Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What if I don't get to go further with Masters apart from an offer letter? I would really like to keep studying while I can cause I know how difficult it is to go back to study once I've really started work. sigh! But I can't possibly go if I have no funding to further my studies with. If I really can't, I guess it's really back to the drawing-board for me. Work it is.

I'm growing fat and comfy and lazy. I guess it's called maintaining my figure~ XD

And you wonder why I defend myself. Not much choice when I'm constantly in fear of being attacked by anyone, even from the inside. Don't be pompous with your "I'm right cause I'm older therefore I have the right to" crap, I can't stand it. It just makes me tune out. Heck, it'd make anyone tune out.

I haven't touched my books yet. Just the first few pages of "Man In The Iron Mask". I'm afraid once I start I won't be able to sleep. Or worse, won't be able to finish. Nah. I think more of the former than the latter.

I want to sit around with a pet dog. Just stare at it curiously, pet it, play with it, talk to it. I don't know.. it might be fun. And wonder what it's like to bathe a dog. I think it'd be very taxing on whoever's bathing it. I mean, how do you keep a dog still?

A jack of some trades, a master of none. Maybe I just like being average, and surprising people when I'm not.

Now playing: アンジェラアキ - ANSWER
via FoxyTunes

I need some. I wish I had some.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

video game concerts

Yea I really really *really* nearly ended up going to Eminence 2007. sherlyn told me it was such a waste I didn't go.

Upcoming concerts for 2009:
22/05/09 to 23/05/09 - Distant Worlds (unfortunately sold out! damnit)
15/06/09 to 16/06/09 - PLAY! A Video Game Symphony (sweet. Howcome Singapore gets all the candy huh?)
19/06/09 - Video Games Live! (zomg they're going to have one in KL TOO! End of the year I should think - the date's TBA.. but the fact that KL is on the list should send some people screaming in joy! and they'll be in Melbourne too so maybe maybe maybe? =P)
26/09/09 - A Night in Fantasia 2009 (only one day in Sydney. damn! Come on, go to Melbourne why don't you!)

Why I'm looking this up? Ti brought it up actually.. so I thought I'd do some advance research first. He's probably referring to Distant Worlds though, but I think VGL should be worth it too.. I don't have any idea what ANIF09's program is like though.. but judging from their to-die-for performance list of Eminence 07 it should be good!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The City of Ember...

... is really a good movie. Reminds me of Igor, and reminds me of Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events. In a way. Igor's cuter, and Lemony Snicket factor comes in because it's also a series of 3 main characters, a boy, a girl and a baby girl! XD Poppy is really cute! XDXDXD And Doon's dad is real cool! Inventor dads are cool =) It has its dark moments too (ok so shoot me for being ironic - after all the entire place uses electric lights powered by the Generator which the Builders built a long time ago) The soundtrack's amazing too.

It was really great to meet them again. Still had heaps of funny stories to tell, and should get down to organizing that zoo trip soon. haha! It should be fun, but it's gotta be a whole day thing. Also, to eat at the historic KFC at the zoo. =P

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

an hour for the planet

In support of Earth Hour!

For some reason the swf file shows up ok on GC & IE but not FF. Wonder what the problem is, but whodalally, it serves as additional eye candy anyway. Ti and I joined the cause for fun last year... It was fun to stare at the stars and chat for an hour. Sat on the swing to kill time.. For me I know it's more of a matter of symbolism but hey it doesn't hurt to enjoy earth for what it is.

Besides. Going green is cool. Although I more often than not forget to bring around my shopping bag but you know, save the planet one plastic bag at a time, one light bulb at a time. I do try I guess.. but not hard enough.

And damn JSF is confusing.. where are all the damn class files!? @_@ I'll have a look at it tomorrow I guess.. ~_~ But it looks interesting. The first really different thing that I'll have to do. =) Kinda looking forward to diving into that big pile of mud and codes but I think I'll live.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Blues

My iTunes is turning emo on me and prolly trying to turn me emo. geezus, what did I do to deserve this?

First it's a string of wang lee hom, then randomly some SPITZ, and then FAKE STAR, and then throw in a few liang jing ru here and there.. and now kim dong wan with younha (although this song is pretty nice).

I agree when the older folks say that songs back then had melody, had a tune that made them stand out and still manage to find a place in today's world. It had.. meaning. It made you relate yourself to the song, and the song did that in turn as well. I think the song "Alone again, naturally" by Gilbert O' Sullivan is cute and silly at the same time, and yet.. I can relate to it. I used to prod it time and time again, but now I do understand what it's about.

Walking past the signboard that was advertising St. Patrick's Day made me think of this:

Knowing November we'll say our goodbyes
When it comes to December, it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone at Christmas time
Come January, we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions a thousand times
February, won't you be my Valentine?
And we'll both be safe till St. Patrick's Day.

John Mayer - St. Patrick's Day

Man, the irony of everything.

Most of the day I spent debugging..surfing chedet, malaysiakini and facebook. Yea so spank me for having free time to do other stuff XD Maybe they're running out of things for me to do or that they're just being slack.. hey, I'm not complaining anyhow. =P

The pace'll pick up come Wednesday.. cause I know Thursday's coming. XD And Thursday is special since it's a prequel to the real Favourite Days! =3

ACGC @ Tropicana Mall this weekend. Definitely gonna check it out, just to see what it's like. Haven't been to a convention in ages!

Now playing: 김동완 - 약속 (Duet With 윤하)
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


March 11,2009 4:35PM

I'm here in the office, and I think I'm thoroughly bored out of my brains. Managed to finish everything that's been assigned to me, so yay!

Unfortunately, surfing the Internet isn't possible now.. cause us 3 interns are sharing the same account, so it's really a case of 'the early bird gets the worm'. Whoever logs in first has dibs on Internet access.sigh.

I've doodled on Paint, tested my apps again.. (hopefully I've found just about all the bugs there are to find @_@), played Tetris on my phone, had a drink of water, swiveled my chair a couple of times, and now I'm resorting to this. =P Doodling with Paint using a mouse really is fun but I'm not inspired to do so after the first one... oekaki needs patience (and a tablet which I don't have)

The long weekend was a good weekend..Because it makes the following work week shorter! XD Among other things la.

met up with Jon & CW on Monday for lunch at zanmai. We talked bout work, bout slacking, bout people even.. and we moved on to a more interesting topic. We had quite the discussion of.. erm.. I don't quite know what to call it. It isn't stinginess, it's like what we'd do with our money, how much to save, how much to splurge, what to splurge and save on, how people can live not trying everything there is to try, the value of money in our opinion.. that kind of stuff.

Jon's stand is simple - haha, as he put it, he has 'cheap taste'. And simple taste too.. He's the type who can eat something he likes (which is cheap and good) until he gets sick of it and will probably be ok with not touching it ever again. CW will pay for quality, for ambience and anything that makes her feel good. Variety's important too, cause it's fun, you get to try something new and that you won't get bored with the same thing all the time. Which I can also understand, I mean, after all, if you're paying for something you might as well get your money's worth.How you evaluate the worth of something is absolutely up to you, and from this conversation I can kinda see 2 different extremes of the spectrum. The main difference I guess could be a gender thing.. cause you know, females are more emotional and all that so they have to get the 'feel' right, and for guys it's about really filling you up. The food's the focus, and everything else is just about secondary.

Personally, I think I'm on cw's side most of the time because I like something different, I like to explore stuff. I mean there are people out there who've never ventured beyond their own ethnic cuisine, which is a complete waste because the world is out there for you to discover, you know? Money is important but I can't always be scrimping, I would have missed out on so many things!

After lunch CW teman-ed me shopping cause I needed to get another white shirt to replace the one I lost.. so off we went. Had heaps of fun in FOS (of all places right!) cause she (not me, mind you) was having a tough time deciding whether to get that striking blue shirt with green & pink stripes. It would be ok if you're a guy and since you can wear that kind of stuff to go clubbing, but not if you're going to wear it to work.. you'd really stand out. And as far as I know, she doesn't need to stand out any more than she already does. She's really outstanding XD In the end we came across an in-betweener - not as striking as the blue one, but definitely more unique than a normal shirt. A little while later after we were done with the place, we sauntered off to Padini where she found 2 pairs of earrings she really wanted to buy but had to decide on one.. even at the fifty-nineth minute at the counter she was flustered and she turned to me - "eh which one, which one?!"

Man I love to teman people shopping.

Oh yes, Sunday was the first time in a really, really long time that I've been home alone. I locked myself in for the day and it kinda felt like being a social recluse. Although in the process I was introduced to a friend of Rach's. Budak nih boleh berbahasa Indon, jadi ada baiknya juga. Pada mulanya sikitlah kekok pasal macam takder benda untuk dicakapkan tapi adalah.. bolehlah.. haha! Kan kat kerja pun kena berbahasa Melayu jadi macam biasalah. Dia pun otaku (tapi rupanya juga macam satu =P saja la.. bukannya dia budak boring ke apa) dan bekerja di Tentera sebagai penterjermah. Selain Indon, dia juga boleh tahu bahasa Timor Timur (dah lupa apa ia dipanggil..) Sekarang ada kenalan baru, tetapi hanya wajahnya dan percakapannya aku kenal. Tidak terlintas fikiranku untuk tanyakan namanya. =P

Yesterday lunch was interesting cause one of Shikin's lunchmates is really very.. very.. blur. And a weird mix of mellow and bubbly. I don't know how she does it. Oh but her accent betrays her, definitely can tell that she's from East Malaysia - not that she's trying to cover it up or anything. But she just has this quirk to her. Haha! The rest of her lunchmates were more 'normal'.. And boy they love to mengumpat. So I got to hear some really interesting stories of wrongly forwarded emails. I think it's their culture, somehow. You cannot survive office life without understanding this culture (and contributing to it if you can help it)

Monday, March 9, 2009

a long-ish weekend

some light spoilers here, don't say I didn't warn you.

Friday was all about the Watchmen. It was funny, violent, thoughtful and good. Although I had to say some parts were completely unnecessary, and these were the parts that made the movie longer than it should've been. 2.5 hours. phew!

Even the 'villain' of the story had his reasoning which when you think about it, made a whole lot of sense - and so they weren't really the bad guys, if I can put it that way. So in a light, I liked the badguys, they knew what they were really up against. And I so agree when they imply that human nature is causing humanity itself to self-destruct.

The coolest character was easily Rorschach, and the overly shounen-type Batman-wannabe was quite slappable. Come on! haiyoh. There was this lesbian superheroine which I thought looked very cool but she didn't have much screen time which was sort of a pity, but oh well.

And the parodies of so many things too.. like the parody of God, the parody of Batman, the parody of Joker.. stuff like that. Loved the funny moments where Rorschach kept making height jokes at the dwarfed fella. And there were some other things too..

Oh yes! We think the censorship board just got tired of censoring too many things in the movie (just the amount of editing done to Dr Manhattan should be effort enough for them, I suppose) so they let some fun stuff on screen.

And the few real romances they focused on proves a point: nerds, have hope! =) Especially seeing how Janey Slater was REALLY pretty in my opinion. And she's a scientist too, how does that work?

Also it was the first time in a long time I got to see Salmy nee-chan! =3 She thinks Adrian (Ozzy! haha) is hot and having glomps/bear hugs from her is fun (of course, half the hug is for aichan)

Had dinner of pancakes with ojimaru before the movie.. the dude was senile that day (his brain told him to drive to 1U padahal we're watching the movie @ Cineleisure...>_>;;), and he blames lack of coffee. I've never seen someone more dependent on it than him. Maybe Marc, I guess. *shrugs* Which reminds me, I need to take chickenwing there again.. haha! We miss pancakes, do we not? =3

And I got my Kafka back! haha after.. a long time.. =P Shall read it again once I'm done with my current book. Maybe flip through Cloud Atlas again.. see what I feel like reading.

was a pretty lazy day. Just how I like it. =)

Oh, apart from helping kor move to guama's. That was like a sign of kor taking a step. Whether its big or small, toward or away from us, you know, we leave that to the future. I think it's a good-ish thing. Good-ish because he can gain some kind of independence without financially burdening himself in a bad way, take responsibilities, that sort of stuff. "-ish" because all the fun stuff in his HD I now have to drive to go and get instead of just running downstairs and bursting into his room. And of course the company.

Most of my Sunday I was at home since everyone else was out for the day. Having the house to yourself is really different. So.. quiet.

Got introduced to a friend of Rach's of which I didn't get the name.. yet. Haha since we had nothing better to do, so why not? *shrugs. It was interesting to meet an Aussie who can speak some kind of Malay dialect =P Although he kinda reminded me of Simon. bwahah! Imagine, the boring OS lecturer in the Army! Still, an interesting encounter.

After dinner we went to mamak & shisha with Yii May, Veronica, Peng, Dinesh & Aaron. Football was on that night, so for the most part we had our eyes glued to the screen. That aside we still managed to talk crap about everything and nothing and something about someone having to bang guys and not buses, with every pun intended. So yeah happy birthday Dinesh! =) This is a crowd I haven't had the chance to hang out with in a loooooooooooooooooong time. Which was nice. Griped about work, griped about people, discussed some reality shows and watch more football. Chillaxing should be like this. XD

And Monday should be catching up with Jon & CW @ Pyramid, hopefully YK will make it in time? =P

Thursday, March 5, 2009


...I've become a statistic.

Ironically how my PM shows "Thursday doesn't even start". Because it really didn't. I didn't go to work. 

I got mugged. It was a quick affair, and I've got the battle scars to prove it. Admittedly I didn't do anything very useful apart from trying to get someone to notice. And funny enough I was thinking "wtf?" when it all happened. I didn't go "omg I could get hospitalized, omg this, omg that.." Scarily enough, it was right on the road where I lived. I didn't even walk 5 minutes from my house.. right at the small sidegate.

Obvious conclusions were that I had a *massive* bag with alot of useless junk (apart from my wallet which again didn't have anything worth more than RM100.. I say useless junk cause even the Inspector to which I made an official statement to asked me "Eh beg apa you guna? Boleh muatkan baju, kasut, jacket pun ada?" to which we had a light moment. It is funny when you think about it..) 

So I spent the rest of the day doing what people do after they realize their wallet is gone. They.. make reports, cancel their cards and get new ones. Oh yes, and at least get some office wear and office shoes because I really need them. 

It's interesting to walk without a penny on your person and no identity for people to call yourself by.

On hindthought, I was really stupid. *shrugs* Who'd ever thought walking around the streets of PJ was so unsafe? (your cue to laugh here) However it also means I can revert to my original stand on toting bags around.. which is to not do so. Everything in my pockets whenever possible. Keep my hands free and empty.. helps if I've got no money and no cards either, but the less the better deshou? Don't think it's going to stop me from going out though. hah! 

Also.. yea what happened to my training huh? haha penyamun datang sekali tak buat apa-apa. Kan tak guna macam tu? haha adalah orang ketawakan.. aku taulah, tak guna langsung. Jangan nak katakan lagi, aku tau dah. 

Shallow me, enter. I lost the lovely jacket rachel & hiro gave me for my birthday, as well as my lovely Topshop flats. *sob* 

Whoever you are I hope you're happy with a bunch of clothes and shoes you can't wear.. and maybe a measly amount of money and useless cards that you can never use. Don't come near my house. I hope something, someone or anything eats you alive. Screw karma.

Mixed feelings on this one: I've got a proper job offer. But seeing how I thought they practically pointed-and-laughed, I'm having triple reconsiderations for this one. I'm still amazed that I got shortlisted and everything. I've got till Monday or Tuesday to reply.

Money matters. sigh! I hate being grown up sometimes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

like morse. dot. dash. dot.

we are moved by reason.

reading Robert Rankin - the hollow chocolate bunnies of the apocalypse. It's quite funny. And somehow, very you. haha! So far it's been a good read.

Literally just finished *all* my tasks for the past 10 days or so. I'm quite proud of myself.. but this is only the start of the road. Pocket money, here I come. XD

My office a/c is really cold. I can't help it.. even wearing long sleeved shirts don't help..@_@

And just like that, half a week will pass. =) I love my weekends. My weekly mantra:

Monday you can fall apart
Tuesday, Wednesday break my heart
Thursday doesn't even start-
It's Friday, I'm in love!

The Cure - Friday I'm In Love

Monday, March 2, 2009

on a monday.

I'm listening to toshinobu kubota's album "For Real?" and I'm absolutely in love with it! XD His brand of sound is very nice.. relaxing, emotional when it needs to be, easygoing, without overdoing it. He caught my eye with Club Happiness (I like the video too actually XD) and this is the only album I've got from him. Admittedly I've been slow in hopping on this bandwagon but it has a special place on my shelf. I haven't found a track I didn't like yet. His collabs with sunmin and MISIA were absolutely lovely and he hasn't disappointed me yet. Don't think he will for a long time.

How does he sound so smooth? Man this is love, next to hirai ken.

I think Marks and Spencer's male mannequins are quite good-looking. Well at least one of them does. I know, it's kinda weird but really! I mean how often do you see good-looking mannequins! They either have a really shitty haircut or the chiseled face somehow just looks like crap or the pose is just.. strange. Was at the Gardens Midvalley yesterday and yea I was on my way to the food section when 'he' caught my eye. XD

JSP is pretty similar to doing PHP or web C# so so far, I've been doing ok on it. Quite fun to tinker around with it, but my most recent endavour which involves filtering 21 fields in a form is simply a nightmare. @_@ Nearly done with that though, so I wonder what's next.

Interning so far has been an interesting experience - meeting fellow interns and permanent staff who all seem to have the same idea of this one 'kakak' who doesn't seem to give the full picture, then keeps changing requirements. Really crappy if you ask me, I really hope my current supervisor will have more stuff for me to do.. cause she's awesome! ^__^ And also I don't want to get involved with the other kakak for those reasons.. and more. I mean she's the type to breathe down your shoulder every so often, and what with my adventures on MSN I don' t think I'd want to stop having my fair share of fun in what could be an otherwise really boring workplace. I mean I do multitask (if it concerns surfing sites, doing work and chatting with Rach, El & YK most of the time, so yay to that!~)

The A/C's been really really cold.. At first it was alright, not too cold.. But now, it's like sitting in a fridge! @_@ And once we step out for lunch, you know how warm it is.. I'm not surprised if someone gets sick because of this.

The server room's right next door so there are these networking guys always sitting there.. and one of them somehow looks like Jacky. Just an impression. Probably the glasses or something.

I need some proper work shoes.. and I hate the office dress code. Simply because I need to work in comfortable attire (at least pants! ~_~) and wearing stiff shirts and skirts all day really kills my inspiration. I can't sit how I'd like to sit (yea I know, sitting cross-legged is unladylike but come on, it's really comfortable!) and not to mention we don't really have to meet clients or anything, why can't we dress any way we like as long as we get the job done? We're programmers damnit! *sigh* I mean if we have to present or meet people often then I understand, we've got to dress the part. But otherwise, we don't really 'meet' anyone. >_> So I'm really glad for Friday when I'm allowed to wear slacks, and Saturdays where we can dress casually. Casual Friday for these people = white shirt and slacks. Hah, casual my toot.

My first pay's in! Yay! XD I'll wait till my pay this month to spend some on the folks at home, why not? =3 And its nice to have some kind of hard-earned money of my very ownesome self XD

Lesseee...Most if not all the people in my dept are females.. with the exception of Khalil. Khalil & Fiza are fellow interns who've been there about 2 months earlier than me.. so yea I sought them out first. They're nice, haha and we spend quite abit of our lunch times mengumpat pasal 'kakak'. It can be really funny sometimes cause she's so ridiculous! The permanents Annette & Shikin do join us/ajak us for lunch once in awhile, and well I think it's ok that we at least talk about *something* so it doesn't get too awkward or what. My supervisor Ila is awesome! XD She's knowledgeable and she's nice and at least we started off on the right foot so yay~

Listening to toshinobu kubota - A Love Story (TV Mix)

This song has a sort of waltzy feel to it, I don't know how to describe it. It still has the R&B feel to it but throw in that element of wishy-washy waltz and you have this.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Sunday's real grumpy tonight. Either it's really angry at something or someone, or it's feeling really sad.

My melodies of the night would be swing, jazz and lounge music. I don't really listen to them much but when I do, it's the most retro moment I can ever have. Everything in shades of grey, and diamonds will twinkle like stars. There's a tinge of fun in it too, makes you want to click your heels and twirl and dance like it's Saturday night. I think I could paint or write with that kind of music, depending on my mood.

Finally caught up with House. "Foreteen" is kinda weird.. but they have some interesting hoops to jump through. The Cuddy-House thing is just waiting to happen but they just like to keep them both restrained for some reason. Which is a good reason. I think they'd completely screw Princeton Plainsboro over if they got together. Some enmity should always remain between them, even if it feels like it's 'for old times' sake'. The music's getting better. And Kutner's having a more vocal role in the team..Like trying to get hyperactive 10-year olds to 'sit still' - he just doesn't shut up.

Bros were slugging it out at a SFIV tourney this weekend. Proud to say they managed to get to the quarterfinals but because they had to face each other the first round of quarterfinals, kor beat ti, and then kor lost the 2nd round, which was kind of a pity. I think if the pairing were different, they might have a chance to make it to the semis.

The final round Ryu vs Ken was pretty good, but it wasn't inspiring cause no one took chances with the EX moves. They stuck to the regular moves and combos. But I had to admit, it was a good fight. SO many close shaves. I expected it to be a Ken vs Ken match cause the round before, the Ryu was playing as a Ken. But still, good game.

However the Blanka vs Balrog (competing for 3rd place) was quite interesting cause the Balrog the previous round was so defensive it led to his defeat, and in this round he just unleashed everything. Most of it, anyway. But Blanka had pretty shit timing cause everytime he did HIS EX it just missed. Not once, not twice.. at least thrice. Shocking (excuse the pun). But the first round KO was pretty good, just as Balrog was starting his EX, Blanka zapped him to a KO. So close!

Now I wish I was watching them the first day. It woulda been awesome, but part of me thought that if I did go I might have jinxed them =P Their goodie bags were quite neat too, a tee, a mag, passes to the SF movie.. and some other small stuff.