Sunday, December 10, 2006

TAG! We're it!

Being relatively new to the Dog Blog world, there apparently is some pretty fun stuff that goes on. Our blogging buddy Pappy has tagged us & given us a challenge...we love a challenge. Name 6 weird things about the Dogs and/or me. Well, we know who the weird one is on Jackman Ave...and it ain't the dogs!

OK Pappy...we accept your challenge.

1. Penny - The weirdest thing she does is what we refer to as the Snarl & Snort. When she's happy to see us (when we come home, when we wake up in the morning) she starts the Penny wiggle dance where she kidney beans around us snorting & snarling with all of her teeth bared.

2. Sherman - My chubby boy loves to groan. It's somewhere between a growl and a moan and to someone who doesn't know Shermie, it would appear that he is vicious. When he's lounging (which is, um, pretty much all the time) and you approach him to give him some rubs, he lets out a very loud growl and rolls onto his back. Then I groan at him "Errr" and he groans back "ERRR" and I groan "Er" and he groans "EEEERRRRRRRRR!". This generally goes on for a while.

3. Lola - makes a sound like a wounded baboon when playing with Penny. It's totally primal.

4. Penny & Lola - when we come home from work, both of the girls pick up what ever toy/bone/kong is next to them and we play Show Me What You Have. They love this game. Scott & I act like we've never seen the grunting hedgehog and say "Penny, what do you have???" "Lola, what do you have???" and they dance around as if they've just caught dinner.

5. Sherman will share Penny's left overs with Lola. She sticks her big fat head right next to his when he's cleaning up her bowl & he never growls or tries to bite her. I think this is the only time she can be around him without him growling or trying to bite her.

6. Sherman's pooping habits. He has to push his butt up against something...a pole, a bush, the side of a building, or my personal favorite, a chain link fence. Lot's of fun to try to figure out how I'm gonna get inside the fence to retreive the present he squirted into the neighbor's yard.

And I'll add one weird thing about me.

I eat spaghetti for breakfast (or soup, or sandwiches, or pizza...any thing but cereal. Bleh!)

We're gonna tag our good buddies Boo, Lola & Beasley.

[The rules...Each player of this game starts with the "6 Weird Things about You"-- or your dogs. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' in their blog.]

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Our new LR set up. Note: Plenty of room for the dogs (Penny is curled up at the end on the right. You can barely see her). Sherman prefers the floor.

More room to snuggle...

And get kisses...

Friday, December 08, 2006

We do this really fun thing at mealtime. The dogs hang out in their favorite spots while I prepare their feast. When I bang the spoon on the last bowl after mixing everything together, they all come running & sit in their designated spots. I ask them to Wait while I put all the bowls down and they all have to give me eye contact for however long I feel like making them wait...usually it's not very long. Then I tell them "OK!!!" and they all dig in.

"Fun? Does this look like fun to you? Two letters...O & K...just say 'em fer cryinoutloud!"

"We're looking at you already! What kinda power trip are you on Woman???"

I put these shots on the blog as proof that I do not starve them. Nor do I torture them by showing them their food & then eating it myself.

I swear...they eat very well!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lola's Feisty Fido's class was cancelled b/c of the weather. We had our first snow of the season (about 1/2 inch) but there was a lot of freezing rain & the roads were pretty bad. So we built a fire & stayed home to watch the Steelers/Browns game. God bless those Stiller fans that brave the cold. I'd much rather watch from inside my house, on my big HDTV with a fire blazing. It was 20 degrees at kickoff! With a windchill temp of 5 degrees!!! I'm offically old.

Penny is a fire dog. She loves to park herself right in front of the screen & warm her skinny self. I've gotten down on the floor with her to snuggle in front of the fire & have to move w/in 10 seconds. It's HOT!!!

She stays there forever!

In the meantime, Lola managed to cut her face on something. She is definately MY dog! It was most likely from running around in the snow outside. It makes her crazy!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Scott & I bought new furniture this weekend & we had it delivered today. A new sectional couch, coffee table & sofa table. We had to move the old stuff out to get the new stuff in. The dogs were not happy about all of the commotion.
About 3 1/2 years ago, we bought a new loveseat & ottoman for Penny. I don't really think it was originally for meant Penny, but it is *her* spot. We moved it into the dining room to make room for the new stuff & she made it very clear that it was to remain in this house!

"Don't you touch my loveseat!!"

So, as ghetto as it may be, the loveseat may stay in the dining room. Actually, exactly where it is in that picture. It's not really in the way and it'll keep her off the new stuff. We may end up moving it to the bedroom. It would fit nicely in there and would keep her off our bed!

Sherman prefers the ottoman.

And Lola just bounces from one piece of furniture to another. She's like a little monkey!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The good people at Camp Bow Wow were doing Xmas photo shoots and I originally signed up thinking I'd take all 3 for a professional picture. I cancelled the shoot but they took Lola's picture anyway. I am now kicking myself for not keeping our appointment.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Lola has been going through a TP phase. She has figured out how to remove the TP from the holder (not hard, it just slides off) and delights in ripping it to shreds. I was making my lunch today when I couldn't hear her (bad sign) so I popped my head out of the kitchen & found this!


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Well the Xmas photo shoot didn't go very well. The dogs were all wound up and being really bad. None of them would stay and Scott was hanging lights outside & everytime there was a bang or clang outside, Guard Dog mode kicked in & they lost it. They won't sit in front of the fireplace b/c Penny is afraid of the grate.

This one's not bad...the babygate in the background is rather tacky.

This one's kinda cute...

The girls are SO serious!


Sherman is so darn cute!

Scott told me that I was getting very frustrated with them b/c they weren't co-operating and reminded me "Don't complain. Train!" (Actually he said "Remember what you always say...Don't yell at your dog, train your dog", but I know what he means & he's right).

We'll give it another go once the full moon passes!

Friday, December 01, 2006

I started messing around with the dogs & trying to take pics of them tonight in anticipation of the Big Xmas Photo Shoot on Sunday. It was Cookie Time and I figured "Let's put 'em to work"!

Tried to get them all to stand on the tile by the chance. The girls slide around too much. Divas sit on something soft.

OK...let's try a down. Ooops! Sherman says "Hey dropped a cookie!"

Sherman absolutely loves laying on his "towel" (or in this case...a blanket). Towel=chewie (usually a raw marrow bone or turkey neck). He looks super cute in this picture.

I usually have to drag him off the stupid thing. Sunday should be fun.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Lola & I went to Feisty Fidos class again this week. She was a little wound up, not having a walk for two days. There was another Boxer beside us on the right & a GSD named Sherman on the left. The first thing we did was step outside of our cubes and work on Find It & Watch. Her Watch isn't very strong so I used Leave It if Lola starts to stare down another dog. She thinks Find It is great fun & immediately starts scanning the floor now. Cool!

We did some Walk Aways with another dog & she did pretty well. I had her on her regular collar when we first got there & she was pretty nervous so I put the GL on and noticed an immediate difference (that & the Chill Out I sprayed all over our Cube). This is a perfect example of listen to your DOG. I really didn't want to use the GL...for a lot of reasons...but the main one being how much worse Penny became after I started using it on her. I'm finally starting to trust myself as well, which is really hard for me.

All in all we had a good class.

So on the way out, we see two people sitting on the curb and Lola stiffens & I have no idea why so I say "Oh, stop it" and when we walk right next to them, I see a large black GSDx & it giving Lola a very hard stare. She puffs up & starts WOOOoooooooofffing at it and I start to panic and walk faster, dragging her with me. Duh! What the hell did I just spend the last hour doing???


"Lola...Walk Away!!" and I start moving backward away from the dog. Hot Damn! She stops barking, looks at me and starts following! You've got to be kidding. This stuff actually works??? Apparently so. I had no treats on me (lesson for next week) so we just start running back to the car together and I whooped it up the whole way. There was a volunteer who was taking a JRT out for a potty break about 10 yards from us & it started barking so she started barking, but we hopped in the car and I fed her salmon treats until it went inside.

She slept the whole way home.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I've continued to take all 3 dogs on their own walks. For one, it gives me some much needed exercise (takes about 75-80 minutes to walk all three) and I get to spend some one on one time with them. Sherman, especially, really needs that.

The planets must have been in perfect allignment recently b/c we have been having some fantastic walks. Walking Sherman is always a joy, with the exception of his constant sniffing. We're working on that. Penny & I have been having a ball. I'm lucky to have lots of big parking lots around us (library, churches, VFW, banks, etc) and we've been playing follow the leader and doing lots of erratic heeling patterns. Her LLW is at about 90%. And we haven't had a single flip out in weeks, despite seeing lots of dogs. Lola has been doing really well too. Strange looking people are no longer an issue and we've had one incident w/ another dog (he started it!) where she was barking & lunging. Even though I'm still using the GL, she voluntarily walks by my side 80% of the time. She automatically sits at intersections and has been much calmer. The first 2 minutes of the walk usually stress her out (lots of whining and frantic movements), so we've been working on that. But we walked through Bellevue tonight & she did really well despite all of the commotion.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I got the whole house decorated for Xmas today...we just need our tree. Next weekend we're gonna attempt to get a family photo (well, just the dogs) for our Xmas picture. Should be interesting based on past attempts. This was from '04. Do they look miserable, or what???

This is last year's least Sherman looks kinda happy!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Scott & I decided to take advantage of the stellar weather & take S & P for a walk. We ran into a group of kids, around 10 yo and I recognized the little blond girl as the one who ran up to Sherman & threw her arms around his neck a couple of years ago. He promptly told her off that day (GGGGRRRRRRRowlllll)

As we approached the kids I said hello and the little girl said "I love dogs! Can I pet them?"...could I (and Sherman) possibly have made a dent in her little brain that day? I told them sure, just be gentle with the black one b/c he's old. They were all very calm and gave both dogs lots of rubs (which Penny loved) and I was very proud of Shermie for wagging his tail and taking advantage of the attention.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Pet Supplies Plus had 20% off everything in the store from 7 - 9 this morning. So I braved Black Friday & met Debby there right when they opened. They were already out of carts. But I eventually found one & bought 4 bags of dog food. Sherman eats Solid Gold Hund-n-Flocken, so I got 2 bags of that & the girls rotate every bag, so I got a bag of Eagle Pack & Prairie.

Debby & I (along with Penny, Lola, Siri, Merlin & Kera) then went to Riverview and had a really nice hike.

Sherman had his annual vet visit later in the morning, so I walked him for about 30 minutes & stopped at the Vet on our way home. My boy has lost 2 lbs! He's now at a svelte 52.6#. He also had a lump on his back that I wanted to have checked & Dr. Nagle confirmed that it was just a fatty tumor. She also mentioned that it most likely had been there a while & I've just noticed it since he lost some weight. I'm to keep an eye on it and bring him back if it gets bigger.

We spent the remainder of the day resting.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


I just love Thanksgiving & really go all out. I took some pictures of as everything was just perfect.

Our Thanksgiving table...

My beautiful turkey with cornbread stuffing...

My bean casserole with caramelized shallots...

Scott & I have lots to be thankful for...our families, our dogs, each other. Savor the day!

The Dogs...well, it was the perfect day to nap!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sherman has never been big on sharing. That blue bed in the corner is HIS...that's where he lays every morning & hangs out with me while I get ready for work. He was not happy about Lola invading his turf.

"Um...excuse me...what is she doing in MY bed??? I demand you do something about this immediately".

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Lola is all of a sudden into tennis balls...and plastic squeaky balls, & rubber Kong balls and giggle balls. I bought her some new jumbo tennis balls at Target & figured we'd roll with it.

(Get it...ROLL with it!! Man, am I funny!)

Monday, November 20, 2006

This morning while I was getting ready for work, I heared the familiar sound of Lola trying to dig up the carpet that has come loose on the landing of our stairs. Feeling lazy & being 1/2 undressed, I said "Lola...c'mere". She stopped digging but stayed put. About 10 seconds later, a light bulb went off in my head & I said "Lola, Come!" and she shot up the steps & into my room where she promptly planted her butt in a Sit.

It was a very good reminder to me that consistancy is key!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lola spent the day catching up on ther reading. Then she took a nap.

Meanwhile, we watched the Steelers get their act together & beat Cleveland. What a game!!