(We took this on back to school night)I'm most parents say that the first day of first grade was harder for them than it was for their kiddo, but even though I shed my own tears and had a pretty sad day, Linc had an equally tough time. He's always been a very tender kid, and I love him for that, but he also has had some major separation and anxiety issues with school. He is such sweet kid with a huge heart and going into an environment that is so different from home, sometimes not in good ways, has been tough. He hears kids being mean, even when it has nothing to do with him, and it hurts his heart and makes him feel like everyone is a bully. His teacher is much more strict this year, which is good in that there is more structure and less transitional issues this year, but she is also more intimidating and harder to approach. She's nice, but no nonsense and I think it will take him a little while to feel comfortable around her. He's such a perfectionist and really worries about making mistakes, ever since the wrongful OOps card incident last year, he's really struggled with his fear of getting another unwarranted oops card. So that's another stress. He only has one kid in his class this year that he knows from last year, and unfortunately he wasn't really friends with him, so he feels a little alone, but at least he has friends at recess and had been loving that. The hardest part for him has been the initial separation in the mornings, he says he just misses us and home, he starts crying, and has a hard time stopping. He doesn't know where to put his lunch box after lunch, he got lost in the school, the lunch lady is a "yelly lady" so it's hard to ask, someone walked in on him going potty cause there aren't locks on the doors(for obvious reasons), the list could go on, but you get the point. There are good things too though, he loves recess, and has a ton of fun playing tag and basketball, he even plays with the older kids, and they think he's good(pretty cool), when I pick him up there are always about ten kids in the hall on the way out yelling "hi" to him, and he's already earned a bunch of "caught being good" cards, plus they started doing music, going to the library, and science Wednesdays will start in 3 weeks(very exciting for Lincoln, he loves science).
We met with the guidance counselor last week and she is amazing, such a sweet lady, it feels really good to know that there is someone else in the school looking out for him. Someone who knows his personality a bit more the details of his struggles better. When there are 26 kids in a class it's hard fir the teacher to help with situations like this. She will be pulling him out once a week for group sessions with other kids having similar issues, and really just meeting with her helped Linc to feel better.
We've been trying to help him focus on the positives, we started a no tears chart at home, and he's had to days in a row without tears. Yeah! He of course is doing it right now to earn a new Wii game, but whatever works, right! Hopefully this will help get over the hurdle and from there he'll start to enjoy the good stuff and be able to handle the negatives better. Last night he was stressed because a girl in his class told him she had a crush on him, what a funny kid. He said " I don't want all that stuff yet, mom. Why does she have to say it?" We'll get him there eventually right? There are definitely some things that I'm in no rush about.
It's hard sending your babies off into the world, but I'm happy with our school, and they are really on top of things with all of their students. I think with my tender Lincoln it will take a bit longer than the average , perhaps. We took them both out for some frozen yogurt after school, they both love "SPOON ME".
Their yogurt is so good, and they get to choose topping like pebbles and white chocolate chips, plus all of the fresh fruit options. It's definitely a treat, but also pretty healthy.
Then we went golfing, it gave Lincoln something fun to look forward to, after a pretty stressful day.
Grandpa giving some instructions.
I love this three generational golf cart shot.
We love you Linc, things will get easier! Some day we'll look back on this post and laugh, and no one is more excited for that day than me.