Ascitlo was in love with Encolpio and stole Gitone to get him out of the way.
Gitone, played by Max Born, was the most interesting person in the film. He seem to be moved only by music and song but has no value accorded him other than that of sex object. And he has been a sex slave since childhood. As he and Encolopio return home they pass a room filled with child prostutues, the kind of place where Gtione got his start. Watch his face when he's not working for Encolpio he seems to hate Encolpio and just wants to be away. He probably felt that way about all men. Whores are important in Fellini and Gitone, I think, is one of his best studies
順便找了另外一個應該是演員認識可是不方便透露的人留下的留言...的確..max當然是...年紀已經同我父親接近....-u-||| 而且他本人理所當然有自己理由不想被“發現”多一次...順便說我以為max是法國還是意大利人..原來他是英國人...-口-||||.....
Maybe I can tell you something about Max Born, because I knew him at school in London during the 1960s. I don't know where he is now but I think I would have heard word if anything bad had happened. I'm sure he doesn't want to be 'rediscovered', and I won't give any clues. He could easily find me. Max, if you get to read this, sorry!
At our all-boys school Max was clever and quite bright, precocious and rebellious. He was the first in our adolescent class to have a steady girlfriend and he drifted quickly into the growing late-1960s sex/drugs scene. I was then much more stable and conservative, but we got on well. We were two of the only three kids taking O-level Art (O-level, now GCSE, exams were taken at age 16, i.e. for us in 1967). He was good enough at art (I wasn't) not to need to work, and we spent most of our time arguing about our opposite lifestyles and outlooks. I remember him doing at least one of his O-level examinations totally stoned. I think he did OK anyway, but he dropped out of school soon after.
The next we heard of Max was a newspaper article, before Satyricon was released, about him 'starring' in it. He was never trained as an actor (though another boy in our class, and one of his closest friends, came from an acting family and has a much longer IMDb entry). When I saw the film I was disappointed that Max's voice was dubbed and was surprised at the change in his appearance. In 'Ciao Federico' he's himself, but prettier than he was at school: I heard that he had his teeth straightened at Fellini's expense.
I met Max again in Notting Hill Gate, London, I think in the late 70s or early 80s. Over a drink he told me some of what had happened since school, but I'm afraid I forgot most of it. He was living nearby with his girlfriend, and they had a very young kid. He still looked 18. I went to a party there and was struck by how settled he'd become, though he still played the same records as when he was at school. He came from a fairly stable middle-class background and he was never going to self-destruct like so many '60s victims' did (including some we were at school with). He seemed to be doing OK on the edge of the London arts-music scene. I don't think he had ever particularly wanted to be an actor: Satyricon was just an adventure for him. The last time I saw him he was planning to leave London and live simply on a Mediterranean island.
And I guess he did.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
正在追以前的電影(satyricon fellini)
我是不是變老了還是怎樣...我無意在YOUTUBE搜查資料結果一發不可收拾﹗我莫名其妙看見一個舊意大利羅馬古裝電影名字叫“satyricon fellini".........真的是好無意的緣份﹗影片中我第一個看見title寫satyricon fellini裡面其中大眾光著身體(男女噢﹗)在不知道什麼地方一直跳上跳下....不知道什麼意思-___-||||||||||| 看了後還是按其他youtube繼續搜尋影片結果按到visiting the brothel..(拜訪妓院)的影片(我真的很好奇嘛﹗)﹐我看了後起初覺得好奇怪這個舊電影沒有想到那么色情和暴露過現代電影﹗﹗﹗
ok...第3次我真的是無視這個電影﹗﹗﹗我去看其他video..-_- 結果還是按到satyricon fellini電影....我的mouse其實是short的﹗沒有按就等於有按...但是我還是繼續用。這次...omg......我無意中..真的非常意外.....!看見影片男配角﹗﹗﹗我的天啊﹗﹗﹗>口< 那個男配角竟然那么引我的心﹗好﹐我是花痴..-u-|||| 但是可惜..這個電影真的是很舊電影...1969的電影......................夠久吧!現在應該是年紀跟我父親小3歲...57歲........孩子家庭一定有了吧xdddd。話說回來﹐影片是講同性戀和濫交在古羅馬是非常普遍的....我會比較喜歡希臘文化過羅馬﹐因為羅馬根本就是拿希臘文化所謂的copy。
satyricon fellini是講述羅馬還沒有接受基督教的約束及教意生活是混亂腐敗﹐奴隸制度和濫交的社會。故事說2位羅馬學生面對古代羅馬荒淫時代。開頭里男主角(我不知道名字﹐只知道演員名字叫martin potter)對著牆壁罵﹐他說他好友和他心愛的gitone(就是我特別喜歡也是吸引我的演員﹗可惜他出現在電影裡面並不多﹗)懷疑一起離開或者好友會對gitone怎樣過後罵他們的不是說gitone這個人好羞恥因為他穿裙子根本就像女人不像男人﹐他被媽媽唆使要以女人的個性出現在人面前......等然後猜想但是他不放棄gitone﹐這個martin奴隸聲稱他還是愛他和一切都是屬於gitone﹐一氣之下決定找那個好友然後走幾步就到羅馬澡堂(好近-_-) 找那個好友(也是不知道名字﹐演員好像已經過世在1995享年57歲-名字叫hiram keller)而他演的那個角色我個人覺得蠻變態一點..-_- 就這樣出現在澡堂(好巧..-_-) 他大概說他伺機martin喝醉酒時候偷偷從他身邊帶走gitone(忘記跟你說我喜歡的演員max born主演)然後他說gitone一直想睡覺然後他用劍威脅gitone乖乖就範被賣給一名奇怪的演員﹗
後來我一直找也找沒有那個gitone扮演希臘天使的完整片段﹗只有在那個video的mtv看一小段而已真是讓我不服氣﹗我就是被那個片段吸引的啊﹗﹗﹗T口T 就這樣gitone成功逃離那個怪演員的魔掌..但是過後martin帶gitone去一個莫明其妙的妓院地點﹐在這裡我被嚇倒一下..那些演員好大膽而且感覺有點特別是他們一邊走不同妓院場景的事情發生﹗也許導演是想表達那個地方的混亂的荒淫吧﹗結果男主角和gitone就這個走完後就去行房了..............>口<... 果然我佩服max born的犧牲因為你們大家想想看1969年.....畢竟還是屬於一些保守觀念的時代﹐這個電影其實也是被禁止很多西方國家﹗但是和一些開放國家就有播放.....那個時代東方國家肯定是沒有的看﹗而max born演的這個女性化男又是被男人搞同性戀會被看不起吧....結果我看了他相關資料是他演這個唯一的戲過後就消失在娛樂圈沒有打算演戲﹐證明說他不想成為演員吧﹗不過也好證明說他還是有自己的願望做自己喜歡做的事情吧﹗﹗﹗而關於他的資料是非常的少到可憐那種是因為他不想”再次“被發現所以就這樣默默的離開人們的視線﹐但是我就是無法自拔看著以前那個模樣>_< 當然也有想過現在的他到底是怎樣的面貌..-u-||||....然後自己想想老的時候會變成怎樣...真的是歲月不饒人啊﹗順便說一下﹕我覺得以前的人的美麗真的是現在無法相比的)
-max born as gitone picture-
ok...第3次我真的是無視這個電影﹗﹗﹗我去看其他video..-_- 結果還是按到satyricon fellini電影....我的mouse其實是short的﹗沒有按就等於有按...但是我還是繼續用。這次...omg......我無意中..真的非常意外.....!看見影片男配角﹗﹗﹗我的天啊﹗﹗﹗>口< 那個男配角竟然那么引我的心﹗好﹐我是花痴..-u-|||| 但是可惜..這個電影真的是很舊電影...1969的電影......................夠久吧!現在應該是年紀跟我父親小3歲...57歲........孩子家庭一定有了吧xdddd。話說回來﹐影片是講同性戀和濫交在古羅馬是非常普遍的....我會比較喜歡希臘文化過羅馬﹐因為羅馬根本就是拿希臘文化所謂的copy。
satyricon fellini是講述羅馬還沒有接受基督教的約束及教意生活是混亂腐敗﹐奴隸制度和濫交的社會。故事說2位羅馬學生面對古代羅馬荒淫時代。開頭里男主角(我不知道名字﹐只知道演員名字叫martin potter)對著牆壁罵﹐他說他好友和他心愛的gitone(就是我特別喜歡也是吸引我的演員﹗可惜他出現在電影裡面並不多﹗)懷疑一起離開或者好友會對gitone怎樣過後罵他們的不是說gitone這個人好羞恥因為他穿裙子根本就像女人不像男人﹐他被媽媽唆使要以女人的個性出現在人面前......等然後猜想但是他不放棄gitone﹐這個martin奴隸聲稱他還是愛他和一切都是屬於gitone﹐一氣之下決定找那個好友然後走幾步就到羅馬澡堂(好近-_-) 找那個好友(也是不知道名字﹐演員好像已經過世在1995享年57歲-名字叫hiram keller)而他演的那個角色我個人覺得蠻變態一點..-_- 就這樣出現在澡堂(好巧..-_-) 他大概說他伺機martin喝醉酒時候偷偷從他身邊帶走gitone(忘記跟你說我喜歡的演員max born主演)然後他說gitone一直想睡覺然後他用劍威脅gitone乖乖就範被賣給一名奇怪的演員﹗
後來我一直找也找沒有那個gitone扮演希臘天使的完整片段﹗只有在那個video的mtv看一小段而已真是讓我不服氣﹗我就是被那個片段吸引的啊﹗﹗﹗T口T 就這樣gitone成功逃離那個怪演員的魔掌..但是過後martin帶gitone去一個莫明其妙的妓院地點﹐在這裡我被嚇倒一下..那些演員好大膽而且感覺有點特別是他們一邊走不同妓院場景的事情發生﹗也許導演是想表達那個地方的混亂的荒淫吧﹗結果男主角和gitone就這個走完後就去行房了..............>口<... 果然我佩服max born的犧牲因為你們大家想想看1969年.....畢竟還是屬於一些保守觀念的時代﹐這個電影其實也是被禁止很多西方國家﹗但是和一些開放國家就有播放.....那個時代東方國家肯定是沒有的看﹗而max born演的這個女性化男又是被男人搞同性戀會被看不起吧....結果我看了他相關資料是他演這個唯一的戲過後就消失在娛樂圈沒有打算演戲﹐證明說他不想成為演員吧﹗不過也好證明說他還是有自己的願望做自己喜歡做的事情吧﹗﹗﹗而關於他的資料是非常的少到可憐那種是因為他不想”再次“被發現所以就這樣默默的離開人們的視線﹐但是我就是無法自拔看著以前那個模樣>_< 當然也有想過現在的他到底是怎樣的面貌..-u-||||....然後自己想想老的時候會變成怎樣...真的是歲月不饒人啊﹗順便說一下﹕我覺得以前的人的美麗真的是現在無法相比的)
-max born as gitone picture-
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