Sunday, December 31, 2006
So I'm driving to mom's house today and I see all these flags at half-mast. Who are those for? I wondered. James Brown? Saddam? And then I remembered President Ford.
Speaking of Saddam's death, I saw a slide show available on MSNBC (did NOT click on it). I saw a picture of Saddam + noose on the cover of a paper at mom's. I'm sure it's on TV, too. I mean, c'mon people. I must say, I got a small measure of satisfaction over reports of his defiance. I'm no fan of Saddam Hussein, but it's a drag they turned his death into a media carnival. I'm glad he was belligerent 'til the end.
In other random news, the kids all wanted to go outside the other day. They started running out, and I yelled, "Wait! We'll all go out together!" Then I belted out "Yes, we will allllllllll go ouuuuuuut together..." (a la Billy Joel's "Goodnight Saigon.") I felt like such a cool ba'al teshuva mom, but nobody was around to hear me. At least, nobody who'd get the joke.
Today I took the kids to Publix, and they needed to use the bathroom. With Zalman in my hip carrier, I proceeded to use the potty, too. I'm usually very successful with the toilet/baby maneuver, but not this time. My skirt got in the pishy toilet. So fun.
And speaking of Zalman, he's 6 months old and on the verge of crawling. He rocks on his hands and knees and sorta swims around the room. He makes all these great squealing noises. Yaakov noted that he sounded like the whale mothership from Star Trek IV. I agreed. When I took him to the pediatrician, the doctor asked me what kinds of sounds he was making. I gave him Yaakov's assessment. "Really?" he said. "I like Star Trek, but I never saw that one. Then he proceeded to make all kinds of whale sounds at the baby. I love him.
I have guests coming (in t-minus 10 days) and I haven't done much. I did try to buy towels at Wal-Mart for them. They were very soft - Egyptian cotton. I put them in the washing machine and one of them shedded (shed?). The moral of the story? Caveat Emptor - at least, at Wal-Mart.
Wishing y'all a great 2007.
Friday, December 29, 2006
The Rebbe gave a sicha once explaining klipah.* Why is the Jew so attracted to it? The Rebbe explained that the klipah purposely makes itself appealing to the Jew. For when the Jew acknowledges the klipah, he gives it tremendous chayes**. The klipah then thrives on this holy Jewish energy.
Which leads me to my problem:
There's a
Of course, the building is all dolled up. It has an electronic sign describing its famous bachelor parties. It has big balloons streaming from the roof (and, lately, Santa and his entourage). The kids all oooh and ahhh over it when we pass. They fix their precious eyes on the lights and balloons, giving the klipah way more than it deserves. I hate that part the most.
I wish it would just go away.
* loosely translated as unholiness or evil.
** life-force
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
I just told Yaakov some crazy secrets. Like, 5 secrets I've never revealed to anybody. It was so liberating.
Thank you, Yaakov, for always being able to lovingly "grok" all my hairy-scary stuff.
I love you.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Whenever I order from Amazon, they send me an email recommending other books I might like. "We notice customers who expressed interest in ... have also purchased ..." They remind me of recent books I've looked at. It creeps me out.
When they send their "buy stuff" emails, I usually ignore them. Look, Amazon, just because I ordered a self-help book doesn't mean I want 6 more. But today I got a recommendation that rocked my world. I really want this book! It's 36 bucks - oy.
Anyway, thanks to Amazon's tracking system, I got a list of subjects that Yaakov and I have either browsed or purchased from.