Hazel and Eliza are already becoming best buds. I can't get over how sweet they are to each other. Hazel loves helping us take care of Eliza. She throws away diapers, gives her the paci, help Mike feed her while I'm at work, dances and sings for her, etc. Hazel is also full of reassuring words for Eliza, "It's okay sweetie" or "Don't cry. We're just driving." Today we heard a loud motorcycle and Hazel said, "Don't be scared Eliza. It's just a motorcycle." The best part is, Eliza eats it up. She smiles and coos at all of Hazel's little antics. Too cute!

I hate leaving them every morning to go to work. Hazel has really struggled ever since I went back after my maternity leave and frequently says "I don't want Mommy to go to work." But, at least it's only for about 3 more months!

Only three months before the big move, yikes! I'm not going to lie it worries me sometimes. We've planned and saved and I felt good about things even if Mike didn't find a job immediately, but then Eliza was diagnosed with the scoliosis. Now, we have the added pressure of keep her insured without any lapses in coverage to worry me.
Thankfully General Conference last week was just what I needed. All of the talks were so wonderful and I learned so much (and found so many things I need to work on). The talk which touched me the most was President Monson's talk from Sunday morning (read it
here). He shared a story about dedicating the Frankfurt Germany temple. He felt inspired that a specific Dutch brother needed to be the opening speaker at one of the dedicatory sessions. When he arrived at the temple, President Monson searched for this man only to learn that he was not in the temple that day and didn't plan to attend the session. Nevertheless, as President Monson stood up to begin the meeting, he felt inspired again to call this man to speak following the opening prayer and choir number (remember, he KNOWS this man is not in the temple!) Sure enough, the man walked in the temple immediately following the choir number and took his place at the pulpit. Wow!
This story touched me in so many ways. First of all, if President Monson can trust the whisperings of the Spirit enough to call a man to speak 5 minutes later when he KNOWS he is not in the building, I can trust the Spirit too. We know we are supposed to move to Utah, period. Second, if the Lord inspires us to do something through the Spirit, He will make everything work out even if logic says it is impossible. However, this does not mean he will show us the entire path for miles. The speaker in President Monson's talk showed up literally at the last possible second. I need to keep reminding myself that not to worry about having everything planned out. The Lord will provide.
So it is with anticipation that I count down these last few months in Colorado. I plan to fully enjoy them while they last and then embrace all that our new life in Utah brings.