What if I don't get to go further with Masters apart from an offer letter? I would really like to keep studying while I can cause I know how difficult it is to go back to study once I've really started work. sigh! But I can't possibly go if I have no funding to further my studies with. If I really can't, I guess it's really back to the drawing-board for me. Work it is.
I'm growing fat and comfy and lazy. I guess it's called maintaining my figure~ XD
And you wonder why I defend myself. Not much choice when I'm constantly in fear of being attacked by anyone, even from the inside. Don't be pompous with your "I'm right cause I'm older therefore I have the right to" crap, I can't stand it. It just makes me tune out. Heck, it'd make anyone tune out.
I haven't touched my books yet. Just the first few pages of "Man In The Iron Mask". I'm afraid once I start I won't be able to sleep. Or worse, won't be able to finish. Nah. I think more of the former than the latter.
I want to sit around with a pet dog. Just stare at it curiously, pet it, play with it, talk to it. I don't know.. it might be fun. And wonder what it's like to bathe a dog. I think it'd be very taxing on whoever's bathing it. I mean, how do you keep a dog still?
A jack of some trades, a master of none. Maybe I just like being average, and surprising people when I'm not.
Now playing: アンジェラアキ - ANSWER
via FoxyTunes
I need some. I wish I had some.