Went to Melbourne again on Friday, spent the day mostly shopping with Ammie, Ying & YK.
First stop was the library to put our stuff in the lockers. As we were getting off the tram, we saw Jacky and the new IT Masters student, she's quite a decent person just that I can't speak Mandarin for peanuts. Talk about coincidence.
Ying & I met YK & Jon for lunch, after which we headed out to Melbourne Central to meet up with Ammie and her spanking-new haircut. Ying nearly lost her pink bottle while I shopped away $50 at Valleygirl in 15 minutes. At least I managed to meet up with Jon again before he left for Malaysia. He looks kinda different since he hasn't gotten a haircut in a while, I should think. And for some reason, I couldn't stop wondering why YK looked different with his ear piercing even though he got it ages ago. *shrugs* oh well. Headed out to Bridge Road to shop more. Didn't really buy anything much - still can't find a pair of work shoes that I liked. In fact, I wasn't even sure what to shop for.
After we got back from Bridge Road, to our horror, the library was locked. We were in a semi state of panic - going "WTF do we do?!" Well we didn't know there was another entrance from the cafe @ Latrobe St, so we walked around the entire library. Idiots, we are.
Met up with Alex later to have Korean food. Boy, talk about good food - bibimbap, seafood pancake, stone bowl rice, seafood soup... *drools*
Stayed the night at peng's. Soooo glad to have caught her just in time before she left for KL on Sunday.. so had a bit of a chat and since we were all pretty tired, we slept soon after.
Met up with Hui Ting & Fionne on Saturday. They're Ammie's friends from Brisbane, so we took them for a short tour. The Yarra River, around Melbourne, renting the car, going to St. Kilda, eating the pastry (omgomgomg this was sooooooooo goood! Acland St. has veeryy pretty looking and good tasting pastries! =3) For dinner we went to this place along Southbank near the Crown which has decent food... and also the place where someone confessed her love to me.
Okay, here's how it goes. Well I think there was a bachelorette party going on. At the time, I was minding my own business, eating my dinner and chatting, when I heard a knock on the plastic pane. I turned in that direction and the bride-to-be pointed at me, made a heart sign, and gave the thumbs up. Amused, I gave her the "haha, I'm game, since I'm bored" look. Sure enough, she came up to me and said something about being in love with me or something. Trust me, Ammie, Ying & Hui Ting were amused. So much so that I even got pictures taken with the bride-to-be. According to Ammie, I tied my hair up and wore this top that made me look guy-ish, so I had a "sexless-kind-of-cute" look. So there you have it.
Fionne drove us back to Gippsland that night. I really have to salute her, she only had an hour's sleep but she could still keep her eyes open long enough to get us back! I, on the other hand, definitely had more than an hour's sleep but my eyelids felt really heavy by the time the clock struck 11pm.
Sunday was a really good day, although the weather "cheated our feelings" (c) Ammie. Ammie, Hui Ting, Fionne & me in one car, and Jacky, Zoon, Hiro, Ezdi and the China Masters student in the other, we headed down to Wilson's Prom.
Gosh it was sooooooo pretty.
Squeaky Beach was fantastic, and Norman Bay was even better!
Squeaky Beach... the sand really squeaks when you run barefoot on it. And not to mention the waves sent shivers down our back as the morning was rather chilly. Played around, climbed rocks, let the waves wet our shorts, kicked sand into the folds of the guys' pants, Zoon buried my slippers in sand (bloody hell him and hiro conspired! >_>) and took some photos. Had a picnicky lunch then too~ a pity Hui Ting suffered from motion sickness due to the windy path, and Fionne had to accompany her, so both of them missed quite abit of the fun.
After which we headed down to Tidal River. The river's browny due to the tannin, but the view from there is simply prettyyy! I could have sat there for hours just looking at the mountains with the fog covering its peaks, and seeing the river stretch out into the distance.. it was dreamlike, and somewhat surreal...
Walked on abit further from Tidal River, and arrived at Norman Bay. OMG the tide was so low that where Ezdi & I walked, we kept thinking of how this place resembles those in Hollywood movies, with sunset, sea, sand and lovers walking together on the beach. *laughs* And the sand is really nice to walk on too..
I wanna go back to the beach!
After we got back, we were too lazy to cook so we headed out to Amigo's @ Traralgon for some Mexican. The decor's nice and bright, and the food wasn't too bad too. Will go back there again.
Picked up Jacky's mahjong table, sent Ezdi home and headed back where we played mahjong & Texas poker till 2am. After which Jacky, Zoon, Ammie & Hui Ting set out to Lakes' Entrance just to see the sunrise. *salute* By the way, it's no joke driving for 2 hours each way just for this!
Monday: First day of work; Induction & Data Organization Skills-Fine-Tuning Session.
Met with some of the staff from my department (although I don't remember their names just yet) and then the rest of the interns. Whoaness I think because I didn't get much sleep I was pretty busted in the morning, and ended up sleeping about a third of the presentations. *curses self*
Got to know Chris, who's a Taiwanese and has lived here for a pretty long time. Heheh she's quite a funny person, looks like the chirpy and easily stressed out type. She's living on Rez with a friend of Jon's; both of them doing vacation work but for different companies. And I'm carpooling with her to work! Yay! =3
Most of the day I just helped around the department, sorting papers that the auditors messed up and putting paper files into boxes (i.e. archiving) and that took up the rest of the day. Thank goodness I had my iPod with me to help kill time while doing those stuff otherwise I think I'd bore my brains out. My desk's not ready yet; no laptop, nothing.*poofety* Just a really empty table.
All day, I just kept thinking about getting my access pass. Maybe I'll get it tomorrow? *bambi eyes* XDXDXDXDXD
Oh yeah, Jon is the new housemate @ Dalpura on vacation work with some paper mill company thingamajig. He's funny. =P He just asked me not too long ago whether the house had one or two floors, to which I could only reply, "Do you see any staircases around?"