Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Family Videos

Here is a link to our family videos on YouTube. They are unlisted so you pretty much have to use this link to get them.


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

 Even though I woke up at 2 am this morning and was unable to get back to sleep, I haven’t had to nap and I am still going.  Going strong.  As in how did I even keep going?  I don’t know, but a lot of kids were home sick from school and it was really fun to be around everyone.  A good day in my book.  A good day in Motherhood land.  Except Jack is currently sitting on my bed and a little upset because I won’t take him to Fly Guys (The popular barber joint nearby) to cut his hair.  Instead, I want to take him to my friend, who is very good and very inexpensive.  As in she charges almost 50 percent less.  Now that is just a price that I like.  And the other, well, it is just a price that I dislike.  In fact, I hated the old price before all the hair cutting places shut down for the pandemic, when it was only $15.  $3 dollars extra are you kidding me?!! I was willing to pay that when it was either that or dollar cuts.  But that was because Great Clips is terrible. Consistently.  But, my friend is actually really good.  The trouble is she has a really cute daughter who is Jack’s age, who is in Jack’s PE class.  Now I dont know if she likes him or he likes her or if he just realizes that she is a cute girl.  He says he doesn’t even know her.  Heck I dont evben know her, but I know her mom and she’s pretty and awesome so I can only imagine what her daughter is like.  Plus, her older daughter is going to try out for the high school tennis team with Lucy and i am pretty excited about that.  Jack keeps asking me why I am doing this.  I don’t know but I love making him antsy.  The end.  Jack will turn 13 in a few weeks.  Aren’t teenagers fun?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


  I’ve been wide awake since 2:00am which is not normal for me. I usually am so tired that sleep comes whether I’m ready or not.  But not this morning. I worked up twice to comfort baby Kate, who is feeling a little sick and instead of falling back to sleep, I can’t help thinking about motherhood. My brain is running a million miles.  In some ways, I feel like I’m failing at it. I’ve made so many mistakes that I almost don’t know which way to turn to make reparations. But I also feel like my kids are doing well. So maybe it’s just the nature of motherhood that so much craziness can go on, yet the world keeps turning and we can rise out of the ashes of our mistakes. This global pandemic has taken a toll on our family. I feel like I’ve been much more negative and selfish. It’s affected my relationship with Leland and with the kids. Oh to go back to yesteryear! But that’s not how life works, even though I wish we could erase our mistakes and start over. Not to mention raising kids is a full time job! It’s often confusing. Help your kids have self-esteem but not too much self-esteem! Teach your kids about work, but don’t run them into the ground. Also don’t do everything for them, but don’t make them do everything for themselves, love them but don’t coddle etc it’s hard to get everything just right.  

I’m trying to help Peter with his reading and that is a challenge. Peter is special and sweet and very smart, but he doesn’t want to listen all the time and gets easily worked up when he doesn’t know the right answer. I feel like I have a million things riding on my shoulders that when he gets worked up, I find it hard to keep my cool. I’m hoping it will catch on as he gets older.  

Parenting teens is hard too. It’s the emotional battles that get me. I hardly know what to do with my own emotions, let alone someone else’s. I guess it’s comforting that there are so many good examples of mothers on my side and Leland’s. I think I’m going to be alright. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Jack Breaks His Arm (again)

Jack was jumping on the top of his bunk bed one night about two months ago when he fell off and broke his arm.  Luckily, we already knew what was in store for him, because he had broken the other arm not six months ago.  The office staff recognized us.  He wasn't scared when he got the cast on or off this time and was pretty good at keeping it clean.  We are just glad it's off now.

Grandpa and Bethany Take Us to Carlsbad!

Grandpa Green, Aunt Bethany, and Bethany's friend Aubry, picked us up in Henderson and we all caravanned down to spend the week in Carlsbad, CA.  It snowed so heavily in Utah, that the roads were closed through St George and Grandpa had to drive through the back roads to get to us.
We visited the beach, the pool, the town, and even spent a day at Legoland!  The weather was heavenly!

Dexter wasn't sure about the sand the first visit to the beach.  He didn't want me to put him down.  The next day, however, he couldn't get enough of it.  He loved running up to the water and dancing.
Lucy, Jack, and Alice immediately liked the sand and we spent almost the entire day at the beach each time we went.

The resort we stayed at had a kids corner with fun games, puzzles, and of course Legos.  Lucy and I did all the puzzles together

eating seafood by the beach

We all slept in the same bed (it was a big bed)!

Lucy's seashell collection

They had one snow ride at Legoland

Legoland was perfect for our family.  The rides were geared toward younger kids and so even Alice could go on most rides and Dexter could go on some.