Showing posts with label digital art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label digital art. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

Fathers - digital collage - GelliArtsⓇ Inspired by fathers

GelliArts® is hosting a monthly inspiration prompt on their social media where you can win $25 in their store. The prompt for June is 'inspired by fathers'. This digital collage started as a print where I used an image from a vintage magazine. The picture was of three guys walking together and i cut out the silhouette of the men and used as a mask, there is also 2 other prints used in the silhouette. 

The two next pictures is the same collage, but different settings in photoshop

Friday, February 13, 2015

Some creative love in the studio.

Hi there.
I've had some creative fun in the studio. Been playing in my art journal and these two pages was some of the things I did. The pictures could have been better, but I guess that is part of the playing for fun part. Don't have to set up my photo studio.

This one is two pages put together with the help of photoshop. I just upgraded my photoshop to CC2014 and had to try it out. The eye stamp is from VLVS. I went through my ink pads to throw away the ones not working anymore. Guess there where still some ink in some of them :-)
Wishing you all a creative and fun weekend. 

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Jeg vil starte med å si TUSEN TAKK til dere som besøker bloggen min og legger igjen melding på melding. Jeg blir så glad og jeg setter utrolig pris på alle tilbakemeldingene jeg får.
Jeg har utrolig dårlig samvittighet for at jeg ikke rekker å ta bloggrunden min og legge igjen meldinger hos dere alle. Det er jo det som er så kjekt med å blogge og lese blogger, man får utrolig masse inspirasjon og nye venner ikke minst.
Men for tiden er det skolen og arbeid i studio som er min første prioriteten. Jeg er inne i sluttspurten på skolen og all fritid prioriterer jeg å jobbe kreativt i studido og blogge om det jeg lager. 
Trøsten min og kanskje deres ( :-) ) er at jeg vil få bedre tid når jeg er ferdig med skolen til sommeren. 
Derfor vil jeg bare si at selv om jeg ikke legger igjen så mye meldinger hos dere som jeg skulle ønske, så gir det meg masse energi å lese alt det fine dere skriver. Det betyr mye for meg.
Her er en side jeg har laget som skal brukes til illustrasjon i skoleoppgaven jeg holder på med. Så kan dere iallefall se litt av det jeg holder på med.

Digital Art Journal / collage side :

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Monday, August 6, 2012

My first digital doodle

Yesterday I played with my Wacom board. I got it for xmas, but have not used it much. I figured if I practice, I will be better and then able to use it when I'm working in photoshop and illustrator. Doodling was a great way to practice.I have a long way to go, but rather pleased with my first attempt and yes it is a self portrait. 

Crew Member Wednesday - Treasure box

Hi, this is my November project for Crew Member Wednesday