Tuesday, August 19, 2014

July in Pictures

Lots of happenings around these parts!

First, we welcomed my new niece!!  This is Cecilia!  She was quite the chunk, weighing in at 9 lbs, 8 oz!  Her big sister Lilah only weighed 6 lbs, 3 oz!

We went to the zoo!
And a local home days event!  It was awesome because they had a small fireworks show and since I didn't have Logan on the 4th of July, this was important to me.
Logan, meeting his baby cousin for the first time!

Dinner out with some friends to celebrate my friend Jim's birthday (known as Uncle Bippin to all of our kids):

(These are out of order but I am too lazy to mess with them.  Don't judge)
Before Logan went to his dad's on the 4th of July, I got to take him to our local parade.  He was in candy heaven.

We also went to visit a local petting zoo!

And continued our Thursday ritual of story time at the library followed by a donut.  Sometimes we went to the park afterward to eat and then explore:

And Cinemark's $1 movies??  The best idea ever.  Especially because the weather this summer totally sucked:

We also spent some time crafting and painting birdhouses:

And enjoyed what felt like only a few nice days and evenings during the week:
We visited what Logan calls the "dinosaur park," which is on this awesome Lake to Lake Trail we have in our park system.  It has a fake mastodon skeleton and is just a really beautiful area.
Lots of selfies this summer with my boy.
Looking for bullfrogs with Papa:

And what is summer without corn on the cob?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Nightstand Refresh

So, as we have discussed, my current living situation is with Ma and Pa.  It really isn't that bad.  But I do spend lots of time in my room at the end of the night.  After putting Logan to bed, I just need a time-out.  Unless it is Dancing with the Stars night, in which case I gladly sit on the couch and watch it with them.  Don't judge; it's our thing.  I have been using an old table (I think it is a plant stand) as my night table.

Here is the wide shot:

I got this throw pillow and decided I wanted to liven things up by painting it a brighter, more fun color:

I started by scrubbing it down then used something my dad had to take the varnish off to help the paint stick:

Final product:
Sorry for the crappy phone photos...I hardly take out the big camera anymore.  I need to change that.

Need to figure something out about the lamp...maybe gold?  Not sure.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

My Independence Day

It made me sad when I received the confirmation of our court date in the mail last year; for duration of hearing, it said 5 minutes.  Five minutes and five years of marriage would be over.  We had to only answer yes or no to a few questions...and that was it.  We were the only couple without a lawyer.  And admittedly, I sobbed after he walked away when it was all over. But, I picked myself up, with the friend of my oldest and dearest friend, and walked out...to the bar, naturally.  Then the Social Security office to go back to my maiden name.  I needed to do that immediately; I needed my identity back so I could begin the search for myself.

This year has revealed so much to me.  The more I read about relationships, the more I realized how much C and I had failed one another.  In a letter to me, he took the lion's share of the blame, but I am by no means blameless.  I know where I went wrong.  A few months ago, I was finally at the point where I was able to see a therapist and believed she could be of help to me.  Not for depression or anything severe, but because she is able to provide an unbiased opinion about some things in my life.  She has been a huge and wonderful person and I am not ashamed to admit that I look forward to that hour sometimes.

Even though I was devastated by my divorce, as cliche as it sounds, I have emerged from the last year as a much happier and stronger woman.  My family and friends have been a huge support, and believe me, this year has shown who my true friends are.  I now know who will be there by my side through thick and thin.  And my parents...I don't know what I would have done without them.  They opened their home to my son and me.  I knew that being on my own would not have been the best decision right after the separation; it would have allowed me too much time to think.  It would have been too quiet.  Living with them has had its rough moments; with three adults and a crazy three-year old, one would expect that.  My mom and I have butted heads on more than one occasion, but we always did when I was a young whipper snapper.  Living with them has allowed me a bit more freedom than I would if I was living alone.  If they are home in the evening during the week, they have often been okay with me putting the little guy to bed and going out with friends.  Logan stayed in daycare again this summer for three days a week but I am not sure I will do that again next summer.  I wanted to make sure I was able to have a bit of a break but I definitely missed the little dude.  He is at such a fun age and I want to be sure we enjoy every minute we can.  Living with Mom and Dad has also given me a bit of financial freedom.  I was able to first, pay off my credit cards, and then buy a car, which was a total necessity.  Now I am on track and saving for a house for my best little guy and myself.  I am not in a hurry and the goal is to purchase the summer before he starts kindergarten.  Where we will go is yet to be determined, but I continue to dream of a little house with a farmhouse sink and a big porch, with a big garden in the back.

This year has also taught me quite a bit about parenting.  Logan and I know what works for us.  He is a kind, loving, hilarious little boy with the best giggle I have ever heard.  I struggled at first, because I had left so much of the discipline to C.  I needed to get my legs under me, and I didn't have a choice but to do it quickly.  I am much more confident in my parenting skills and really, I feel like I am doing a pretty damn good job.

Dating.  Well, we won't talk about it.  Lets just say Google has become my best friend and that the quality of men on dating sites isn't really that great.  I am beginning to lose faith in humanity.  However, I have learned what is important to me in a partner, and I am not willing to settle on anything less than I deserve.

Happy Independence Day to me.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer Break in Pics 2014: June

I am fairly certain I have no more readers on this thing, but really?  It was never for anyone else.  I always kept a journal in high school and even into college, so this is just another (much more public) form of journaling.  My therapist says I should start keeping a journal again, and since I loved blogging so much, I am going to attempt a comeback.  Again, this is pretty much for me, but if you are tagging along, then I hope I can keep you entertained!

So.  The school year ended.  THANK ALL THAT IS HOLY.  My classes were all amazing and wonderful and I really think I did a decent job with the AP class.  I guess I will know for sure when my test scores are released in July.  Logan is still going to daycare three days a week, but I am making sure to pack our Tuesdays and Thursdays with fun things.  This mama is trying really hard to make awesome memories this summer after last summer's epic disaster.

First of all, I am going to be posting some selfies up in here.  I am working on losing weight (more on that later) and I want to be able to track my progress.  SO.  I scored this dress and shoes for Commencement, and I was just in love with them: 

And I wore this to Senior Recognition, and again, just felt pretty :)

So June.  Filled with new dresses and a favorite new cocktail to drink at home:
The teachers and I vowed to spend time together, which meant several trips to local restaurants in Ohio City after Friday mornings at the West Side Market.
Townhall.  YUM.
I got to spend Father's Day with my two best guys: my dad and Logan.  He was tuckered out after an entire day running around outside.
From Top Left: Me and my daddy; Logan and his papa;
Bottom Left: My best buddy; tuckered out
My friend Sara and I took our boys strawberry picking.  We are the only ones with boys out of our group of friends and we are so glad they are growing up close.    Ian is two months older than Logan and Aidan is really great with the boys (he is 6 and going into 1st grade).

This kid LOVES story time Thursdays at our new library:

And Bomb Pops.  Because we must eat all the popsicles.

We started stopping at the new Dunkin Donuts after story time.  Logan loves sprinkle donuts.  But kept taking part of my apple fritter.  Better him than me, I suppose.

And my two favorite guys...I don't know who was laughing more!
And I FINALLY found a dresser for Logan.  I can't wait to finally finish his big boy room.  It will be easy to replicate when we move out (eventually).

Also got to spend some time with this girl...my silly niece.  We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of her baby sister in SIX DAYS!  I CAN'T EVEN!!

And many of our evenings end like this:
Because we are all tuckered out after a day outside in the pool and sun!  Is there any smell better than sunscreen and sweat and sunshine?  (Well, except maybe the smell of clean kid after washing all of that off).

And June ended with probably my best first date ever...so I am trying to be excited but not TOO excited.  Single mom dating deserves an entire post all to itself, so brace yourself; it is coming!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Goals for 2014

I was struggling to come up with a format for my goals for the year.  And this is definitely a year I need something to help me stay on track and focused since it is so completely different than previous years (coughsingleagaincough).  A fellow blogger Lauren posted her 2014 goals in this format so I decided to snag the idea and run with it!  Thanks for the assist, Lauren ;)

100 Goals for 2014

Personal Growth
1.  Take a sewing class
2.  Learn how to quilt
3.  Make a t-shirt quilt after learning to quilt
4.  Make Logan's calendar
5.  Finish Logan's 1st year scrapbook
6.  Read three non-fiction books this year (an attempt to get away from smut, lol)
7.  Spend more time outdoors
8.  Unplug at home when Logan is awake.
9.  Blog at least 3x a week
10.  See a movie by myself

In the Kitchen
11.  Menu plan weekly with Mom
12.  Make one new recipe a week
13.  Break out some actual cookbooks and make three recipes a month from an actual BOOK
14.  Plan and plant a garden at Mom and Dad's
15.  Plant pots of herbs for the back deck (parsley, mint, dill, rosemary)
16.  Make and freeze soups, etc, for lunches
17.  Go back to making homemade chicken stock
18.  Continue organizing recipes in binders
19.  Get a blender!
20.  Incorporate more veggies into our meals

Friends and Family
21.  Create a birthday calendar and send cards to all friends and family members...in the actual mail
22.  Remember anniversaries and send cards
23.  Throw Gabrielle a kick-ass bachelorette party
24.  Help Mom with Gab's Cleveland bridal shower
25.  Make more of an effort to go to my brothers' homes to visit their families.
26.  Host a book club night at my parents' house
27.  Plan a Valentine's Day dinner for my girlfriends (even if it is just at a restaurant)
28.  Have a spa day with Mom, Heidi, and Gab
29.  Celebrate Matt and Gab's marriage in Pitt
30.  Make an effort to see my girlfriends more

On the Job
31.  Stay on top of grading
32.  Update grades weekly for all classes
33.  Organize lesson plan binders for my AP classes
34.  Plan AP prep/nonfiction unit
35.  Choose books for next year's AP class
36.  Revamp summer reading project
37.  Pass back papers on a timely basis
38.  Become better at hostess coaching
39.  Follow up with customer purchase/care calls to party attendees
40.  Make the phone my friend
41.  Stay active as a Thirty-One consultant
42.  Attend National Conference in Columbus

At Home
43.  Transition Logan to a big boy bed
44.  Repaint/redecorate Logan's room into a big boy room
45.  Set up my crafting area in basement
46.  Buy myself a new bed
47.  Buy Logan a new dresser and use Miss Mustard Seed's Milkpaint in Tricycle
48.  Get myself a desk and set up my "office"
49.  Start a list of all the shit I am going to need when I buy a house
50.  Continue to purge my wardrobe of clothing I no longer wear.  And shoes :(

51.  Create an emergency fund
52.  Pay off credit card debt
53.  Save for downpayment on a new car
54.  Purchase new car
55.  Pay off Home Depot card from bathroom renovation
56.  Track mileage for Thirty-One
57.  Track expenses for Thirty-One
58.  Create budget
59.  Maintain budget
60.  Track spending
61.  Start Logan's 529
62.  Make several double payments on student loans

63.  Cancel membership to YMCA and join new gym closer to work
64.  Cut down on caffeine
65.  Switch from coffee to tea
66.  Begin eliminating sugar from beverages
67.  Give up soda
68.  Workout 4x a week
69.  Rejoin Weight Watchers
70.  Look smoking hot for Matt and Gab's wedding

So...70 goals.  Seems pretty crazy, but I think most of this is doable.  I will be revisiting it each month with updates on them.  Thanks for helping to keep me accountable!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Logan's 3rd Birthday Dino Party

I love planning parties, especially Logan's birthdays.  His 1st birthday party was a Dr. Seuss theme and his 2nd was Polar Express (which I never recapped on the blog, which is weird).  I used his love for dinosaurs and this fabulous party from Annie's Eats as my inspiration.  I mean, just LOOK at how fabulous her ideas are...I used some of her ideas and them printables from Etsy to throw in some additional color.  

I also had labels for the meat eaters and the omnivores, but neglected to take pictures.

Homemade Funfetti Cupcakes:

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough cupcakes:

Chocolate with chocolate!

Printables from MKKM Designs:

Logan and his best friend, Ian, who is two months older.
Birthday shirt from Three Lulus:

And for his big gift from Mommy, Logan got a Lightening McQueen bike!

Little man wanted a chocolate cupcake with his candles.

And clapped for himself.

Then blew out the candles before we were done singing.

For the menu, I kept it simple.  I didn't have time to overdo it, so this is what I decided on:
-Sloppy Joes
-Macaroni and cheese
-Spinach dip with pumpernickle bread
-Veggie tray
-Assorted chips and snacks

I felt so organized this year about his party, as opposed to the disaster I was with his Polar Express party.  I don't know why, but last year I had a hard time focusing and enjoying his party.  Not this year!  I was able to sit back and watch my buddy enjoy himself!!