My mind wants to do some productive things, but my body is screaming "get some rest". I did make a pot of beef stew (comfort food) rather than a pot of soup - and it did hit the spot.
On the sewing side of things, I did make 5 pairs of PJ bottoms while on vacation. My Mother says that working with all of that flannel may have aggravated my sinuses - I tend to agree with her especially since they produced so much lint when I pre-washed and dried them. But I'm so glad that I got them done. My kids really appreciate the handmade jester. I call it creating memories. I also did some repair work while I was there. Replacing buttons, mending and even replaced a front fly zipper in a pair of pants - which is not an easy task for me. I am so glad that I took all of my sewing stuff with me. Me and Bessie (sewing machine) felt right at home in my Daughter's dining room.
Still didn't make it to Mary Jo's Cloth World. They closed early on Christmas Eve (I had called before hand to get their hours) so I didn't get there on the way up. And traveling back I wanted (needed) to get past that Charlotte morning traffic as quickly as possible. I drive, but I don't do heavy traffic very well. Lord help me! Maybe I get to Mary Jo's the next time I go up for a visit. As you can imagine, I really didn't need anything anyway - just wanted to have a look.
My Daughter did take me to both Hancocks and JoAnn's there in Greensboro. I picked up a nice piece of black ponteroma that I've been wanting and was unable to get here (used my one and only 40% coupon on that) and also a nice weight taupe knit. I got in on the zipper sale - think I got 6 or 7, picked up thread and a few buttons. I also got a clear embroidery foot, a pin tuck foot, and a joining foot, because I'm trying to build up my collection. Now all I need is that ruffler, a walking foot and a rolling foot - unless there are others that I don't know about. If you know of any more - please let me know.
I'll review my '09 sewing year as soon as I feel a little better. Until then Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year...