Sunday, February 19, 2012

We Leave Thursday!

Wow, a busy week. Valentine's Day was fun. We all had a great time. We have been getting ready to go to Ethiopia. The funnest thing we did was put together a photo album for the boys. I have a page for each kid and our friends wrote their names in Amharic for Daniel to read. They also wrote him a sweet letter telling him he would come to America soon. It is awesome. I can't believe we are going to meet them this weekend. We are so excited. I am also so relieved that Shiloh is coming and she is coming the night before we leave so we can see Addy-Lee. Thanks to Scott for driving her up early. I can't wait to let everyone know how it goes. Until then...

We had a fun Valentine's Day. Filled with teats and fun for all.

James bought this for me to match my other painting he bought me for Christmas. I love them. They are in matching frames in my living room.

He also bought me this little tree. It's an Azalea. I hope I can keep it alive. It is so pretty.

Josh received 4 awards ro this last semester. 1 - 4.o, 2 - Heart of Garry Award, 3 - Ambassador of Peace Award, and 4 - Elective Super Star for Wood Shop. Super Job Josh!!!!

Cut Pics Shiloh sent me of Addy

Sunday, February 12, 2012

1 1/2 weeks to go

Well, things are moving. I have deep cleaned the house - why? - I don't know. I guess I want to leave with the feeling that I left the house clean. We have figured out how to do the living will and trust, we're just trying to be responsible, and this week we'll write it all up. We figured out the power adapter we need to get, I ordered my melaluca shampoo - yes, to repel lice. I went to the dentist and got a crown on my wisdom tooth which my dentist informed me he could count the number of crowns he's done on wisdom teeth on one hand. I feel special. I also picked up our prescriptions for the trip and the extra first aid things we may need plus 10 tubes of neosporin to leave with the foster home. Apparently that is a hot commodity there. I have all my T's crossed as far as church and school go and I went grocery shopping so the kids won't have to. I also hit the quarter sale just for fun. Haircuts were given on Saturday except for James who said he was just too tired to get one, which I thought was ironic considering I had just given 10 kids haircuts. :> Maybe he was just afraid I was fried and wouldn't put my best effort into it! The highlight of the week as far as preparing to go, was eating at the Ethiopian restaurant. James was relieved since he ate a lot of African food on his mission. It was very good and very filling. I forgot my camera so I don't have a picture of it. We ate with our hands as is tradition and well, they didn't offer silverware. We ate there Friday night and my hand still smelled like curry Saturday night. We brought some bread home for the kids to try and they thought it tasted like stuffing or crutons. Anyway, they serve it on a platter in a flat basket. It was very authentic and now we will know what we're eating while in Ethiopia. It was fun. Here are a few pictures from the week.

I asked the kids to put the groceries in the basement. They left things on the floor towards the back and created this trail of groceries that made it's way almost to the stairs. It took me forever to put it all away!

Levi and Ali made these Blue's Clues chocolates while I was at the dentist.

A wild game of Snorta

Shauna explaining her phone to Levi - or quite possibly, the other way around.

Monday, February 6, 2012

2 1/2 weeks to go

Wow! That's really all I can say. We are leaving in 2 1/2 weeks and I am a bit in a panic mode. There is so much to do! I think I have all my documents in place to take with us - 68 sheets of paper! I have been dreaming that I lose one of them! James and I had to get shots. Yellow fever, typhoid, hep A and B, and a polio booster. OUCH! And ouch to the bank account. For most of the above mentioned shots you can only get them from the health clinic - as those of you with missionaries have experienced. I am SO glad Shane was up to date on everything and only needed the weird ones. Shiloh is coming to stay with the kids and all are very excited. I am sad we will miss that time with Addy, but we are going to drive them home so I'll get 8 hours in the back seat with her! :) Well all is well and exciting at our house. We love you Shane.

More basketball. James went to their last games and he came home more impressed with their sportsmanship and team leadership. Neither one of them are team captains because Becca was in volleyball and Katie is only a 5th grader. But, James said that they were both the leader and glue of their teams and that Becca was very building and positive with her players. Way to go girls.

The photographer of the pics.