Monday, May 08, 2006
So...Penny & I started our walk and it really didn't take long before she accepted that she will not be allowed to pull. And what she really liked...when the leash was loose, she got treats! I will not be walking S&P together for quite a while. Penny loves to lead and having to compete w/ Sherman will impede any progress we may make. I'm guessing it'll take me two weeks to make it around the block w/o having to stop. She's a quick study.
Lola's walk went just as well. It is boring & it does take time...but now that I'm committed, I truly believe it will be worth it. Her problem is she has sooooo much puppy energy right now & gets very excited when she sees people, another dog, a squirrel, a bird, a leaf blowing in the wind. She forgets what her job is. Well it's my job to teach her.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Lola has officially begun her LLW training. I'm not one of those dog owners who requires their dog to heel the entire walk. I want them to sniff & enjoy the walk as much as I do. So far, Lola has done well on the Easy Walk, but she's started pulling on it as well. Enough is enough. Time to get to work. Didn't take long for her to figure it out...leash is tight, I stop. We're gonna do the same short block every day till that darn leash is loose the entire time. Then move on.
I decided to take Penny to the park. We had a really nice hike until we ran into a gaggle of deer. There were about 5 of them & she, of course, went nuts when she saw them. So we turned around & went back the way we came. She also has the nasty habit of pulling on leash. I bitch & complain about it all the time. What's that saying? "Don't complain...Train!". And that's exactly what I plan on doing. Time to get off my ass after 3 years & finally teach her how to walk politely on leash! Penny will be on the same LLW training plan as Lola. She gets plenty of exercise running around in the yard w/ the Sprout so I'm not worried about that.
The pups hung out on the front porch all afternoon soaking in the sun. It was a nice Sunday.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Sherm & Pen have been rather unsettled in Lola's absence. Penny in particular. She's been searching for her and when I accidentially called her Lola on Tuesday (I'm constantly calling all the dogs by a different name!), she looked around for her. Sherman was visably happy to see her when she returned. That was short lived, though. 4 hours later...things are back to normal. The pups are lounging on the porch...enjoying the spring sunshine.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Lola has her spay tomorrow, so tonight I had to take her to the Vets. She doesn't come home until Wednesday. I took a 1/2 off at work to get her home & comfortable.
Penny had graduation tonight. Annette had prepared a mini test for the dogs to run through which mimicked the CGC/TDI test. Penny flew through it w/ flying colors...until the end. She blew it on the Sup. Separation again! I could hear her wining in the hall. She never would have passed had it been the actual test. Guess we'll just have to keep at it.
Annette did take some pictures for us
The Golden next to Penny is Levi...she really likes him! I'm the one in the black sweater.
The ACD in the front of this picture is Cowboy. He has made incredible progress in the time we've known him. He is very wary of strangers and does not like to be handled or away from him Mom. We were all able to pet him by graduation.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
At 2 weeks old...
8 weeks...
4 months
Just shy of 6 months...
As a b-day present, I met up w/ Debby & her dogs at Riverview. Another PghDogs member, Amy & her AussieX, Diamond joined us too. About 10 minutes into the hike, we spied a white Pitbull on the hill above us. Debby, being way braver than I, coaxed the dog onto the trail and encouraged him to hike w/ us while we looked for his owner. He had a current city license on so it was more likely that he got loose rather than being dumped.
I'll admit to being gunshy w/ loose dogs when I have mine w/ me. Sherman & Penny were attacked twice the same pitbull in our neighborhood. Fortunately the owners were right there to get the dog back, but it's very unnerving. This little guy was very sweet, though and traveled w/ us for over an hour.
We never did find his owner & Debby decided to take him home to see if they could be located. Here's where the story gets good. Turns out his owner lived 1/2 a block from Debby! Thump (as he was called) got out of their yard & went all the way to Riverview. He had been missing for 6 days! What a nice happy ending!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
When she did work, she did very well. She's heeling well, has a great sit, down has been a bit forgotten so I'll need to get back to work on this, attention is OK (depending on the distractions). Her walks will be limited next week (she's getting spayed) so that should give me some time to tire her out w/some training.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Penny & I had a great class on Monday though. Her supervised separation has vastly improved...through no work on my part. But it's comforting.
Lola continues to react to everything she sees. So tonight I decided it was time to do something about it. I took a whole bunch of really good treats & my clicker on our walk. I worked w/ her a lot on attention. I managed to get really good attention to her during people distractions, but we did have a little fit w/ a dog that was walking across the street. And I was thrilled that she didn't react at all to a cat that crossed our path. She got a jackpot for that. We'll continue to work on this. LLW really isn't much of an issue. She's still on the Easy Walk and I have to stop & wait her out every 10 minutes or so, but she catchs on fast. I need to run her through all of her behaviors tomorrow night as we missed class on Saturday (there was a Parvo outbreak at the shelter & I decided to err on the side of caution).
Friday, April 21, 2006
Lola starts Advanced Puppy tomorrow totally unprepared. I haven't really worked w/ her for over a month. I'm hoping jumping into a class will jump start me back into working her at home. I'm a terrible puppy Mom.
I did, however, buy them some new toys...This is Lola's favorite:
Almost as big as her.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
I took today off for a extended birthday weekend. Lola went to daycare, but beforehand we stopped by my office to drop off some doughnuts and she got to meet everyone. I was very proud of her...she didn't jump on anyone and turned on the charm. She did take off to explore, but was quickly caught. She started Woofing at people so we left.
My Mom came over & we took S&P to the park for a hike. It turned out to be a really nice day. We hiked for about an hour & then took them home. I picked Lola up around 5:00 & she was pooped! Scotty had a hockey game so the 4 of us slugged out & watched TV for the rest of the night. Perfect end to my birthday weekend!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Well...was I in for a rude awakening. By the end of the first class, I was ready to give Sherman away. He was a nightmare...trying to jump on the other dogs, completely ignoring me, forgetting he ever knew how to do a single thing I asked. I didn't even want to go back to the second class and for good reason...he was worse! As being cool, calm & collected are not my best traits, I was fortunate enough to have one of the trainers notice my frustration & pull me aside into a separate room. She took Sherman from me and worked w/ him a bit and then gave me the best training advice I've gotten to date.
Sherman, NO! Sherman, STOP IT! Sherman, COME HERE! Sherman SIT! Sherman NO! Sherman NO! Sherman NOOOOoooooo!!! I sounded like a broken record. And he could care less...he wasn't hearing me.
Stop yelling at your dog. If what you're doing is not working, change the situation to make him succeed. Stop telling him what is wrong and let him know what is right. Rocket science, huh? Well, to me it was. Because it WORKED! (Thank you, Jan McCune).
So what's my point? Well, for the first couple of months we had Lola, I did a lot of yelling at Sherman. Back to my old stupid ways. But in the recent month or so, I remembered that stellar advice and got back to what I know works. Stop yelling at your dog. I've been focusing more on what he's doing well and putting in more one on one time w/ him and I've really noticed a difference. Does that mean I don't ever yell at him? Hell, NO! But it's fewer & far between...when he really needs it.
Ironically, like tonight. His guarding is still an issue and all three dogs were on the bed w/ me. He had a chewie next to him...but Lola started sniffing him...not going for the bone, but just sniffing near him. Sherman laid into her, pinning her down and biting her face. She really yelped...probably more out of fear than pain, but his behavior is not acceptable. I made him get off the bed and ignored him for the next hour. We made up later and he's on probation for. But I will still keep encouraging the good behavior from him and I will make the effort to stop yelling at my dog.
Monday, April 10, 2006
As Penny was going to class, she didn't get a walk. We did leave about 15 minutes early to practice LLW in the parking lot before class. She was a little stressed when we went in the building. 2 staffers wanted to pet her & she was pretty skiddish. Once we got in class, she was better & started to focus. Heeling was fine, attention was fantastic as usual, recalls...bleh! We worked on separation differently in that I left her w/ Jim, told her to wait, walked away & then returned to her (p/t), put her in a sit stay, and then called her to me. First time I left her she was very tense and hesitated on the recall. Second time, she was more relaxed, but when I called her, she kept her butt planted on the ground. What?? Her recall is usually great. Something more to work on. We also worked on Finishes, which we haven't done diddly of in 6 months. That's on the agenda for this week.
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
I took Lola to daycare @ 8:00 am. When I arrived, the staff was very excited to see her. And she loves this place. There was a man in the lobby watching the dogs on the TV and she ran right up to him & put on quite the wiggly show. There was an older couple in one of the gated areas next to the desk. Lola could see their Sheltie & started barking & doing her tough girl routine. The older couple was glaring at me, but I was unconcerned. I pulled her over to the other gated section and the manager came out to take the dogs back. She went to the Sheltie first and the man said something to the manager I couldn't hear. She looked at him and said "No, she's a Boxer". My DoG! He said, "OK", shot me another look & I wanted to punch him. She's not a Pitbull!!!! Ugh. Not that there's anything wrong with that...I love Pitbulls. But the general public is so very uneducated. Makes me crazy. Lola went for her fun day at Camp.
When I got home, I took Sherman for a walk & it was if he was trying to tell me "Hey Mom...I'm the good one". He was such an angel. I walked him on the Flexi and made him stop & sit at every intersection. He usually just has to stop & wait till I tell him "Let's Go". But I decided to have him sit this time & after the 3rd intersection...he was stopping & sitting w/o being asked. At one point, a FC retreiver just walked over to us & sniffed Sherman's butt. He just turned around, looked at her and then back at me. This was a first!! Overall, it was a wonderful walk.
Penny was next. She has developed a very, very bad pulling habit. Even w/ the Easy Walk harness, she's making me nuts. I'll admit...I have never worked seriously or consistantly on LLW with her. Heeling yes, but I don't want her to walk right next to me. I want her to have freedom to explore & sniff, but not pull my arm off. I'm going to set up a program for her & really make a serious commitment to stopping this. Stay tuned for updates. Other than the walking thing, we did stop in some parking lots and do some stays, recalls and heeling.
When I returned to Camp...I told the girl at the desk "I'm here to pick up Lola." Her response..."Um no, sorry, we're gonna keep her". I love to hear that. She commented at what a sweet calm Boxer she is and how much they enjoy having her. I would hope that I have something to do w/ that. They brought her out & she was filthy! PigPen from Peanuts is a close analogy. When we got home, I scooped her up & put her in the tub. She was such a doll. She just stood there & let me soap her up and rinse her off. Being tired was probably part of the reason. I dried her off & we sat out on the front porch & let her dry in the sun. She slept for the remainder of the night.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Well, first Sherman tried to jump into the UPS truck on our walk at lunch. He has never left the sidewalk while on the Flexi unless I am crossing too. The truck just pulled out from a few houses down and Sherm went into guard dog mode...barking and lunging and running to get into the truck. I immediately called him back & put him into a Down. The UPS guys laughed and said "Only 1 today??" reply was "Don't you think I have all I can handle??!!"
After work, Scott & I decided to take all 3 dogs for a walk. What a mistake. It was a beautiful day and everyone & their dogs were outside enjoying the nice weather. All three were wound up & pretty obnoxious. That is the last time we'll be doing that for a while.
I had my first class w/ Shelley. The group was very attentive and had a lot of questions. This is going to be a much different class than Annette's. Shelley's class is a clicker class, which I am very comfortable with. I have participated in many of Shelley's classes as a student and assisted Shelley's assistant, Rita when Shelley was away, but I've never been her assistant. We get along very well and it should be fun 7 weeks.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I really want her to become used to cats as she could then stay w/ my Mom when we went on vacation. It's hard to find a dog savvy cat & an owner that's willing to let me "use" it for socialization.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Penny was antsy all night. She "knew" it was class day. And she was ready to work. I'm so proud of her. We worked on heeling, direction changes, down, lots of attention & supervised separation. Heeling was great. Her attention is stellar. Down is fine...although she refuses to tip onto one hip. I may try to shape this during the course of the week. The separation is another issue. I suppose I should be happy to have a dog that's so bonded to me. We did two run throughs, leaving her w/ Jim, Annette's assistant. I got about 20 seconds out of her until she started to stress. We're gonna keep at it & hopefully, she'll get better. I'm going to try to work on out of sight stays as well & hope that will give her a job to do while I'm gone, making the whole thing less stressful. I really love this class and love working with Penny.
I realize I don't make any reference to working with Sherman. And it's not that he doesn't get any attention. But Sherman is different than the girls. They really thrive on mental stimulation while Sherman is more content to chew or play with a toy or do some fun basic commands. Which he does get a lot of. He's certainly not neglected.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
When I got home, I took Sherman & Lola on a walk together. We ran into the neighbor kids and Lola put on quite the show & Sherman was very good with the kids. I'm always careful to warn them that he does NOT like hugs or rough petting. Our neighborhood kids are pretty well behaved, though.
Penny & I went back to the Library to practice some heeling, recalls & sit stays. We played Follow the Leader for about 5 minutes and then went to stays. There were lots of distractions b/c it was so nice out. What you can't see in this picture was...there were a bunch of kids playing around the library and a dog barking on the other side. Not too shabby.

We did some heeling & automatic sits and finished up with recalls. My girl is back in the groove. Maybe it was the weather...maybe it was the liver brownies. Her recalls are right where they should be, including some very nice straight fronts.
We then took a walk around the landscaped side & took some photos. Penny is so photogenic...she should be in print!

