Genre: Classical/Folk.
Style: Neo-clasical, Medieval
Similar Artists: Eden, Dead Can Dance, Stoa.
Recording Year: Ark Records, 2007.
This album is a cosmic chant inspired by the lights and shadows of an extinguished civilization, a lost world which eclipsed with its secrets. A mix of acoustic sounds, strings, electronic and eastern percussions with deep evocative vocals.
Recording Year: Twilight Records, 2008.
Ataraxia is an Italian neoclassical band who combine modern technology with archaic instrumentation over various media. They describe their music as a cross "between sacred and profane, ethereal and neo-classical, contemporary and early music". They make researches into the European legends crossing the Greek and Latin myths. Their lyrics are written in many ancient and contemporary languages. Many of their performances take place in locations the band believes to possess specific spiritual qualities. Since the beginning of the group in the late 1980s, they have released more than 20 original LPs.
Recording Year: Prikosnovénie, 2010.
Three years after the last studio Album Kremasta Nera, ATARAXIA are back with a marvellous new album on Prikosnovenie. Llyr (Lyra) is the name of the instrument of the bards and the Greek lyrical poets; a sacred musical instrument visually inspired by the grace and nobleness of the swans.
ATARAXIA, on this voyage, played the following instruments: classical, folk and 12-string guitars, chitarra battente, keyboards, flutes, sitar, gamelan, daf, frame drums, santoor, tablas, zard and bells. Female vocals are sometimes accompanied by male vocals.
This album is a new story inspired by pagan myths, feminine celebrations of Mother Nature and celtic traditions. ATARAXIA and charismatic singer Francesca Nicoli have created their very own, incomparable genre of music: a cosmogenic dark folk praying for beauty.
Fields Of Haze... Underground for all.