3rd day of Chinese New Year: what did we do again?
I think my memory’s beginning to fail me.
Oh yes.
Went to the temple in town, somewhere near Central Market. Brought my lomo on impulse, who knows what kind of pictures I might end up with. The weather was bright, sunny and even blistering hot at times. Yeay~ good for a really manual camera like this. I just hope the pictures turn out fine. Snapped my way around town – I’m talking about the camera. =_=
Wandered about Petaling Street, and settled for hawker food for lunch. I wasn’t overly surprised at the raised prices; ‘It’s New year, after all.’ Hmph. But what would added that final touch to lunch was some drunk (who I suspect isn’t all there) laughing a very very fake evil laugh >_> on top of which he was constantly yabbering some rubbish throughout my entire lunch. It could be surprising, especially since I nearly choked after he suddenly burst out laughing, preceding a string of expletives. That’s KL for you, or part of it if you know where to look.
My lomo ran out of film right after we finished strolling Petaling Street. Can’t wait to see what kind of shots I got.
Ti got the most shopping done today. He bought a bag, a watch, and more importantly (haha I know he’s been desperately wanting) a handphone after he lost his quite a while ago. He was pleading dad yesterday, and promises are meant to be kept, especially if dad makes the deal. So off we went to Sungei Wang (aka the lala shopping mall. no offense, but clothes there are a very bad version of what Harajuku street chicks wear.) I think the handphone shopping took the longest since he wanted one that was socially acceptable at a low price…kinda like wishing for the impossible, but hey, if you’re desperate, almost anything works.
Had a little tea break (?) at McDonalds after we were tired of walking around. I think korg and ti were one of those people who never passed up a chance (or rather, were pretty much merciless) when it came to bottomless drinks (who cares if it’s just Coke).
I went with the rest to Lowyat while mom lingered around Sungei Wang. Wow, this is the first time in my life I’ve ever seen it so empty. It’s even emptier than 1u. Browsed some movies, bought some cables and batteries (finally my camera has better batteries >_>)
And went home. XD No, actually, had nasi kandar for dinner, then proceeded home. =D