Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Conrad Cracks Us Up

Conrad has been cracking us all up with his funny sayings lately. Here are just a small sampling of the daily delights he dishes out for everyone. 

One day while at Walmart, Conrad said, "I want to go to the toy section." 
Me: "Not today."
Conrad: "But I won't ruin my lunch!"

When asked to wash his hands, "But I washed my hands yesterday. In da bath." 

After a big meal - "My belly is getting so big!"

"MOM! Eliza call me a human. I'm is not a human. I am a boy!!"

When Hazel had something he wanted for a minute or two. "You've had it for long hours!" 

When Eliza picked him up and spun him around "Da house is tip-pin!"

"The walkie-talkie running out of gas! I'm a filled it up!"

"Mom, MOM, the oven is pre-hotted!" (aka pre-heated)

" It is too quiet, wexa (Alexa) play baby shark!"

Thanks for all the laughs Conrad. You are the cutest! 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Seven Wonderful Years

Our beautiful ray of sunshine - Lenora - is seven years old! With her cute little gap - toothed smile, she couldn't be any cuter if she tried.

This sweet little girls bring so much joy. She's quick to help those around her, quick to forgive, always willing to let other try again, frequently sacrificing her own wants so others can be happy, and making peace along her way. 

Despite her clam, level headed, and easy-going demeanor, Lenora is also fierce. She's not afraid to roll her sleeves up and get a bit dirty. She couldn't care less about dresses and frills and "girly" things when there are bikes to ride, chickens to catch, streams to play in, and fun to be had.  She rarely let me do her hair, and when she does it typically only last a few hours before she's taken it out and let it blow all over. 

Of all the girls, Lenora loves going fishing with Daddy and Orson the most. 

And then there is her laugh. Lenora has the worlds best laugh! Anyone who hears a good Lenora laugh can't help but laugh along. 

Recently Lenora has loved helping to cook. She's by my side every morning asking if she can help make breakfast, and she's always willing to help Michel in the kitchen as well. 

She LOVES winter! 

This fall Lenora started taking gymnastics. She's has really enjoyed it! Right now she can be seen cartwheeling from room to room. I think she must do at least 100 cartwheels a day. 

Her birthday fell on a busy weekday when Michael had meetings in the evening, so we celebrated over breakfast. She requested apple pie, and when I balked a bit, she reminded me that normally we get doughnuts on our birthdays and pie is no worse than that haha! She also requested both sausage and bacon to go along with it. (Lenora still LOVES her meat!)

She was excited to get a hiking backpack and sleeping bag for her birthday. She's grown to love the hiking and the outdoors as much as the older girls, and she needed the right tools to keep up!

My wonderful, wild, fierce, and amazingly kind Lenora, I love you so much! We all do! Thanks for being you.