OK. When the time comes that you are capable of doing 5 hours a week workout which is already a LOT of time. Try mixing a running workout with other activities such as cycling or swimming to prevent boredom.

The next important question, is HOW FAST SHOULD YOU RUN? It is all out? Very slow? Moderate? The answer is to never exceed your “maximum aerobic speed” or else you risk being over trained or getting some injuries that can prevent you from running again. Maximum aerobic heart rate (in beats per minute) corresponds to: 180 – age. You should never exceed the limit at any time you are running. For example if you are 31 years old and a beginner in running, your maximum aerobic heart rate/limit is 180- 31 = 149 beats per minute. Use a heart rate monitor to get accurate heart rate measurements! If it reads above 149 beats per minute you need slow down right away until you are within the range.

Allow some -10 tolerance, so your heart rate training zone for all of your running workouts as a beginner would be:

Upper tolerance = Maximum aerobic heart rate = 149 beats per minute
Lower tolerance = Maximum aerobic heart rate = 149 – 10 = 139 beats minute

So the target heart rate (which you should be aiming every time you run) is the average between the upper and lower tolerance = (149 + 139)/2 = 144 beats per minute.

I can guarantee that it won't take so long and you will lose weight EFFECTIVELY, lose your fats and even run faster month after month happily and injury-free. Just don’t stop running.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to Survive Eating Only Once a Day to Lose Weight & Improve Fitness

Planning of losing weight and becoming very fit for a long term? Consider an option of eating a full meal only once a day. Is this really successful? Yes. The secret lies on slowly conditioning your body to adapt these changes. The body will learn in the long term not to accumulate extra calories you get from your eating which can cause undesirable increase in weight.

How to make this work?

Step1.) To make this less challenging especially for three meals a day heavy eaters, you might want a slow transition to eating once a day which could take months for your body to adapt. It is because abrupt changes in meals (such as suddenly changing eating routine from 3 full meals to only one full meal a day) can cause disorders in your stomach and intense hungriness.

So at first, consider an option to decrease your food intake from 3 full meals to only 2 meals a day. Do this for three months to give time for your body to adapt.

Take note that once you start reducing your meal intake while no changes in lifestyle and activity; the first warning is slight hunger. You need to satisfy this slight hunger by either:

a.) Drinking coffee with cream.
b.) Drinking tea with cream.
c.) Drink any beverages less in sugar such as natural juice (not soft drinks).
d.) Eat fruits (like Banana, etc.)

These beverages and snacks act as a buffer to the slight hunger. As days go by, your body starts to adapt that routine. When you reduce your food intake from 3 to 2 full meals a day; it is not advisable to reduce the amount of food you eat during your 2 full meals. You can either have it the same as you like.

Step2.) Now you are getting used to eating only twice a day, but you still have not reached your goal to eating only once. After the third month, you start eating once a day IN ALTERNATE DAYS OF THE WEEK. It is not still advisable to eat only once a day after the third month for the entire fourth month! Below is a sample meal plan for the entire week. To be effective, you start replacing the lost full meal with a healthy snack session for either of the following (in addition to the previous suggestions):

a.) Biscuits low in fat content but high in carbohydrates.
b.) Oat meal.
c.) Fruits.
d.) Milk

Sample meal plan:

1st day – Eat two full meals + healthy snacks
2nd day – Eat one full meal + two healthy snack sessions
3rd day to 7th day of the week... = alternate the above options, so in the 3rd day you will need to eat two full meals again with snacks. While on the 4th day, you need to eat one full meal with two snack sessions. Alternate until the week is done; repeat this for the entire fourth month. It is important for your full meal to have a well balance diet of proteins, carbohydrates and all necessary vitamins and minerals. Also it is important that at this stage of your diet, sleep very well (6- 7 hours a day) because it helps your body to rest properly and conservative in spending energy (will make you feel less hungry during the day).

Step3.) Your body is now conditioned to eat one full meal in some days of the week. On the fifth month, you might want to increase the occurrence of one full meal a day from 3 times a week (approximate) to 4 to 5 times a week. So you will reduce the days where you are eating two full meals a day.

Step4.) On the sixth month, you might want to try eating once a meal for one straight week. Then on the next week, you mixed with two full meals (alternate) then go back again to one full meal a day for the next week. You will notice that your weight drops substantially since the first month and without any feeling intense feeling hunger, stress, etc. It is still not recommended to do aerobic, heavy exercise starting from the first month of diet. The weight loss should only be due to the reduction of excess food intake.

Step5.) Probably if things are looking very well, your body is fully conditioned at eating only once a meal per day in the seventh to 8th month. You should be able to do this for the entire days of the month. If you continue to do this for the entire year, your weight drops dramatically and you will become leaner and start to look very sexy.

There will come a time that you will eventually stop losing weight. This is normal and nothing to worry because this is the weight stabilization period (12 months to 18 months after the first diet). You cannot further lose weight because your food intake and body energy consumption are now in equilibrium. If you want to further look sexy, this is the time to do aerobic exercise to lose those excess body fats (yes you might now weighing less but this does not mean you have a low body fat percentage). To get rid of those body fats, you need to work out aerobically.

Why not go directly to any workout to lose weight? It’s very painful and stressful. Imagine you are overweight and you go directly to any aerobic workout such as running, cycling and swimming 5 times a week or even once week can be very painful to your knees. By losing weight first, you will feel lighter and injury-free the moment you hit the road for your first running workout. When you work out, you might go back to feel hungry again since one full meal a day might appear insufficient (because calories are consumed during work out). The solution is to eat MORE only on your one full meal in a day (more carbohydrate content). There is no need to go back to eating twice or thrice a day or else you will start gaining weight again!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Krua Thai in Cebu- My Dining Experience

SM Krua Thai

One of the great restaurants I’ve tried in Cebu is the Krua Thai. After a good dining experience in one their SM City Cebu branch, I found out that there is a high similarity between Thai foods and Filipino style recipes. I am not sure if this is really the case, maybe they add some Filipino taste. My companion was my husband and we decide to eat at this restaurant because it feels nice and wanted to try some new taste of Thai cooking. Actually these are the foods that we order (as I’ve remembered) from the menu (sorry for not posting a picture, not bringing a camera on that day):

a.) Crispy Pata b.) Spicy Prawn Soup c.) Fish soup d.) Lots of Rice e.) Some Beers f.) Green Mango Shake g.) Others... forgotten.

The total cost is around 900 ~ 1100 pesos for the two of us. In fact, it was one of the biggest orders we made in a restaurant and are no leftovers. After all, I am greatly satisfied with the quality of the foods they served despite the cost. I consider myself a heavy eater and probably if you are medium eater, you can average at most 350 pesos per meal at Krua Thai.

I do not know probably it’s cheaper outside SM for some other branches of Krua Thai. In Lapu-Lapu City, there is a Krua Thai branch in Marina Mall MEPZ 1. It’s near the airport road. This is the map:

There are also branches in Banilad located in this map:

Banilad Krua Thai

This is actually located in the BTC (Banilad Town Center) near Gaisano Country Mall in Banilad.

What are the good things that I’ve experienced with Krua Thai?

1.) Once you get inside they are very friendly and attend to your orders very well. 2.) They provide suggestions to the equivalent Thai food to your favorite Filipino foods. For example Crispy pata is actually Kha Moo Thod; although you can also look at the menu pictures. 3.) The waiters are very knowledgeable about the menu.

Recommended occasions for dining at Krua Thai:

1.) Dining out for anniversary. 2.) Birthday party (they offer some free foods for birthdays, just ask the waiter). 3.) Date night with your love one. 4.) Small family dinner.

I think it will be very expensive for a large family and probably their prices would change. So I would opt to look for a cheaper alternative. And also take note that this restaurant is ranked #20 out of 75 restaurants in Cebu reviewed by Trip Advisor. See more details here:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to maintain body fitness with cooking and eating good food

Fruits, vegetables and meat are food that is essential for the good functions of our body. To eat fruits alone is not enough because our body has different needs, vegetable and meat is also important because;

1. Meat is more on protein and this is good for who are engaged in physical exertion yet in mental exertion it has limits. For instance, farming exerts lots of energy from the body in a form of sweats. If a farmer lacks protein he might not survive to work in long hours. Even they eat lots of protein fats will not stay in their body because once they exert physically it will melt through sweat. That is why also most of the farmers are slim. While those who work in the office as managers, supervisors and CEO are mostly fat because they buy Good food and it is fatty. In cooking butter, oil, cheese and other fatty foods are ingredients of good cooking. Also, their physical exercise is limited due to their condition in setting position and instead of walking or take a bus they have cars to drive. In Life there is always balance to keep on healthy; it’s either in lower or upper class. What is money if it has a fat body? There is big a problem if exercise is not included in a schedule.

Nutritious fruits
Lots of vitamins in fruits
2. Fruits are natural resources; it is easy to eat and is not expensive. Unlike, artificial liquid fruits in a bottle contain of substance yet, it can not harm to our body though. Always remember that, to cook and eat good food it is always from natural sources and that it is raw. Processed foods are less vitamins and minerals. Minimize purchasing fruit juice because it makes you fattier. If natural fruit is limited it is better substitute the juice to water because water it is healthier than juice.

root crops and green leafy vegetables
squash is good for eyes, sweet potato delicious natural snacks
3. In vegetables there are two types; root crops and green and leafy vegetables. Root crops like, sweet potato, cassava, taro and etc. These can be substituted food to cook and eat in snacks time instead of biscuits, chocolates, noodles. Root crops are very healthy substitute food. While in leafy vegetables like water spinach, spinach, malunggay, sweet potato leafs, cabbage, sayote, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, white and yellow squash, broccoli and etc. There are lots of ways on how to cook vegetables in delicious style. To cook it is good to fry vegetables with little meat.

Keep on active not only in mind but also in physical. Cooking is one kind of physical exertion. Good food comes from the combination of natural food resources.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Personal List of Best Tasting Ngohiong in Cebu, Philippines

If you are visiting or living in Cebu and do not know where you can eat the best tasting ngohiong, maybe you can refer to my list. This is based on my experience visiting a wide variety of food shops, eatery either in the downtown area of Cebu or in shopping malls. These are found to be the best in the city while keeping the price reasonably low. Let’s get started:

Chinese Ngohiong House in Junquera Street Cebu

Where you can locate this?. If you are already a bit familiar with Cebu streets, you can refer to the map below:

Chinese ngohiong location

It is directly in front of Philippine Christian Gospel School (refer to the red X section in the map). It is located in the Junquera Street downtown area of Cebu City. There a lot of ways to go there:

1.) You can go to Ayala Center and then board a jeepney with number 14D. This jeepney will pass Junquera Street and tell the driver to stop at Philippine Christian Gospel School.
2.) You can also board any jeepney that will pass Osmena Boulevard and then walk until you will reach the Ngohiong house. Print the map above before attempting to walk.
3.) If you are still confused, you can board a taxi and tell the taxi driver to stop at the Philippine Christian Gospel School Junquera Street Entrance.You will then see the Chinese Ngohiong store. This is how the store would look like:

Chinese ngohiong store Junquera street

Photo Credits: chetfrancisco

How much is the price? The price is very low. You can buy one ngohiong for 5 pesos and it is so big. Even big eaters like me can only consume a maximum of 3 or 4 pieces of ngohiong. The puso (rice) cost around 3 pesos each and a big eater can consume 5 to 10 puso! All in all the cost is very low. Even 150 pesos is already very BIG for two persons including drinks and other meals (they also have fried chicken and siomai). Mostly my average spend is around 30 to 60 pesos.Why it is delicious? I’ve been frequently visiting this ngohiong house for almost 12 years now and the taste of their ngohiong is still the same. Well, it’s crunchy, spicy (with their very delicious sauce) and served very hot always. Best time to eat there? I recommend visiting ngohiong house within 2pm to 5pm Monday to Friday because this is the time where there are less people.

Ngohiong Express

This is my second favourite ngohiong. It is also cheap and tasty. Luckily you can easily find a lot of Ngohiong Express branches in Cebu and Mandaue. My most favourite branch is in Mabolo Cebu just in front of PLDT office. You can ride a taxi or jeepneys bound for Ayala Center Cebu and then stop at PLDT, you can easily locate the Ngohiong express branch. This is how the branch would look like:

Ngohiong express mabolo branch in Cebu

Photo credits:

How much is the price? It’s a bit costly than the Chinese Ngohiong house overall. But the price is still reasonable. It cost around 6 pesos per Ngohiong. And the puso (rice) is around 3 pesos.
Why it is delicious? It is still crunchy and tight. Best time to eat there? Anytime in the day, this store opens 24 hours.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Effective Foods and Exercises that can Prevent Common Colds

Philippines is a tropical climate with both hot and rainy seasons. Common colds is very common in this country, you can find it anywhere in schools, home, office and all around you particularly in public utility vehicles. I did some research on what foods and exercises that can be used to prevent common colds. It is surprising that you can easily buy these foods and also perform these exercises conveniently. I have tried all the tips illustrated here and do NOT get infected with common cold for 6 months already or taking a single cold medicine. Here we go:

What to Eat in your Daily Meal?

1.) Eat moderately any foods with rice everyday. It is because if your stomach is empty; your body will become weak which makes you susceptible to common colds. If you are asthmatic and allergic, avoid eating those foods that can trigger an allergy.

The best foods to eat in the Philippines which can help prevent colds are hot native chicken soup, oyster soup and fish soup. These foods are rich in zinc which are vital components in strengthening your immune system. It is recommended you eat one of those soups on your daily meal. Example this is an oyster soup:

oyster soup for common cold prevention

2.) Drink a lot of water everyday even if you are not thirsty!

What to Eat in your Snacks?

1.) You should eat fruits rich in vitamin C. The most recommended is orange! It only cost 10 pesos per piece for a very large Sunkist orange. I usually buy a lot of these in a public market. At least everyday you have to eat one piece of this orange.

orange sunkist fruit

2.) If you have some extra money although this cost some more, you can buy Tropicana orange fruit drink. It cost around 18 to 20 pesos per bottle. It is a very refreshing orange drink.

3.) Eat at least one avocado per day. You can refer to my favorite raw avocado snack recipe. This fruit is rich in Zinc. Sadly avocado is not available throughout the year.

4.) You should eat some peanuts. Peanuts is also rich in zinc but not as abundant as avocado. You should eat raw peanuts because its unprocessed and the minerals are still not washed or cooked away.

5.) You should drink black or green tea. The most recommended brand is Lipton. You should drink one to two cups of tea everyday. Black tea contains theanine which is an essential chemical that can boost and develop your immune system. Do not drink any weight loss tea as they do not contain theanine. Avoid coffee by the time you start sneezing, instead bombard your body with tea and fruits rich in vitamin C and zinc. I find this to be very effective in preventing common colds right away.

What to Exercise?

Most health doctors recommend at least 180 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. Example of aerobic exercise includes running, swimming and cycling. Aerobic exercise improves your blood vessels and capillaries which in turn supplies the necessary nutrients and minerals to fight any invading cold virus throughout your body. Aerobic exercise thus improves your immune system. You can read more about how to do aerobic exercises here.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Lose Weight Realistically within 3 months?

Overweight and Obesity is a growing problem also in Philippines. Although the problem is not as serious as in the Western countries; there are still a lot of overweight Filipinos particularly in the middle to upper class. The primary cause of this overweight is the emergence of new culture and adoption of foreign traditions. 60 years ago there are a lot of Filipino fishermen and farmers, and most of them wake up very early in the morning to work and cook food for their family. And then stop working at the late afternoon. They eat healthy foods like fish, corn, and other vegetables. Their nature work is physically demanding, my grandfather is a fishermen and I can imagine the weight of the fishing nets as well as the hours spent swimming in the water in a daily basis.

It explains why most Filipinos 60 years ago are healthy, slim and does not have overweight problems. Here comes today, most Filipinos commute and drive cars. They do not bother doing physical exercises anymore. And spend a long hours sitting in the office. Most Filipinos today are working in the call centre and other offices. To add to the problem, I observed that the popularity of eating fish and vegetables decreases. They now love eating g burgers, lots of pork, eating in fast foods frequently and indulge in unhealthy habits such as drinking and smoking. It explains why there is an increasing trend of overweight Filipinos.

This post will teach you how to lose weight within 3 months by combination of slight physical exercises and eating the right kinds of food. Remember that the most important component in losing weight is your commitment and discipline to follow the plan. Without this, your weight loss goal will fail miserably no matter what you do.

Step1.) Commit to at least 3 hours of aerobic exercises per week. The best form of aerobic exercise is slight jogging whether outside in your home or in your treadmill. You need to buy a heart rate monitor to avoid overexerting or under exerting yourself. Without this piece of equipment it is easy to go overboard or go under board. So to make sure that each exercise counts, you need a feedback device called heart rate monitor. You can buy heart rate monitor for only 2000 to 3500 pesos. You can exercise without heart rate monitor but the risk of injury increases with overexertion. If injury starts to conquer you, your weight loss program will put stress in your daily activity instead of contributing to your well-being. Also under exerting yourself means you are not burning fat calories enough and hence you cannot see physical results after 3 months of workout. This is why a heart rate monitor is important.

You can decide how you will spend your 3 hours per week of aerobic exercise. If you are working daily from Monday to Saturday; you can set at least 30 minutes of workout per day for 5 straight days (Monday to Friday). Or spend 1.5 hours on Saturday and 1.5 hours on Sunday. It depends as long as the total number of aerobic workout should be 3 hours per week. Also; for your workout to be effective, you should aim for a minimum of 30 minutes workout. So no workout should last less than 30 minutes. This is your minimum. The maximum is around 90 minutes or 1.5 hours, only do this if you are comfortable.

Step2.) Define your workout heart rate. Since it is aerobic, use the following formula:

Minimum workout heart rate =0.65 x (220-age)
Maximum workout hear rate = 0.75 x (220-age)

Supposing your age is 25 years old, the minimum heart rate that you should maintain in the workout to optimize the burning of fat calories is:

Minimum= 0.65 x (220-25) = 127 beats per minute
Maximum = 0.75 x (220-25) = 146 beats per minute

What does this imply? It means that every time you work out (running or jogging for example) using your heart rate monitor. If your heart rate falls below 127, it means you should exert more so that it’s above 127 beats per minute to burn substantial amount of fat calories. But if it exceeds 146 beats per minute, you should slow down so that it is within the maximum and minimum range. If you are doing workout consistently above your maximum aerobic heart rate (146 in the example), you increase the risk of injury.

Step3.) Drink a lot of cold water before, during and after the exercise. Cold water burns a lot of calories and prevents dehydration from sweating; you should have a bottle of water to bring anytime you exercise more than 30 minutes.

Step4.) You should eat the following foods as part of your snacks and main diet (it is best to take these foods 1 to 3 hours after any workout, you can choose below but not all of them at once):

a.) Milk or Chocolate milk. You can read my tutorial on how to prepare a delicious Anlene chocolate drink.
b.) Protein foods- chicken and beef are the best because of lower cholesterol levels.
c.) Fish and oysters – for iron supplements, boost red blood cell production.
c.) Rice- no limits here as long as you can be able to maintain 3 hours of aerobic exercise per week. These carbohydrates will be burned and will not be stored as fat during your exercise so rice is important.
d.) Dried fish and eggs – these are your extra sodium and protein supplement.
e.) Bananas/Avocados/Orange- fruits are very important part of the diet when losing weight. This will give you extra boost of vitamins and minerals without having to eat a large quantity of foods.
f.) Any vegetables 3 times a week.
Question: Do you really have to minimize your eating habits while following the weight loss programs? Not necessarily, as long as you do not increase your food intake with the increase in physical workouts you are on the way of losing weight. You should eat normally to avoid collapsing during any workout! You will easily lose a couple of kilos after 3 months (around 3 to 5 kilos). Of course you can continue your workout after 3 months if you are happy with the results. You should become fitter and sexier as ever!

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