Friday, September 28, 2007

Hope Show comes Down :( & Journal Quilts Shipped

Well the end of the month has arrived. The Hope Exhibit at The Art Place was taken down this morning. It was a huge success though. One piece sold that was absolutely gorgeous......Congrats to Hellenne. I think most of us are saddened though that it sold as we all would have loved to buy it!

Rebecca also made arrangements for another show to be held at The Art Place next year. So now will come the time to start thinking about that but first we'll all have to come up with a theme.

Mom and I mailed off our Journal Quilts a couple of days ago and they arrived safe and sound. We are very excited to be done with them as now we've started prepping for everything else Houston. Hopefully we'll get a moment to run over and check them out at some point during the festival. I'll post more about our trip for vending in a few days. We already have lots of where our booth is located......what we are going to be teaching/demoing........and maybe a few other things up our sleeves. Check back for all that.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Finally Back in Order!

Well....the shop is finally back in order. How come it seems like it takes so much longer to unpack from a show then it did to pack? Doesn't matter if you come back lighter than you left just seems like the unpacking lasts a long time. We are well under way with our prep work for the next show.....Houston. Orders are in and we have a few things that we decided to change from this last show so we have all those listed out. Now we are just trying to finish our Journal Quilts and prep for classes that are next week!

On an absolutely great note our new knitting/crocheting/needlework of any kind group starts tonight!!! It sounds like we are going to have a decent turn out and I'll try to snap a few pics and post them tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

ECQG Show Day #2 & #3

Well we made it through the show!!! Yeah......... We had a great time seeing all the quilts and meeting a whole bunch of new people. It can be surprising how many people haven't known about us until now but that is a great thing cause now they do. We are almost full on our new session of block of the month and excited to get all these new people hooked into surface design and embellishing. Here are a few more photos from the show.

Our shop hop quilt is the one in the center of the pic. We got to look at it all day as it was just below our booth!

Becca doing a demo of Shiva Paintstiks and Needlefelting on Day 2.

Jan doing a demo of puff paint and glitter paint on Day 3. I think Becca got a better draw!! Lol....

Here are some of Jan's examples for the puff paint!

Here is Vickie, Suzanne, and Becca......They swept the Wearable Art category in that order! Yeah for Fiber Art Fusion.....we really made a haul on the ribbons.

Friday, September 14, 2007

ECQG Show Day #1 & Ribbon!!!!!

Well we are through Day #1 of the East Cobb Quilt Guild Show. For those of you that aren't able to make it here is what our booth looks like!

Can you tell it had been a long day setting up?? Lol....This is Chrissy being funny about getting ready to start ringing people up today.

My quilt Mosaic Roses got an Honorable Mention ribbon in the Art Quilt Category. This was my first acceptance into a juried show and I got a ribbon!!!!! My mouth hit the floor and I was crying.......I think there's a picture of me crying floating somewhere if I can find it I'll post it later.....I guess it's only fair to show after the funny pic of Chrissy up there!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

East Cobb Quilt Guild Show - Packing

Lol....I took photos so that you could all see the mess we're making as we're packing. Yes, there are a total of 3 quilts on the cutting table awaiting sleeves and binding stitching so that we may hang them in the booth. All the rest of the stuff is boxes full of merchandise or office related material waiting to go.

I'm bad and practically emptied a whole display case!!

This is only a portion of the merchandise......some of the rest is already in my car along with the gridwalls!

Set up is tomorrow with the preview night from 7-9:30 if you have a quilt in the show. Then open to the public starting Friday September 14th & 15th 10-6PM and Sunday September 16th 10-4PM. Stop by the Cobb County Civic Center to see this great show if you can. It's definitely worth it.....not to mention we'll be there in our booth and we have 2 quilts in the show!!

Friday, September 7, 2007

HOPE Show Opening

Well last night was the opening of the HOPE Exhibit for Fiber Art Fusion at The Art Place in Marietta. It was a pretty full house there last night.

Jan's piece "Hope Unfolding". This is only one side of the triptych with each side being different but all dealing with a tree.

Kristin's piece "Brighter Days"

These are both photos of "Nature's Prayer" by Kristin Rodriguez and Jan Girod. This 3D tree stands about 42" tall. It was created by wetfelting and needlefelting techniques. This was a total experiment by both of us and ending up being quite the experience!!

This photo was taken before the opening.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

New Knitting Group to Start Sept. 20th

We have been asked many times to start a knitting group and finally we have gotten it on the books!! Starting Thursday Sept. 20th "The Cast Offs" will meet here at Fiber on a Whim between 5-8PM. This will be every Thursday night so feel free to drop in whenever you'd like. Bring knitting, crocheting, or any type of hand stitching you'd like to work on. So far the response has been very positive so we might just have to meet in the basement where there's lots of room to spread out. We'll just have to wait and see!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

HOPE show has been hung!!

The HOPE show/exhibit has been hung. The opening will be Thursday Sept. 6th from 7-9 at The Art Place. Located at 3330 Sandy Plains Rd. Marietta, GA 30066. Many great artists are involved in this exhibit so come check it out if you live nearby.

Will be posting more here in a little bit....sorry bout the lapse. We both have been a little sick and are trying to shake these pesky summertime colds.