August 27, 2017


...even though it's still humid in Georgia, one day in the not so distant future all the leaves will start to turn.  So I think it's time for me to at least start prepping for Fall.

In the past I've given Fall Sewing Plans different titles like:
  • Fall Hit List
  • Flipping on Over Into Fall
  • Fall Dress Palazooa, and even my
  • Carnival of Skirts
This year  I think I'll call my plan "Fall Sweet Sixteen" (named for Project Runway's Season 16).  Corny maybe, but my dream is to stitch up 16 garments that will yield countless wonderful outfit combinations for Fall; a wardrobe capsule if you will:
  • 4 Coat/Jacket/Vest or Cardigan
  • 4 Tops/Tunics/Blouses or Tees
  • 4 Pants
  • 4 Dresses and/or Skirts
My problem with the wardrobe capsule concept however; has been being able to gather all my fabrics and patterns to set up a plan - I always stall out in this part of the process.  I haven't done that this time either.  Why?, because pulling out 16 fabrics/patterns would overwhelm me and I might stall out again.  To that end, I am just going to start sewing.  Select the first fabric and first pattern and keep pulling from the stash until  all sixteen pieces are done.

I won't put any kind of pressure on myself (like a deadline) for completing this Dream List.  But I'll start now and work steadily on the list.  Of course the plan is subject to change; every plan needs a disclaimer.  But I really would like to see this plan through.

What are your plans for starting Fall sewing??? 

August 20, 2017


what a nice way to preview the September issue of Burdastyle Magazine

sometimes I use quarters, but Feather Flights uses pennies.

I can always use more tips on sewing with knits, how about you? ... How to sew perfect sweater knit seams by O!Jolly! 

Can't ever learn enough about fusible interfacing ... Useful information on fusing iron on interfacing at Sew DIY

August 16, 2017


...have you ever sewn a garment just to see if you could handle it, or to learn a particular technique.  Well such was the case of this pattern
Jalie 2921 Knit Scarf Neck Top
I've had this pattern for about seven years and I did make it once way back then.  My curiosity got the best of me, and I just couldn't resist the temptation of learning more about the burrito technique of attaching the scarf collar to this top.  I just wanted to find out if I was capable of making this top successfully, and I did do just that. The only problem with the first top I made was that I used 5/8" seam allowances rather than 1/4" so the results were a little snug.  Fast forward to this week when I wanted to use this particular knit fabric (gifted by Diane Osborn) for a top.

This is such an interesting technique.  Would you believe that the  entire top is encased in this scarf tube?
I received a much better fit this time around because I actually read the directions better and used the right seam allowance.
In addition to reading the directions I actually found this great YouTube video that shows exactly how to put the entire top together.  This made my job a breeze.

One of the best things about completing a project (no matter how simple) is being freed up to make yet another project.

What interesting projects are you freed up to sew????

August 2, 2017


...let's just skip right on over to Fall!  That's exactly what Vogue Patterns did.  I have been in great anticipation of Vogue's Early Fall pattern release.  I kept thinking, "what's taking them so long with their early Fall renderings"?.  Well I just noticed that they are up... and can I say... I think I'm in trouble!  25 patterns and at first glance I think I can say that there are only 3 that I don't want.  Even if purchased at a $4.99 pattern sale, they would still equal a "SMALL FORTUNE".  Hopefully, by the time I look at them again I will have developed a strong dislike for at least 10 of them.  Why oh why do I love Vogue Patterns so much???

Being the avid coat pattern collector that I am, this Lialia by Julia Alarcon is one of the ones that is high up on my list.  Vogue 1562; sleek, classic and double breasted.  What more could I ask for?

Have you seen the new Fall offerings from Vogue Patterns yet?  Which ones are to your liking???

July 29, 2017


... oooo it's been a little while since my last post I know.  My alternate Summer work schedule and life changes forced me to put my little blog on the back burner.  My past work week involved back to regular school  pre-planning -  STUDENTS RETURN ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2ND ya'll!

The first 10 days of back to school is sooooo very hectic!  You'd think I'd be use to it by now, but it still makes me a wee bit nervous.

So as you've probably guessed not much new garment sewing going on here at all.  However, I have been doing some existing wardrobe alterations, repairs and in general sprucing up.  I hope to be back to "my slow sewing self" in just a little bit though. But in the meantime these interesting tidbits caught my eye...

Pattern Match Plaids and Stripes LIKE A BOSS!, from The Village Haberdashery 

5 Essential Serger Tips for a Healthy Happy Machine from Grainline Studio

I'm starting to really look forward to Sheryll's monthly sewing tips.  Her tips are always so useful! use.

and lastly, in case you didn't know

July 9, 2017


it's hard to believe that it's been over ten years (February 2007) since I started this blog.  I remember when I first discovered this sewing blog world that inspired me to become a sewing blogger too.  It's been an amazing time for me! I've meet so many people virtually who have contributed to my learning experience, they you have really turned my world completely upside down (in a very good way)!
Who would have ever thought I'd keep it up this long?  It has been so much fun sharing with you,  bringing you "my type of content", reading your comments, and learning from and with you all the way. 
Blogging for me is a pleasure more than it is a chore.  I do plan to keep this up; and do so hope that you will continue to read and comment here. 

Please leave a comment on this post whether or not you've ever commented here before to celebrate this milestone with me!!!

July 7, 2017


I'm so used to videos that Podcasts are a bit hard for me to take. I'm such a visual person; however, I couldn't resist listening in on this Podcast found at Frivolous at Last because it featured Michelle Morris of "That Black Chic".  (I call Michelle "The Whole 64 Color Box" and if you read her blog - you know why.
I found this valuable information on what to look for when choosing a sewing machine by Peggy Sagers called Sewing Machine 101.

How to install an invisible zipper with a regular zipper foot - I've always wonder how to go about doing this.

Who doesn't love an iconic haute couture Chanel Jacket?
P.S.  My new pants are coming along just fine.  I might be able to post them tomorrow...

July 2, 2017


...Houston, we have lift off!  I finally have a descent pants block/sloper!  I had the most wonderful tweedy light weight linen in my stash from last year's Hancock going out of business sale.  I couldn't get around to using it last summer so I decided to use it now for my next pair of pants.  I am happy to report that I had to do VERY LITTLE TWEAKING.
I have no front diagonal wrinkles and the back fits to my liking.  I did have to take up a small wedge at center back to eliminate gapping, and take in the side seam hip curve area which is not out of the norm for me.
These are only minor adjustments that I will work out on my sloper before I make more pants, but it reminds me of a scene from my younger years... 

I can remember my Mother helping me dress when I was just a tween.  She'd say, "it's so hard for you to wear skirts, you have NO HIPS and there is nothing for them to sit up on; and  your butt is so high it makes the skirt hike up in the back".  Can I tell you that this made me feel likes a freak of nature!  I developed a complex about something that I didn't understand, nor could do anything about - until I started studying FIT.  I've learned that my Mother was absolutely correct - "Baby's got BACK - but no HIPS!  BUT, there are adjustments that can be made to compensate for that!
Love, love, love my new labels
I've got a nice fitting pair of linen pants now, but during construction there was one little problem.  Raise your hand if this has ever happened to you
Yes, I serged the back leg of my new pants!  My eyes immediately teared up, but I quickly shook it off, because "THERE'S NO CRYING IN THE SEWING ROOM!"  My friend SheilaCTK sent me a quick answer to the problem "TIM GUNN IT"!  We all know that means "MAKE IT WORK" - and so I did.

I'll close with this cute little sewing cartoon I saw recently that made me laugh...

June 18, 2017


...Sewing information and tutorials that recently caught my eye:

  • In addition, if you are ever looking for Size and Ease Chart for all McCall's Pattern Company products (McCall's, Butterick and Vogue) it's located on the Butterick Pattern website
  • I've been planning on pad my dressform to make it more like me and pinnable for a very long time now.  I've seen lots of pictorials and watched oodles of videos that show multiple methods of padding.  This video by Nick Verreos is by far the easiest of all the ones I've seen thus far.  All that is needed is shoulder pads, pins and a tape measure.  This method is easy peazy and I think it would work quite nicely with a one piece cover added afterwards

  •  While looking around the net I happened upon this Serger Stitch Cheat Sheet that is very helpful to me so I thought some of you might be interested too

And lastly, I was able to finish my last challenge project this weekend.

McCall's 7603 pleated back and button front

An easy breezy summer top made in cotton lawn.  I choose view C and did have to blend two sizes, but other than that this pattern is straight forward and presented no challenges.  I might make it again, next time maybe in a challis.

In the meantime I need to find a really easy online photo editor (preferably free).  What photo editors do you use???

June 11, 2017


... most of the time it seems I bounce around from project to project without concrete plan.  I could lament about that, but truth be told as long as there's some sort of stitching going on, planned or not, I'm a pretty happy camper.

You might remember me mentioning the Pin It Sew It Event that I joined  sponsored by the ladies at That Sewing Blab.  Well guess what, I was one of the two winners of a $25.00 gift certificate to Indie Sews - how good does it get!  Now I just need to narrow down my selections and make my purchase.  Remember - I love Indie Patterns!

This weekend another blogger (can't remember who she was) make a navy eyelet top from McCall's 6558.  I thought I'd seen some navy eyelet floating around in my stash so of course greedy me wanted one too.  I redrafted the pattern (or should I use the word hacked) so the base bodice would be one piece rather than two, and eliminated the waist elastic all together.  Turns out my eyelet was more royal than navy, but still cute nonetheless.

Secondly, the SewMuchTalentgr Facebook group has a challenge going on every month.  Since I am a member and one of the moderators of the group, I try to support it as much as I can.  June is Pattern Hack Month with McCall's 6886 being the pattern of choice.  I really didn't need another one of these dresses and had sort of silently opted out the challenge.  However, my Mother called to see what I was dreaming up for the challenge, we decided that the dress would be for her rather than for me.

I decided to do the simple "HACK"  that involved redesigning the standard sleeve of this dress into a flutter style that worked out quite nicely. The challenge ends on June 30th so I can check this one off my list.

There is just one more challenge for this month that I've joined that I now need to work on,
I have until the end of the month to try to get this one done but afterwards it's back to my "I Want It All" pants fitting job...

June 4, 2017


...I find all kinds of interesting and useful sewing related information when cruising the web.  It's hard to keep track of it all, so I decided to start adding it to my blog for easy to find reference.  I hope you find some it useful as well.

Sheryll of Patterns.Scissors.Cloth gives us 5 WONDERFUL sewing tips every month
5 Sewing Tips for May even though it's now June

Andrea of Sew To Fit's You Tube video gives a full demonstration on Raising the V-Neckline of the New Vogue pattern 9293

Itch to Stitch, shares a great tutorial that will help us with our summer thin strip shoulder design tops and dress How to make a bra strap holder.

I also happened upon a video on Rotating Bodice Darts from Melly Sews using miniature pattern blocks.

AND, as if I didn't already have enough on my mental "Sewing List for Summer", I've joined not one but two more challenges.

What's on your sewing plate for this week....

Paying Homage to Black Pattern Designers...

...for years February has been set aside as a special time to learn about and recognize accomplishments of African Americans and other peopl...