A Christmas Tribute
Merry Christmas to everyone out there who celebrates this joyous holiday. It is, by far, one of the most blessed days of the year for me and I wish you all a safe, peaceful celebration with your family and friends.
As we celebrate this Christmas, I must give tribute to my grandfather, Raymond "Black" Roybiskie, who passed away on Saturday after a long battle with cancer. I didn't expect him to leave so suddenly, but after watching my other three grandparents linger on for months before finally passing on, maybe it is better that he was up and joking just a few days before he died.
Here's the two of us at my very first booksigning earlier this year. The achievements of his grandchildren was everything to him.

I wish I had been there to say goodbye, Grandpa. That I loved you to pieces goes without saying.
Labels: Christmas, Grandpa
Do romance novels need a makeover?
For all you romance readers out there, there is a fascinating discussion going on over at
Dear Author regarding the covers of romance novels.
This topic surfaces often, and I'm always surprised by some of the answers. I guess it's because I tend not to care what strangers think about me, but the thought of hiding a romance novel, or even not buying a romance, because I'm afraid of what the cashier will think of me, just blows my mind. Why in the wide, wide world of all that's good and sensible should I care what the cashier at Barnes & Noble or Walmart thinks about my clinch cover? That this causes any amount of stress for some people makes me sad. There's just so much other stuff to worry about, why waste the brain energy?
Then again, I wonder if maybe some people just have an inflated sense of self-importance. Seriously, does the cashier at Walmart even care what your reading tastes are? What makes you think they're going to give any thought to the book you're buying (or you, for that matter) once they've scanned it and placed it in the bag. You're really not that important to them.
Or maybe I'm just in a cynical mood. So not good this close to Christmas.
To take the edge off this slightly rant-like post, I'll cheer myself up by posting the cover for RELEASE ME again:

Funny how I complained about the cover of DELIVER ME but I just loooooove the naked torso cover.
Labels: Dear Author, Release Me, Romance Novel Covers, Romance Novels
It's the little things...
While doing a little last minute Christmas shopping on Amazon.com this morning, I realized it had been a while since I'd conducted a "Farrah Rochon" search. Imagine my glee when I found that my June, 2008 novel, RELEASE ME, is avaialbe for pre-order. I squealed.
Yes, I actually squealed. It's a good thing most of the office was out to lunch.
Most people would call this a "little" thing, but I consider it huge. I have a backlist. As someone who is still pinching herself every now and then over the release of her first book, seeing a second one out there is the epitome of super cool!
Check it out:
RELEASE ME on Amazon.com!Labels: Amazon, Christmas Shopping, Release Me
Farrah's Five Steps to Getting Through Revisions
1. Become good friends with your local caffeine supplier. The baristas at several local Starbucks know me by name.
2. Don't sleep. Who needs sleep, anyway?
3. Turn off access to email loops and the Internet. These bad boys will suck an hour from you before you can say "I'm going No Mail".
4. Think of a huge treat you'll reward yourself with once you're done. This will be great motivation to get the revisions out the door. I'm thinking an hour massage and a medi/pedi combo!
5. Come up with an quick and easy blog post so you can get back to work! No explanation needed.
Labels: Revisions
RELEASE ME's Fabulous Cover!
I know, I know. Two blog posts in one day. As I mentioned earlier, hell has frozen over. And, if that is true, people here in New Orleans can rest assured that we are not in the vicinity of hell, because the temperatures here are no where near freezing. We hit the 80's on the second day of December.
The real reason for this special update is to display the fabulous cover for my newest novel. Fresh from the extraordinary Art Department at Dorchester Publishing is the smokin' hot cover art for my June, 2008 release, Release Me, the second in my Holmes Brothers trilogy.
I am ecstatic about the cover!

Labels: African American Romance, Cover Art, Farrah Rochon, Release Me
Hell froze over and lightening struck twice!!!
A few weeks ago, I talked about my
trip up to the great state of Ohio to see the Ohio State Buckeyes lose against Illinois. I was certain the loss meant the end of the Bucks' shot at the national title. There were just way too many great teams that had to lose, and even though this has been the weirdest season in college football that I can recall, there was just no way the Bucks were going to get into the big game.
I was wrong! And I've never been happier!
With two improbable losses by the #1 and #2 teams in the country this weekend, Ohio State and the LSU Tigers will play for the BCS National Championship right here in my backyard at the Louisiana Superdome.
I'm still debating whether or not to sell my car. It's the only way I can afford a ticket to the game.
Go Bucks!
Labels: BCS Championship, Football, LSU Tigers, Ohio State Buckeyes