For his birthday Conrad wanted apple puff pancakes for breakfast and a digger cake. For his gifts he requested a hammock, a Christmas tree, and a peach tree! Not sure what kind of kid wants a peach tree for their birthday, but we feel like we must be doing something right haha.
Video Transcript: (Hazel) "He just got back from London"
(Conrad) "Yeah, I just got back from Wondon"
(Hazel) "And while he was in London be became super famous"
(Conrad - SCREAMING) "Da-na-na-na-nah! Da-na-na-na-nah!"
(Mommy) "Wow Conrad that's great. I love your outfit."
(Hazel) "Yeah, are you cool in London?"
(Conrad) "Yeah!"
Eliza taught him a dance too...
Video Transcript: (Eliza) "Conrad, do your hit your bum dance"
(Mom) "Conrad, where'd you learn that dance? Come back"
(Conrad) "E-wiz-a"
(Mom) "Eliza taught it to you?"
(Conrad) "Uh-huh"
(Eliza) "No I didn't!
Video Transcript: (Hazel) "Conrad, who's this?"
(Conrad) "Daddy's old grandpa!"
(Hazel) Yeah?
Next up is a story that will be told and retold in our family for many years. We were up at the Farrell's Mema's house in Bountiful to trade back kids and celebrate Rose's birthday. After lunch, the adults were chatting outside while the kids played in Mema's amazing basement. When we called the kids for cake, I noticed Conrad had a huge scrape on his chin, temple, and ear. But he seemed fine and wouldn't tell us what happened. Well, driving home we finally got the full story:
Video Transcript: (Aunt Jamie on FaceTime), "Ready for the story."
(Mom) "Tell them what happened."
(Conrad) "I was walking on the Shred-a-Mater. I turned it on and tried to walk and tried to walk all by myself and I got shredded and I got hitted by the wall."
(Jamie) Wow!
(Mom) "You can see where he got shredded."
(Lenora) "He was on the treadmill."
That kid!!! He not only did he figure out how to turn on the treadmill himself, but also tried to run without holding on, "got shredded," and didn't even come to me crying. We were dying when he first told us the story and we heard him call it the "Shred-a-Mater." A cleaver (and accurate) description!
We love you Conrad! Keep shining your wild, crazy, and powerful light!