Love Forever.....Me,You...n Him....
Just 2 show how much i luv u n our son....
Thursday, June 2, 2011
love is hard??no...people/we make it hard...
today is just a simple ordinary day......abg....u must know how much i love u,so much...i just can't just came that way,all i think,all i do,everything....just for your hepiness,nothing JUST MAKE ANY SENSE!!!why??is it some problem with my heart,that make me feeling this way....i just want u to always remember n undestand that everything i do is to make u happy,if its my fault,please let me know....i just want us to be together forever happily ever after....i always listen to this song,second song that u give to prove ur love to me,is it still there in ur heart....our love song-second-
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
thing never start,so how come it have an end...right?
smpai de yg sanggup wat gni kn? |
LOVE..just a four alphabet word,but have a lot of meanings....everyone have their own way to express the meaning of LOVE,some like to show off,some like to say it, also there some people r willing to die for great the love is?is it something like "ROMEO & JULIET"??who knows.. maybe i'm the only person that take it seriously, but i guess we supposed to enjoy n appreciate LOVE...its true there's a lot of love story with good ending....but also a lot with bad ending...
salah siape? |
but everyone deserve to have good relationship till the end,it depends on us,right?no one force us to have love,it just us....but,some cases-the parents become the reason for marriage/relationship failure...
however i just hope i will have 'love' till the end of my life....
some1 to share, to love, to be my friend,my partner, to be my ear,my eye,my hand......
i just want to be happy....
romantik.... |
where's is the love?
Monday, May 30, 2011
perhubungan yg x direstui....
huhu...mne de hbungan yg xde hlngan n mslh....nothing so simple..the truth is,never let go easily..just go with da flow, as long as u dont mess up wif other people...hbungan kiter byk mslh kn syg?tiap2 mgu mesti mtk ptus...spe yg mtk?hehe....syg la<<means ME!!.....abg je yg sbar tman ayg...tq n credit 4 Bella-sepupu aku...ko ibarat CUPID kot...haha...syg time abg pon cz xnk gdo ngan Bella dlu..hehe...stlah byk liku rnjau,akhirnye kiter brstu gak..hehe..cintamu mekar di hati.....mekar cam bunga ros putih...hehe...i like!!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
16.10.07-segalanya bermula....Jangan terlalu benci kt org....
rxz ksygan abg....MR7259 |
how we meet each other...
erm...kter mule2 jmper kt Restoran Fatin Suraya-tempat keja syg time semester break....abg ngah kapel ngan Fatin Suraya-anak tauke ayg...kite gadoh jer sokmo...abg pgl ayg 'ain ring pe kok'-cam dlm muqaddam tue...nk ayg amik order la,xnk org len...tber2 1 ari tue abg kc ayg bunga tisu..kaler pink,dpn ayah fatin suraya n Nano-mmber abg...ayg igt abg main2kn ayg,tp x...,ayg smpn,tp last2 kna buang dek sper tah...ayg syg sgt bunga tue...time besday abg,ayg conteng kt tisu,kbtulan de order air kosong,ayg trus antar air n tisu tue..nk wish sndiri segan r,musuh ktekn...tue pon Bila-sepupu ayg yg kctau..pdhal bru pas gdoh,tber2 ayg wish besday plak...tber2 abg ilang,rpe2nyer keja kt tganu....lmer xjmper...ayg blik uitm jgka...tup tap,kiter jmpe time raye...syawal ke3,thun 2007...kbutln la sgt2 ayg n bila bru blik brye umah k.shima n mat n fatin,nk pi beli bhun kt kdai uncle...abg ngah lpak kt bus stand ngan mmber2...tber2..OIT AIN!!!kerek skrg....hehehe..lbh kurang cmtu r abg pgl....tah xbper igt,sowy...ayg ckp pehal,pstu kter jmpe jp kt bus stand,ayg ajk r dtg rye umah...abg dtg ngan geng2 abg,trmsuk JEMAN-mamat yg ayg suker..hehhe...dh nk blik,ayg buat2 r tnye nper ptus ngan fatin,abg ckp xdgr...senyum....ckp nk no ayg...xmalu..hehehe..ayg ckp meh r cni...abg wat selmber jer dpn bila n mak ayg,ckp nk no ayg,ayg pon kc la...hehhe...pastu???malam tue gak abg mtk kapel...first sms abg-akum ni no choli..pstu,lmer xjmpe,mkin cantik la awk....hahahhaha...cinte pon mule berputik....(cm pictre bwh)
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