Saturday, December 31, 2022


It's the last day of 2022, so it's time to get this year of the blog caught up! November gave us much to be thankful for... 

The first measurable snow! My kids are always SO excited for the snow. Lenora, Orson, and Conrad were outside before breakfast enjoying the beautiful snow. 

The following day was a forest school day. The mountains were stunning! 
Even just in the few hours we were there the snow slowly melted away and it felt like fall again. 

Another highlight of this month was discovering the BEST leaf pile in Payson! The "central park" of Payson is full of hundred plus year old trees. It's beautiful year round. Well, we discovered what they do with all of those leaves come fall - pile them in the the most massive leaf pile you've ever seen. We visited several times and as the month wore on the leaf pile grew to the size of a small house. The kids spent several wonderful hours playing in here. Next year we'll be back for sure. 
This was our first visit when the pile was at its smallest

Conrad favored us with some great "drum" solos! His birthday gift from Jamie was a big hit. 

Primary Program Sunday was bittersweet. Poor Eliza was sick, so she had to miss her very last Primary Program. She and I watched the Zoom broadcast from the car. Orson, Lenora, and Conrad (along with all the other kids) did a great job. 

ALL the kids signed their parts so well this year. Conrad was so cute and signed his perfectly then gave the Primary President the loudest high-five I've ever heard. The congregation got a good laugh out of it. 

I hit the half-way mark of this pregnancy. The ultrasound shows baby is healthy and growing well! I convinced Michael to do the unthinkable and NOT find out the gender. It's driving him nuts, but we'll know soon enough. Can't wait to meet this little one. 

The chickens are thankful for the chicken tunnel we built for them. Their run doesn't get much sun in the winter so this was a perfect solution for them to enjoy some morning sun each day.

We culminated our month of thank with a wonderful Thanksgiving feast at Gabby's home. 

Last but not least, cute Lenora decided she really wanted me to cut bangs for her. She looks adorable! She also nearly has her splits!

I'm truly so thankful for the beauties of the earth the Lord created for us and the wonderful people to enjoy it with.

Monday, December 19, 2022


Trying to get this blog caught up before Christmas this Sunday so I figured it was time to share Halloween. 

Eliza and Lenora had their first gymnastics exhibition of the year. Lenora is on pre-team this year and this was her first time performing routines. She did a great job! Judging from her huge smile, she had a blast. 

This year Eliza's floor routine is to a mash-up of Michael Jackson's Thriller and Beat It. It was fun to see her debut it along with some upgraded skills! 

Of course pumpkin carving was on the schedule. We grew all our pumpkins in the garden this year for the first time in a very long time. Yay! 
Such concentration! 
Orson - Lego head, Conrad - cat (which he designed himself), Mommy- pumpkins, Hazel - leaves, Eliza - a chicken, Lenora - squirrel. Daddy was at the church while we carved so he didn't do one. 

I declared this another find-a-costume-from-the-dress-up-closet year, but they all found something great! 

Chicken Farmer!

Little Red Riding Hood



The day after Halloween we were able to go see a school performance of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. The kids weren't familiar with the story, but they loved it! 

Not pictured, our ward Halloween party where Michael won "Most Creative" for the trunk decorating contest because he closed the trunk entirely and just stood by the van. Clearly the competition was fierce haha! 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Hands down Fall is my favorite! And we had a wonderful Fall! 

Apple Orchard

Wonderful Forest School Days

A Visit to the Pumpkin Patch 

Eliza finding the Halloween makeup... 

And of course hiking to enjoy the Fall colors! 

This year hiked up to Sixth Water Hot Springs. It was incredible! We started up early on a chilly morning and enjoyed the incredible views! The kids had never been to a hot spring, so they were amazed at the warm water. This hike will definitely become a yearly tradition. 

We also did a fun hike to the Bell's Canyon Reservoir with cousins. It was another gem we had never seen but will visit again for sure.